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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAOO, ILLi August lO.— Fifth day. Harlem Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. W oather clear; track lent. Presiding Judge. A. W. Hamiltou. Starter. Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. | QQ/iyl FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. |75 to second ; 5 to third. _L«/*//TX" 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind Horses" A Wt St H V4 StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H L C ttT» SATIN COAT 108 3t 1" 21 2" 1* T Knight J B Respass 3 7 S 7 19804 PROPELLER 105 84 6H 4-« S !• Dupee Chinn and ForsytheC 6*4 19804 fFORKFORD 108 2! mi4 83 PMDermt E J Baldwin *24 3 24 3 19804 QALANTHUS 110 i« 3»« Si 4* 44 Tullett J Coffey 6 10 6 10 19875 HANSWl/RST 105 9 7* r«» W» 53 L Rose H T Griffin 12 15 12 15 19661 1CENI 105 4" 4m 7" 6»« 62 Buchanan P Dunne 3 4 3 4 19696 FAIRY PRINCE 102 7" 9 61 1* 1* Tally F B Van Meter 12 15 12 15 19661 EL PILOTO 18 1" 54 8- 8W 83 Alexander E J Baldwin *24 3 24 3 19471 JACK G. 1C2 6« 8* 9 9 9 Bassinger M T Miles 30 50 30 50 ♦Coupled in betting. Time, 12. 24*-,, 48, 1 l3*. 1 :15. Winner— Br. c, by Badge— Mattie Rapture. Went to pott at. 2:15. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won in a long drive of two ; third and fourth were doing their best. Satin Coat ran true to form and has the making of a good youngster. He was under terrific pressure through the last three furlongs and stood it like a racehorse should. Propeller had no excuses, fie was away well and was well ridden. Forkford iuit badly in the stretch after showing a lot of early speed. Hanswurst ran a fair race and Iceni a bad one. The latt r seems to be of little account. Satin Coat, place. 22 to 1 ; show, evens. Propeller, place. 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. The entry, show. 1 to 2. Iceni, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. QQ/"iK SECOND RACEiS Miles. Purse 00._ 5To~Mcond7 5tolhTrdi «/*"" O 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St H % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C ~ 19599 ADMETUS 6 111 3« 4 4 44 3" 3« l» 1" T Knight G W Poole and Co 4 4 34 34 19453 FOX BARD I 94 2« 21 3+ 4i 41 2W 23 Tally E B Kinder 20 20 15 15 198443BARTON 6 108 64 74 Wi 6*4 6" 31 33 Dupee Rold Bros 4 5 4 5 197353THE BOBBY 3 108 74 6« V V 7" 6* 44 Buchanan H J Grothe 4 6 4 6 19844 J. CAESAR 5 105 84 8»* 7" 5™ 51 £«« 5»« Tully M Godfrey and Co 10 20 10 20 19702 H. PRATHER4 100 l» 34 V 24 24 42 6 Moody John Arno 8 12 8 12 198C9 Y1NCENNES 4 102 9« 10 10 9- 8« 8- 7h Flick John Brenock 4 8 4 8 19843 HOSI 5 102 !"■ 1- 1" 1« l» 7» 84 N Hill Fries and Co 20 50 20 50 19702 JGE DENNY 7 109 5» 5™ 51 8™ 94 9 9r L Rose W A Pinkerton 24 3J« 24 34 15979 REFLECT 4 103 10 * 9 10 10 10 10 J Carter L Hart 60 150 60 150 Time, 13, 255, 51i, 1 :17, 1 :43. 1 :55J, 2:213s. Winner— B. g, by King Alfonso— Joppa. Went to post at 2:50. At post 8 minutes. Start fair. Won in a drive ; second and third were doing their best. Admetus should have won off by himself. The gelding was running well in hand below the eighth post, and Knight proceeded to take matters easily. This almost cost him the race, as when Knight let up on Admetus the gelding began to stop and Fox Bard coming with a rush almost nipped him. The latter stopped and came again in the stretch. Barton ran a fair race. The Bobby made up much ground in the last three furlongs. When Hosi stopped he stopped all over. Judge Denny will not do at present. Flick, who rode Vincennes, seemed to Bulk, and was more of a handicap than a help to the gelding. Corrected weights— Admetus, 111. Admetus, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Fox Bard, place, 6 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Barton, show, evens. Judge Denny, place, 7 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. 