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WINDSOR FORM CHART. WINDSOR. 0 ~T., August lO.— Seventeenth day. Summer Meeting. Windsor Jockey Club. Weather clear ; track fast. Presidium Judge. M. X. Macfarlan. Starter. J. J. Holtman. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. -a ~W k 1 6* FIRST RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St H. X~X 8trFin~J"ockeys Owners O H L C MWTTUB DAUPHIN 5 119 6 P P 1»* U i-i Williams M Feeney 15 50 15 50 19801 DOC FARRISH 3 1C7 5 22 2 3 V » Xelson J W Pangle 8 15 8 15 MM EASTER LIM 3 ICO 3 6* 6 2»k 2* 3i J Martin J Xixon and Co 2 2 2 2 197- 8*BETLEV B. 4 119 1 5" 5i 5* 41 4:i H Wilson THBlackburuandCo3 4 3 4 19903 THE TOR 5 124 2 41*314 4* V- "- Flint H B Bowie 6 6 3 3 19S70*ROUND O. I 102 4 3 4» 6 6 6- Miller W H Laird 3 5 3 4 19870 STRXTHBROECK3 110 7 7 7 7 7 7 Taylor CromwellAD dson8 IS I 12 Tim". 13, 854, 5C*. 1:03*. 1:16;, I :29i, 1 :43i. Winner— Br. h. bv Tenny— Ail.en Aroon. Went to post .it 2:30. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily ; second driving. The Dmpuin came to his speed suddenly and won ;ill tlie way. His race was a much improved one ovr his last essa . Doc Farrish hung on gamely to the end. Easter Lily did not show any high speed and she swerved near the eighth post. Round O. was cut off near the three-furlong The Dauphin, place. 15 to 1: show, 5 to 1. Doc Farrish, place, 5 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Easter Lily, place. 7 to 10 : show. out. Bentley B.. place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Round O.. place, 6 to 5 ; show, 3 to ■". The Tory, place, evens: show, 1 to 2. 1 i 1 / ♦ SECOXD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse S250 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses ~ A Wt St l*, /g % StrFin Jockeys Owners O 5 L C 19614 tGLDEN HAKVESTllO 1 3* S* tM li ERbertson Watkins and. Co 8-5 24 8-5 24 19834IBATTUS 110 2 1" 1 1- 8* Vititoe Mrs P M Civill 4-5 4-5 3-5 3-5 195"° MAY CHERRY 102 6 41 4 3i 32 J Hicks FBaumheckel feCo4 6 4 6 196U SYNCOP AT. SANDY 102 4 2U M 4- 41 Williams S M Irons 6 15 6 12 19869 MATT1E BAIN 98 5 5" 5* i » a-" Ballentine C OConnor and Co 50 100 40 60 19869 MADELINE G. 98 I 6» 6- 6i"6i"Kane Mannion A Conll*20 100 20 100 YGNES CLAIR 105 7 7 7 7 7 F Russell Mannion AConll*20 100 20 100 ♦Coupled in betting. Time. 12, 24, 501. 1 :0H. 1 :0S4. Winner— B :. by Free Knight-Zella. Went to post at 1 :5" . At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving ; second easily. Golden Harvest was well ridden and won in a fierce drive from Battus. who showed the most speed early but weakened at the end. May Cherry had the others beaten for third money easily. Syncopated Sandy showed early speed, hut stopped badly in the last quarter. Scratched-19064 Erema. 105. Golden Harvest, place. 1 to 2; show. out. Battus, place, out. May Cherry, show, 1 to 2. -• rff v -| rT THIRD RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. lUVll 1 Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St St H. hi X. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1%38 POSSUM 5 110 5 6 6 5 31 3U It Miller E F Smith and Co 6 7 6 7 19835 BEQUEATH 5 107 6 514 3" 2h 12 li 8« Giveos R E Watkins 24 24 24 24 19903 SLSHER 5 110 3 2* li 1« 2 24 3" Xelson John Smith 5 8 5 8 19726 FLVMMARl N 5 110 4 41 4" 4*« 5* 4- 4* Post P Fagin 8 8 5 5 19900 FULL DRESS 4 105 1 14 V 33 44 r; S» H Wilson J C Milam 2 4 2 34 19421 D CLRKXt 106 110 2 3" M 6"" 6 €• 6 Taylor CHakandSons 15 15 8 8 19730 DEMOSTH N S6 107 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Flint J Southwood 6 12 6 10 Time. 24, IQ. 1:16.1 :434. 1 :56. Winuer— Br. h. by Badge— Actress. Went to post at 3:25. Off at the first break to a good start. Won driving; second the same. Possum was well ridden by Miller who stole up on the inside suddenly and won in a furious ■drive. The boy on Bequeath went to the front with his mount under restraint and seemed to be in a trance in the stretch. He sbonld have won sure. Slasher ran a much improved race. Flam-tnariou was cut off near the finish when she was closing very fast. 8cracched-1989SMeggs. 107. Possum, place. 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Bequeath, place evens; show, 1 to 2. Slasher, 6how, 3 to 2. Full Dress, place. 