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i , I , . GOSSIP OK THE TURF. A meeMng of the stewards of the Jockey Club was held Wednesday morning. August Belmont, James Galway. F. R. Hitchcock and Andrew Miller were present. James Galway was appointed steward to represent the Jockey Club at the Coney Island Jockey Club autumn meeting. On the recommendation of the -tewards of • the Brighton Beach Racing Association the suspension ■ of "Clem" Jenkins, the jockey, was continued indefinitely. On the recommendation of the executive com-mitteof ■ the National Steeplechase and Hunt ; Association the following horses were reinstated for steeplechase and hurdle races: Ben Bolt. Lady Linden. Jimmy James, Musketeer, . Hopeful and Bookie. The treasurer was authorized to pay the bills for burial expenses of Clark Shaw, the trainer. . and Tony Brown, the exercise boy. amounting OONTINDau OU BttOOND PAGE. GOSSIP OF THE TURF. Continued from First Page. to 5 and 6 respectively, and to charge the same to the Jockey Club general fund. R. Williams, the jockey, was granted a license for the remainder of the season. The Brighton Beach meeting of twenty-nine racing days proved-very profitable to several owners of thoroughbreds, especially the Keenes. Those who won ,000 or over were : J.R.Keene 6,559 E. F. Simms ,873 P. Belmont 12,615 WestmreandMeehnl,780 A. L. Aste 11,586 F. Frisbie and Co ... 1.775 J. R. andF. P. Keene. 10,883 A.Belmont 1,758 The Pepper Stable.6,210 W. H. Sands 1,684 F. D. Beard 5,834 F. R. Hitchcock. . 1.625 C. Littlerield Jr .5,333 W. L. Oliver 1,618 S. C. Hildreth 5,120 John Daly 1,570 W.C.Daly 4.844 Oneck Stable 1,539 W. M. Barrick 4,522 M. L. Hayman.... 1,462 M. Murphv 4.124 A. Featherstone . 1.457 P. Lorillard 4,115 W.C.Rollins 1,433 Mrs. S. C. Hildreth4.028 Turney Bros 1,399 : W, Lakeland 3,939 Rogers and Rose . . . .1,396 F. M. Taylor 3,681 W. C. Whitney .. ..1,368 j HarnessandBrossmn3.354 G.E.Smith. . .1,318 C. T. Patterson 3,196 J. H. McAvoy ACo 1,315 W. 1. Kilpatrick . . .3.067 C.Fleischmu Sonsl.264 G.B Morris 3,109 James Gal way. . ..1,252 E. L. Graves 2,890 J. L. Holland 1,202 J. P. Martin 2.302 Mr. Chamblett ....1.195 • W. F. Presrave. 2,124 T.M.Sloan 1,168 I R. T. Wilson, Jr .2,092 R. H. Loud 1,165 » L. Elmore 3.136 J.UnderwoodandCo.l.l65 » J.E. McDonsld .2,007 JohnsonandDuniay .1,150 Osceola Stable.... 1,886 P. H. Hume 1,140 A. J. Joyner was at the Rancocas Stock Farm i on Sunday and saw Parole roaming about in . the yearling pasture. He says the old gelding • looks wonderfully well, considering liis great ! age, and he spends his time in herding up the , yearlings and keeping the ugly tempered ones ! away from the others. Parole is now twenty -seven - years old. — New York Sun. J. Donovan has purchased Hansborough, a three-year-old chestnut gelding by Hanover— Philura from L. Elmore for 00. He expects to win him out on the Canadian circuit.