1 QUH THIRD RACE— Short Course. Purse, 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. A. X_J %J _ "" J 4-year-oldB and upward. Handicap. Steeplechase. Ind Honied A Wt St 2 5 7 9 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19841 GLOBE 11. 5 165 4 4 3* 32" 32 24 1* Eggerson John Brenock 1-2 7-101-2 7-10 19771 RENO 8 185 24 1* 1* 15 13 U 2* G Wilson B Fletcher 5 5 5 5 19841 LAST PAST 4 125 3-23 2* 2* 21 3 »82 OM Weber John A Malo 5 5 4 4 139473C WIGHTMN8 142 1" . 4 4 4 4 4 T McHugh B Sellen 5 12 5 12 Time, 1 :37. Winner— Br. g, by Little Minch— Gwendoline. Went to post at 3:30. Off at the first break to a good start. Won driving and staggering; second the same. Globe II. ran a grand race under his heavy impost. He was out to the last ounce and barely got up in time. Eggerson lost his whip at some time during the journey and it was well that he did for the horse was doing his best all through the stretch and hand riding was of more use than the whip would have been. Reno fenced well, showed plenty of speed, and ran a good race. Last Past made a strong bid at the head of the stretch but hung at the end. Globe II, place, out. Reno, place, evens ; Bhow, out. Last Past, place, 4 to 5; show, out Colonel Weihtman, place, 2 to 1 ; show, out. 1 CkCh 7 EOCRTHTSaOE— 8-4 Mile. Purse 007 5 to second ; 5 to third. A. Xj « J J I 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, Ind Horses A Wt 8t~ *4 % %. StrFin .Jockeys Owners O H L 1; " 19772 TAYON 3 107 4» 54 24 l*« 14 H Stuart C W Chappell 3-2 8-5 3-2 8-5 18673 LA PRINCESSA 6 104 1« 24 1J 24 2*" Tally Brvan and Burline 20 20 20 20 19569 ABE FURST 6 110 8- 94 73 44 3* T Knight J B Respass 4 44 4 44 19805 OLEKMA 3 97 64 3*« 41 3* 43 Buchanan J J Donovan 8 10 8 10 1931130ROSBY 4 109 94 7« 8i" 8* 54 Southard F T Wood 7 8 7 8 19564 LAM"TY 4 104 2« 1" 3* 74 6* Moody WSCummingsandCo40 40 40 40 19805 ON OTO 3 97 3m- 4« 5* 5** 74 Bassinger EFitzgerald and Co 40 50 40 50 19697 TAME IRISHMN 3 103 5" tji 64 62 8* L Ro3e C H Williams 5 5 5 5 11381 CL1MACUS 4 106 74 8" 9* 91 9+ Flick J Clerico and Co 20 60 20 60 19626 EMMA M. .3 97 10" 10« lo- 103 ic W Waldo H A Cotton 15 20 15 20 18805 CONTR LYNCH 3 103 11 11 11 11 11 W Jones H Varwig fc Co 50 100 50 100 Time, 12, 24i,49. l:14*r. Winner -Br. c, by Lissak— Caroline Hamilton. Went to post at 4 :15. At post 5 minutes. Start fair. Won handily : second tliird were driving to the limit. Tayon was the best and best ridden and came away on call in the stretch. He is a handy selling plater. La Princessa broke fully in her stride and ran her very best race, Mark her for early action if it becomes muddy. Abe Furst, away poorly, made up much ground and finished stoutly under pressure. Olekma quit at the end. Crosby was away poorly, had a rough journey and ran a good race. Lamity showed some speed. Tame Irishman seems to be considerable of a counterfeit. Scratched— 19843 Euterpe, 104; 13213 Doretto, 104 ; 19840 Troubaline, 97 ; 19805 Brown Vail. 104 ; ! 19X05 Josephine B.. 104. Overweights— Contractor Lynch. 