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, 1 [ [ ; HIGHLAND PARK FORM CHART. DETROIT, MICH., August 10.— Fourteenth day. Summer Meeting. Highland Park Club. Weather clear: track fast. Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. -|QfcrT FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St fc !4 % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C~ 19866*MISS AL FRROW6 107 2 41 5- 41 1» E Ross Strobel and Miller 1 6-5 1 6-5 19*63 SALVADO 6 1134 5 5*« 4» 3»* 2ii Powers W H Ketchiman 2 11-52 11-5 19863 REY SALAZAR 5 109 3 V V 1U 3» McQuade H McCarren Jr 6 8 6 7 19831 DESCUBRIDORA 3 100 1 1 ! ■ 24 4* J Daly C Scanlan 10 JO 10 15 19725 LOT. SHEVILLE 3 100 4 3*« 31 5* 51 Landry F Reagan 20 30 20 30 19863 GIVE AND TAKE 3 107 7 6" 6 6 61 Brewer E J Shipsey 30 100 20 100 19895 DEIST 4 109 9 9 7 7 7 Irven D Stephens 10 15 10 12 19762 MARCH PAST 3 100 6 7X88 Castro A Brown and Co 10 20 10 15 19897 CAVOTTE 4 107 8 8 9 9 9 Hothersall H J Newman 20 30 20 20 Time. 234.48. 1:141. Winner— Ch, m, by Al Farrow— Fanny Gaines. Went to post at 2:49. At post 11 minutes. Start fair. Won all out; second handily. Miss Al Farrow came through fast on the rail and fought it out closely witli Salvado. She only got up in the last few strides. Salvado hung when it came to a drive. Rey Salazar, as usual, quit when strongly challenged. McQuade made his run too soon. Descubridora showed early speed. Deist was as good as left. Overweights— Salvade, li pounds. Miss Al Farrow, place, 1 to 2: show, out. Salvado. place. 4 to 5 ; bIiow, out. Rey Salazar, show, evens. 1 OflfciO SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Maidens. l*;l»l50 Selling. Ind "Horses A Wt St % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19828 SlROlSTER 100 3 32 2* P V Coburn J A Sykes 3 4 3 16-5 19828 VIRGINIA T. 103 4 .i-i 5" 3" 2* Landry L Smitha 24 24 2 11-5 19828 PRINCE OF SONG 1014 5 41 3 i« 3: Castro M Cady and Co 3 4 3 4 19828-TEMPT 97 1 V 1» 14 P« LThomps nF D Weir 2 2 9-5 9-5 19893 GLESSEG 97 6 34 4« V » J Daly S P Harlan 20 30 20 20 19259 ROSE BIRD 1074 2 ei 6 6 6-" H Brown E Moore 20 40 20 30 MED. CHEATHAM 1014 7 7 7 7 7 Ryan F Bruhns and Co 10 20 10 15 Time, 244, 49., 1:09.. Winner— B. c, by Sir Mod red— Cloister. Went to Liost at 3 :34. At post 3 minutes. Start fair. Won easily ; second all out. Siroister was much the best. Coburn had him under a pull for the first half and he went to the front without an effort when he let him down and won drawing away. Virginia T. and Prince of Song made a close finish. The latter was coming the stronger of the pair at the end and would have been second in a few more strides. Tempt showed much early speed and got away running but almost stopped to a walk. Medora Cheatham was green at the post and as good as left. Overweights — Prince of Song, 14 pounds ; Rose Bird, 14 ; Medora Cheatham, 14. Siroister, place, evens; show, 2 to 5. Virginia T., place. 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Prince of Song, show, 2 to 3. Tempt, place, 3 to 5; show, out. lOOOO THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ~ Ind Horses A Wt 8t % K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 197753SIR FLORIAN 4 100 1 4i 4-! 4** 3* V J Daly F Reagan 3 4 3 4 19896-iFESSY F 6 98 3 1* I* 13 1 2- Irven D Stephens 2 11-58-5 8 19E00 HIGHD PRINCE 4 103 4 6 5- 5» 51 3** McQuade H McCarren Jr 3 4 24 3 19832ICE DROP 3 914 2 24 2" 2H 2i 4 ■• LThompsnJ Dyment 24 3 11-524 19866 ELEVEN BELLS 3 90 6 H 31 31 4 * 5" A Weber A Brown and Co 5 12 5 10 19863 VIOLA K. 4 100 5 5« 6 6 6 6 Landry MrsMCLylesandCo 6 15 6 15 Time. 25. 494. l:15i, 1:42.. Winner— Ch. g, by St. Florian— Prosperity. Went to post at 4 :06. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won driving ; second easily. Sir Florian showed improvement and came away in the last sixteenth under pressure. Fessy F. was made too much use of and tired in the Btretch. Ice Drop was done after running three-quarters. Thompson quit riding near the end and lost third place thereby. Highland Prince was going strongest of the lot at the end. Overweights — Ice Drop, 14 pounds. Sir Florian, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. Fessy F.. place. 