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Handicap Fig Thinm thJAnph ft Is aHorse i uresisa UllUU5DlUil011U Hence BDHCOBaOHCHD WORIfflTION CD CDWATCH WATCH THIS SPOT SPOTVESUVIAN VESUVIAN 121 MY ADVERTISED GOOD THING THINGNo No doubt twenty pounds the bast horse beaten by hard luck After pnblioly announcing announcingOLD OLD HUTCH PLACE AND SHOW ODDS 1004010 1004010I I was ordered by officials to omit continuing further announcing publicly s in futuro I will have two 2 men with myself to inform my customers at post tima after horses are w rmid up upOneRflondayOns OneRflondayOns Only One That Will Win WinRegardless Regardless of odda or conditions Odds should ba from 6 to 12 to 1 I promise o rsiaal atten ¬ tion from race to race COL J C WOOTKR8 GEN alANGEB 94 LINCOLN AVE