4 pounds ; Tame Irishman, 4. Tayon, place, 4 to 5 ; show. 2 to 5. La Princessa, place, 8 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. Abe Furst, show. evens. I OQTiU FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. "Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. JL XjXj /0 2-year-old6. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St fr !4 % StrFin Jockey Owners O H L C 198083EDITH Q. 103 1»« 6* 6* 62 |a Tully W R Baker and Co 6 10 6 10 19698-REGEA 107 5« 54 51 2« 23 Bradford T Licalzi 5 6 5 6 19773 HENRY BURT 106 3" 3J I" Ink || Buchanan C B Campbell 8 8 7 7 19808*BARBARA M. 107 9h 9h 7h 51 44 W Dean J J Marklein 3 6 3 6 19804 HAMPSHIRE 10110 74 84 74 5» T Knight HT Griffin 8 12 8 12 195633INV1CTUS 106 64 21 3* 35 6* Bassinger T Fenton and Co 12 20 12 20 1*084 OSCAR 106 2" 1" 24 4"« 7*" L Rose T P Hayes 3 34 3 34 19308 LEO NEWELL 106 7h Bra yi 81 81 Southard F T Wood 15 25 15 25 19665- KOLH El M ice 84 10 10 9 9 Dupee Andrew Scott 6 6 6 6 19808 TELEPHNE GIRL103 4" 44 4« Fell. Tally H J Scoggan 6 8 6 8 19804 ST. BLUFF 98 Fell. E Morgan C Davis and Co 20 50 20 50 Time, 12, 24, 48*s, 1 :01V Winner— B. f. by Fabulous— Wicket. Went to post at 4 :50. Off at the first break to a good start. Won driving to the limit ; second, , third and fourth were under keen pressure. Edith Q. ran a cracking good race, coming with a 1 terrific rush at the end. Regea perhaps would have won with a stronger rider up. Bradford 1 was of little help to the filly at the end. Regea crowded Telephone Girl in the stretch causing r the latter to get an ugly looking fall. Henry Burt seemed all over a winner at the head of the wretch but hung at the end and was also interfered with by Regea. Oscar showed speed but t was short and tired in the last hundred yards. Invictus was there with a sharp turn of speed. . St. Bluff got iuto a jam shortly after the start and fell, causing much interference. Scratched— 197i4Lake View Belle, 103. Edith Q, place, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Regea, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Henry Burt, show, , evens. Oscar, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. 1 nHAO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pur 0bT5lo second; 5 to third. - A.j*fJ*J 3-year-olds. Selling. I id Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19807 DISSOLUTE 112 54 S" *i 5" 14 14 Vancamp D P Rodgers and Co 2 11-52 11-5 ■ 19;69 VAIN 108 2" 2- t*4 1* 2* 2 " Buchanan P Dunne 2 13-52 13-5 19666 FRANGIBLE 104 44 44 4i 4*- 4* 34 T Knight G W Poole A Co 4 4 4 4 19807 GOLDONE 109 3; 14 1»« I* 3* 42" Tullett J Coffey 4 5 4 5 15884 HENDRICKS U 4 61 7 7 7 7 54 Southard Mrs K Chapman 10 40 10 40 I97b9 MARQUETTE 102 7 64 63 62 62 62 J Cook Gannon and Crane TO 1C0 50 100 19598 SATAN 104 14 U 32 3 5» 7 N Hill George Kneuker 20 40 20 40 Time, 12t, 24i.49i, 1:1 5i, l:4t:i5. 1:46. "■■••■■ I ■■ ■■■■:■■■■■■■ . Went to post at 5 25. At post 6 minutes. Start fair. Won in a drive: second, third and fourth were driving also. Dissolute was much the best, and despite a bad ride managed to win. He is a good game colt. Vain recovered his speed suddenly and made a good showing, but found the route to far. Frangible came with a terrific rush at the end. Goldone was right there all the way and is about ready. The others were beaten off. Scratched— 15698 Pink Jacket, 104; 1P8063Maharajah 108; 19879 Irish Jewel, 104. Dissolute, place. 4 to 5; show, out. Vain, place, 4 to 5 ; show, out. Frangible, Bhow. 3 to 5.