Delmar Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-14


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DELMAR PARK FORM CHART CHARTST ST tOUIS MO July 13 Twelfth day Delmar Park Jockey Club ClubSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge P A Brady Starter A B Dads Racing atarta at 230 p m J7 T FIRST BACEl Mllo and 80 Yards Purse J300 Syearolds and upward J 6 O I Allowances Ind Horses AWt St H X StrFin Jockeys Ownars O H C P 266U3IBV1NG 852G550 MAYOR 3 94 3 1 11 12 n n ONeil F Sharp 2 11595 85 2G550 710WR9Q PIRATES DTEK 3 92 4 5 4a 41021 22 Earl JCGhio 322 2 710 WR9Q riTR PH HlnlSIVV 5 im 1 12 52 111 9X 5S I r D IT y g 12 8 2 ° 24716 LEO PAR 4 102 6 6 6 6 53 512 H Jones F G Kirwan 25 50 40 12 26361 FBENCHIE 3 92 5 2 5 5 6 6 E Murphy Christy Brown 10 40 25 8 Time 13 251 51 118 144 1461 LikewiseWent Winner 1461Winner Ch g by Prince of Monaco Likewise Went to post at 230 At post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second the same Irving Mayor ran to his best form and was lucky and well ridden Earl tried to bring Pirates Daugh ¬ ter through on the rail bnt ONeil pulled in and prevented the move Sir Philip Sidney ran his race Harry Pulliam showed early speed but is of little present account Irving accountIrving Mayor show out Pirates Daughter show ont Sir Philip Sidney show 4 to 5 Harry Pnlliam show 2 to 5 O rr O Q SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 400 2y8arold Allowances nd Horses A Wt St X 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 266432ETHYLENE 108 3 2 21 1 H Dale Martin Patton 1 85 32 25 26359 MISS DO d A 97 1 1 IN 21 2 Earl R R Rice 9 12 8 3 26643GALLAGHER 111 2 3 38 35 3 Enos T H Stevens 328532 12 26643 POTHEEN 100 4 4 4 56 42 R Murphy 8 W Streett 10 30 25 7 26o082KAFFIR 100 5 52 5 42 510 ONeil T P Hayes 465 85 26532 IliOdUTA 97 6 6665 Lindsay G H Moore 20 75 50 15 15Time Time 121241 49 102 102Winner GrayWent Winner B f by Freeman Ethel Gray Went to post at 300 At post 9 minutes Start good Won easily second ridden out Ethyleue well ridden was the best She had clear sailing all the way and finished strongly miss Dora was tiring fast but nad enough left to stall off Gallaghers rush Gallagher might have won with a perfect ride He was coming strongly through the stretch when EQOB allowed him to swerve clear across the track Enos cunld nut help him at the finish Kaffir had no mis ¬ chances and hardly ran his race raceEthylene Ethylene show ont Miss Dora show 6 to 5 Gallagher show ont O TT O Q THIRD RACE 6 18 irunongs Puree 300 4yearolds and upward md Horses A Wt St M X X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H l 26598 LOMOND 4 112 5 61 6 42 12 Lindsav W P Magrane 6 12 10 4 26448 ELSIE BARNES 7 109 3 INK 22 22 2 H Murphy W H Billings 1354 4 75 75265513A1OUND 265513A1OUND CITY 6 111 10 83 SH 53 31 WedstrandM E Grassmnck 2 3 21 1 26507 WH1TMORE 4 109 6 41 42 1 41 ONeil T A Gay Co 15 50 30 10 10265073LA 265073LA MAdCOTA 8109 4 92 82 75 51 F Jones Hughes Elliott 6 15 12 5 10265bO 26114 JIM BREEZE 4 109 7 31 3n SB 62 Gilmore J J Gilmore 20 25 20 10 265bO C P JONE3 5 111 8 72 72 61 7 C fluestou R L Jackson 30 50 40 25 26389 DE BLAlaE 5111 1 21 1 31 8 T OBrien F W Johnson 15 15 6 3 32t368U2NANCE 2t368U2NANCE ONEIL 4 107 9 101 9 95 9 Bloss B Hchreibor 7 15 12 5 26606 WATEB CREST 6 lit 11 11 10 10 10 Enos J P Hirth 20 25 20 9 26682 TliiSBE 4 109 2 SB 11 11 11 Givens McCoy Bennett 10 15 15 6 26210 DORALICE 5 107 Left at the post Dale K D Orr 6 12 10 4 4Time Time 121 241 49i 1161 l23h l23hWinner Winner B c by Midlothian Talluda TalludaWent Went to post at 330 At post 9 minutes Start poor Won easily second driving Lomond outclassed his field finished fast and was well ridden Elsie Barnes ran to her best form Mound City finished like u wild horse and with clear sailing wonld have been second Whitmore ran his race at the post Doralice ran away two miles and was left leftLomona