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MAY AND OTHER FORM BOOKS. ? May books of Form Charts in paper cover are on sale. They contain all the Form Charts of all tracks from May 1 to May 31, inclusive Price SI .00. TWO GRRND SPECIALS TODAY we have two real good things for turf followers at good odds. Reliable information o these. Getaway day FRIDAY at HARLEM a great chance at 20 to 1 and sure winner bar-*iag accidents. Ready or wired at 10 a. m. .OO DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 2 -GRAND SPECIALS-9 Teday at Harlem— good odds. Get our getaway day GOOD THING AT HARLEM FRIDAY. This horse will be 15 to 1 and will win 2 BARRING ACCIDENTS. p Specials at Washington V ark Saturday " .00 DAILY, .00 THREE DAYS. Wired anywhere 10 a.m. GARDEN CITY INFORMATION BUREAU, Room 506, Inter Ocean Bldg, Chicago. WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOOD . STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Friday Night Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB Sam Summerfield, SSfiSSt C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. ....CARD FOR JUNE 22, 1900.... Sig Hart, Chicago, vs Teddy Evans, Australia. 110. Pat Hogan, Buffalo, vs. Dick Fitzpatrick. •Chicago, 118. Tom Shrosbree, Chicago, vs. Mat Drees, Chicago, 133. Ole Olson, Chicago, vs. Larry Gleason, Chicago, 130. WIND-UP EDDIE GARDNER Challenger of the world in the 126 pound class vs. ELWOOD MCLOSKEY The only man who ever beat •Champion Terry McGovern -at his own game of in-fighting. 100 Betting Rules . Few ever Etudy betting, hence few win, III luck is due to ignorance of principles of speculation. Success is impossible as most play. Address " The Speculative Arena," 106 Franklin Street, Phone Main 3043. ....Chicago. ...LEXINGTON... 22ND STREET AND MICHIGAN BOULEVARD, Chicago.... High Class Transit and BesNiential Hotel. Absolutely Tirerxoof. Convenient to Transportation for all Race Tracks. Send for Souvenir Booklet and Terms. Geo. B. Ross, Prop. Most All Well Dressed People Wear... gand -rT jJ Why Dont You? A-.00, .00 and .00 ...SOLD IN CHICAGO ONLY BY... DeMuth and CO., 109 and 217-219 State St.