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. -| rv/-i 4 FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. iy,!lO Allowances. U Horees A Wt St %, S % lltrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19873-EXPELLED 3 100 3 I" 1« 1* 1" Nelson M J Maloney 3 34 3 3 19799UUN AETTA 4 102 1 3" 3h 4- 21 ERobertsnW Mclnerney 8-5 9-5 8-5 8-5 19874XUMBERLAXD 4 104 6 442 M 31 Miller W H Laird 5 6 5 6 19901 R Q BAN 9 107 2 21* 2* 24 41 4 Flint J C Mitchell 4 7 4 7 19731 NETTIE REGENTS 88 5 54 M 34 ?■• Hicks K P Shipp 6 12 6 10 19060 LORD FRAZER 5 97 4 61" 6* S* 6 C Murphy Grimsley and Co 30 100 30 50 19803 FAIR DECEIVER 5 102 8 8 7 7 7 Vititoe C R McLean 3 6 3 6 18364 ESTILL 3 99 9 9 9 8 8 H Wilson T H Blackburn 20 20 12 15 19873 VOYAGEUR 5 97 7 7 8 9 9 J Coakley Forsythe A Lion 60 1C0 40 100 Time, 244, 484, 1:14. 1:20;. Winner— B c. by Knight of Ellerslie -Banishment. Went to post at 1 :50. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving : second the same. The first five ran in a bnnch for the first six furlongs and were fighting it out hard at the end. Expelled barely showed his nose in front at the finish. Robertson, on Jnnaetta, turned wide into the stretch, .osing the race by doing so. Miller rode a good race on Northumberland. He was cut off in the stretch. Nettie Regent is rounding to and will do soon. She ran a good race. Overwei-hts— Estill. 2 pounds. Expeliea. place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Janaetta, place. 3 to 5; show, out. Northumberland, show, evens. 1 i-d "| FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St St % % StrFin Jockeys" Owners O H L C 19657 -OUTBURST 3 105 4 • .» 24 2:! 1*k 1 1** J Hicks E T Graves 4 44 4 44 19903 J. GAM MAGE 4 110 2 4i *■« S* 31 24 » J Martin J F Holt 3 34 3 34 19837ELLSMERE 7 107 6 04 66- S* 41 3i Murray Elliott A Babcoek 3 3 3 3 1Q837-JIM CONWAY 6 107 5 5 5- 3» 4- 5" 4* Stevens E Bertonniere 3 4 3 4 14900-:OLIVEORDER3 100 1 1" 12 1 • 21 4 3 5» J Coakley Mrs L D Gray 3 6 3 5 198;0-MISS HUDSONS 100 3 Si 8»i 4" 6»» • • 6»» H Wilton F P Kidd 8 12 § 12 19833 ALBERT R 3 102 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 C Murphy J Ralston 8 20 8 20 Time. 2. St, 1:1.. 1:43. 1:554. Winner— Cii. c. bv Donatello— Lady Rossir.gton. Went to p- -t at 4:20. Off at the first break to a good start. Won driving; second ea-ily. Outburst rau ■ good race, but only lasted long enough, as Joe Gammage was coming strongly at the finish. EUsmere would have been closer up if he had a stronger rider up. Olive Order tired and stopped badly at the finish. Scratched -19*15 George B. Cox. 110; 19902 Covington Ky.. 107. Outburst, place. 8 to 5; show. 4 to 5. Joe Gammage. place. 6 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Ellsmere. ehow, 4 to I. Jim Conway, place, 6 to r ; show. 3 to ".. 1 CW-*/ SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year olds and upward. Selling. ~ Ind Horses A Wt St h. A4 StrFln~Jockeys Owners O H L C 19HJ4WLO!5 5 109 7 81 614 4**11 Silvers F A Pope 4 4 4 4 19691-ED ROTH 4 112 5 1 li* 1* 24 H Wilson T H Blackburn 6 15 6 15 1J836 EARL FONSO 5 109 8 74 54 Mi 3 Murray Dolan and Rivard 4 8 4 8 19838 PRCE OF 1NDIA6 112 1 J" 4i 24 4" Miller B Hums 4 4 4 4 19835. B. G. FOX 4 112 6 9 8 7 SI 4 Post J Cramer 6 10 6 8 19838 HKE FONSO 4 107 8 bH 3" 3» 61 J Martin J C Milam 4 6 4 6 19801 VLVA II. 3 102 11 11 10 9 7 Givens J N Miller A-Co 30 100 30 60 19901 TENOLE 6 109 3 4« 7 8 8 ERobertsonJ Kennedy 2 24 2 11-5 , 19833 DIV RTISSEM NT 3 105 10 10 11 10 9 Vititoe G W Innes and Co 10 30 10 20 l*833 FLY LOTTA I 100 2 2" 2" 64 10 Hicks J C Mitchell 10 30 10 20 198X4* FLORA DANIELS3 100 4 31 9 11 11 Nelson B T Hume and Co 10 20 10 15 Time. 12,244,49.. 1:02. 1:15. Winuer— B. g. bv Coriolanus-Freddie. Went to post at 4 :45. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; BBcond driving. Flop 1 trailed along until the stretch was reached, where he came away with a rush. Ed Roth showed [ plenty of speed today and rau a good race. Earl Fonso was slow to get on his stride, but finished [ strongly Tenole was cut off and knocked out of the race. Flora Daniels tired and quit badly. Scratched-i 19765Dousterswivel. 112: 19765- Melody. 107; 19726Insurrection. 100. Flop, place, 3 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. Ed Roth place. 6 to 1 ; show. 3 to 1. Earl Fonso, place, 3 to 1 ; ; show 3 to 2. Prince «f India, place, 8 to 5 : show, 4 to 5. Tenole, place, 4 to 5 ; show, ont.