4 to 5 ; show, out. Highland Prince, show, 1 to 2. Ice Drop, place, evens ■ show, 2 to 5. 1 OOQfl FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ~ Ind Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys OwnerB O H L C 19865-IXTEXT 3 100 1 li II 1 1« Landry H L Johnson 6-5 9-5 6-5 9-5 19866MOMEXTUM 5 1134 4 6" 4 SI 2* Powers W H Barrett 2 24 2 11-5 19832 CL1PSETTA 3 100 3 54 31 24 3" Wonderly F D Weir 6 7 6 6 19827 SACKHEX 3 100 6 31 24 41 4** Coburn W McKay and Co 9-5 2 9-5 2 19895 IX FELICE 6 107 2 4h 6b 5* 51 Castro R Moore 15 30 12 20 19671VINT 3 100 7 7 7 6 6 LThompsnX Dyment 15 30 12 20 DOMINIE 4 109 5 2» 5" 7 7 Stewart W Dewston 15 30 12 20 Time, 23.. 484. 1:144. Winner— B. f, by Inspector B.— Xettie Kent. Went to post at 4 :35. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Intent was never in trouble. She outbroke and outran her field all the way. Momentum was cut off on the backstretch and had to go all around his field. He got second place in the last stride. Clip-setta huug when it came to a drive. Sackhen, as usual, quit. Vint got away all tangled up. Overweights— Momentum, 14 pounds. Intent, place, 3 to 5 ; show, out. Momentum, place, 4 to 5 ; show. out. Clipsetta. show, evens. Sackheu. place. 4 to 5; show, out. 1 QOQ1 FIFTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. All Ages. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St Vt X StrFTn~~Jockeys Owners O H L C 198292 FON EDA 3 98 3 41 3- 33 1h LThompsnL Smitha 2 11-58-5 2 1983CTERMINUS 2 80 1 2« 22 1« 2* J Daly F Bruhns 6 7 6 6 1 T9827OUR LIZZIE 5 105 2 31 4« 42 3** C Wilson G Hendrie 3 3 3 3 I9829ZAN0NE 7 108 4 Ink Ink 21 4-, E Ross E Moore 1 7-5 1 6-5 19778iRYAL STERLING3 103 5 5 5 5 5 Coburn SW Street 10 20 10 15 Time. 23.. 48. 1:11. 1:21. Wiuuer— Br. f. by Kingston— Ragna. Went to post at 5 :18. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won in a drive: second easily. Foneda and Terminus bad a hard struggle all throughout the last eighth and Thompson outfinished Daly. He had the latter pinned in on the rail so he could not use his whip. With a stronger finish Terminus would have won. Our Lizzie had a rough journey. She was cut off on the back-stretch and again at the home turn. She stumbled at the latter point. Zanone was on the outside. Terminus raced him iuto exhaustion and he quit. Overweight: — Zanone. 1 pound. Foneda. place. 3 to 5 : show, out. Terminus, place. 2 to 1 ; show, 4 to 5. Our Lizzie, place, evens: show. out. Zanone. place, out. 1 OOO SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. 1 «/ » / O *-* Allowances. Ind Horses ~ A Wt St M % X StrFin Jockeys Owner O H L C 19892SAUCE BOAT 3 92 1 41 31 31 14 A Weber A Mrown fc Co 24 84 8-5 11-5 19892 GUN COTTON 3 94 7 71 7* M 21 LThompsnT F Coles 5 6 5 6 19892 ZAZANENE 3 92 6 62 54 4" X" MLaughliuJ M Gallagher 10 10 10 10 198.i2-MOUND BUILD R3 94 S 2U 2- 8" 4- J Hoar E I Shipsey 2 13-52 24 19263 KNOWLE 3 92 2 3»« 44 6i M Wonderly T Peltier 6 10 6 8 15847 EM1LE ZOLA 4 111 3 51 6-k 7 6i Coburn S W Street 2 2 2 2 19234 THE PEACH 1 109 9 9 9 8 7 Castro J Brinkman 15 30 12 20 19757 MARY KELLY 3 102 4 li 1- li 8 J Daly W H Ketchiman 15 20 12 15 19863 SAVE 5 109 8 8 8 9 9 McCoun J P Staderman 30 60 30 40 Time, 23., 49i, 1:154. Winner — B. f. by Quicklime — Satisfaction. Went to post at 5 :48. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won driving ; second the same. Sauce Boat was under a drive all through the stretch, but she was drawing away in the last twenty yards. Gun Cotton was slow to begin, worked his way through his field, and finished strongly. Zazanene had a rough rider up. She was bumping horses all through the race. With no inter- ference she might have won. Mary Kelly and Mound Builder were made too much use of and both tired. Emile Zola did not run his race. He was ridden all over the track. Scratched— Lady Montree, 102; 19723 Mountain Rose, 99. Sauce Boat, place, evens; show. 2 to 5 ; Gun Cotton, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Zazunenet show. 2 to 1. Mound Builder, place, evens, show, 2 to 5. Emile Zola, place evens ; show, 1 to 2.