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JULY AND OTHER FORM BOOKS. July books of Form Charts in paper cover arc on Bale. They contain all the Form Chart* i of all tracks from July 1 to July 28, inclusive. Price 00. AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1900 contains - all racing records at large, revised and i 1 complete up to the end of 1899 ; four handicapping systems with directions for their practical 1 application, a table showing how to compute s bookmaking percentages, track records of all 1 the recognized tracks of the country, the western " and eastern scales of weights, tables showing . the comparative speed of tracks, a complete , 9 list of pugilistic contests of 1899 of any consequence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2 :15 trotters of 1899, Also a complete record of performances at all 1 , styles of billiards, together with scores of all 1 the important matches and tournaments of 1899 p ~~ I JUST OUT!! J Something entirely diBer- T~h f ent from the old methods. Has won on every track HORSE- this season! It takes a smaller amount of capital, SENSE" and shows larger orofits than any of the 40 odd s y D e ui ,- which the writer has stud ied. By Mail Oat Hollar. TEL. INK. SYNDICATE v 1 75 5th Ave , N. Y. 10-1 First Race Imnnrrv 15-1 Seventh Race| luilrll Good as SATIN COAT, 10-1. You cant beat the races without the right information. We are the leaders iu securin* same. Ready 10 a. m. .OO DAILY. 00 WEEKLY. Garden City information Bureau, Room 506, Inter Ocean Building, Chicago. SATIN COAT 10-1 As advertised Friday. Dont pay your money out for bad pointers that will break anybody. 3 Grand Specials Saturday. One as good as 8 to 1. Three winners today or money refunded. Wired anywhere at 9 a.m. Second race Monday 30 to 1 cinch. Race Track information Bureau. 8UITE 500, 263 DEARBORN STREET, ....CHICAGO... TERMS, ,00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY.