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European J/jTQ /Vf/yvyrM H I Noted for its Restaurants. Natural Headquarters for the ...Washington Park Club... SPEriAL. Rates Dceing Within One Block of Best Tbanspokta- . . . Racing Season . . . tion to all Race Tracks in the City. ALBERT S. GAGE, PROPRIETOR. The Perfection.... OF HIGH GRADE WHISKEY Old Underoof Rye Matured in Heavily Charred OLD, pure, Oak Barrels in Warm Storage. RICH IN flavor. Chas. Dennehy and Company, ....CHICAGO.... 5 O. G. OLSON CO., ...HIGH CLASS... IMPORTERS AND TAILORS, 42 Monroe Street, Palmer House, Chicago. ...JUST RCCCIVC D.... Fine Fnglish Novelties Specially Selected for the RACING SEASON and the DERBY. STYLE AND WORKMANSHIP THE VERY LATEST AND BEST. e •1 J 1 " "™ A • American ..Horse Exchanges.. Vearling Sales . ...OCCUR ON JULY 4th ....AND INCLUDE.... All tbe Leading Studs in America F. M. WARE, TREASURER, MANAGER, AUCTIONEER. t a ° " oAY ! ! ! do you know? S0JII SUHIJIIERFIELD is president oFTHEDEaRSORHTfllLOBIHGCO., 102 EAST MADISON STREET. Suits From 5.00 Up Trousers .00 Up THE HORSEMENS FAVORITE ROUTE BETWEEN CHICAGO ..and.. ST. LOUIS And All Points Shown in the Above Map. The Route of "THE ALTON LIMITED" The Handsomest Train in the World. Citt Chicago, 1A1 A j ~, Ticket lUl AdamSSt. K- Somkbvii.i„, Office gen.aqt. pas. on