Lomona show 2 to 1 Elsie Barnes show 3 to 5 Mound City show 1 to 2 i3 J Tl f FOUBTH RACK 1 Mile and 30 Yards Purse 300 4yearolds and up upAJO AJO I tJbVJ ward Allowances lud Horsoa A Wt St K 3 BtrFin Jockeya Owners 265332EAHLY BIRD 6 104 4 5 21 12 12 n Enos L Glenn Co 6585 75 12 12266123ciYLVlAN 266123ciYLVlAN 4 103 3 2 3 3 32 2 T OBrien E Slanghter 34465 26616 MEDDLESOME 5 lOt 2 11 1 2 22 33 Lindsay J S Bratton 41 7 6 2 26606 TOM GILMORE 4 105 5 6 42 45 41 410 R Murphy J J Whtiesides 10 30 20 7 26612 MILWAUKEE 7 107 1 31 51 5 5 5 Dale T Hums 31 3 2 1 26555 HARR1E FLOYD 7 102 6 4 6 66 6 ONeil C M Barrow 40 100 60 20 20Time Time 13i 251 501 116 1421 1411 1411Winner Winner B g by Bubbler Martina MartinaWent Went to post at 404 At post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second driving It was an easy race for Early Bird He had his field beaten from the start although Sylvian did give him a slight argument at the end Sylvian ran well and finished stoutly under a good ride Meddlesome did his best and was all one at the end Milwaukee went to the post lame and could not get up a good gallop at any part of it Tom Gilmore was also lame lameOverweights Overweights Sylviau 3 pounds poundsEarly Early Bird show outf Sylvian show out Meddlesome show 4 to 5 Milwaukee show Ito2 61 fc n A l FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 ards 3yearolds and upward Allowances O I 4t JL The Meramec Stakes Value 1500 Ind Horsoa A Wt St X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 266443BLINK WMcCayCo26554OUDENARDE 3103 1 U IB 12 12 12 Dale WMcCayCo fl 6 51110 ont 26554OUDENARDE 3 98 2 31 21 22 23 23 Earl O W Boardma267173JOE Boardma 85 2 851120 267173JOE UOUGHTY 5 94 5 51 55 58 5 3 ONeil J P Hirth Hirth266812ADBEA 15 25 20 7 7W 266812ADBEA 4103 4 21 3 42 4 45 B Murphy W McUay Co tl 651110 out 26681 GUIDE HOCK 6 98 6 42 45 3 31 5 Lindsay J W Johnson 8 15 11 3 26391 PINOCHLE 6 108 3 6 6 6 6 6 Enos F W Holtgrewe 6 12 10 3 3Added Added starter fCouplbd in batting battingTime Time 12 241 49i 1151 142 1461 1461Winner Winner Ch c by Victory Shuffle ShuffleWent Went to post at 437 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Blink was much the best and was well ridden He had clear sailing all the way and always held th otherd safe Oudenarde ran to his best form and had no mischances Joe Doughty finished strongly He wae slightly interfered with by Anrea in the stretch Pinochle pullea up lame lameScratched26644 Scratched26644 Varro105267172BeUeSimpflon95 26716JAD Gibson 9526717 Tea Gown90 Gown90Ondenarde Ondenarde show out Joe Doughty show 2 to 1 MiMSM O3r71O SIXTH RACK 34 Mile Purse 400 4 yearolds and upward Allowances uid Horsos A Wt St 24 K 3 StrFm Jockeys Owners 26596TO 51 COLLINS 6104 2 2 3 3 H T OBrien FizerCo 266452BUMMER 5 107 1 1 U U 2 F Jones J F Holt 1134 13 266453QEN 13266453QEN MAGRUDER7 111 3 444 31 Gilmore T L Wilson 23345 2334526645VICIE 26645VICIE VANCE 7 99 4 31 21 2 4 Lindsay M Rico 3 41 4 710 Time 710Time 1224149102115 1224149102115Winner Winner B h by Newcourt Malada MaladaWent Went to post at 504 At post 8 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Tom Collins is a greatly improved horse He came strongly at the end instead of quitting aa he always did in previous races Bnmmer did his bast and had no interference Off in front he always had clear sailiug General Magruder finished stoutly Vicie Vance ran a poor race much below her true form formScratched Scratched 26615 Peaceful 106 26554 Skillman 104 104Tom Tom Collins show 7 to 10 Bnmmer show out General Magrnder show ont Vicie Vance show out tft7A Q SEVENTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Soiling Horses A Wt St M H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26S163LA DE31ROU3 3 96 4 31 31 31 2 1 ONeil V W Darden 652 95 710 26606 HUNGARIAN 5107 2 21 2a 2a 32 2 WedstrandG W Miller 3662 366226J192GBANTOR 26J192GBANTOR 5 109 3 41 5 52 5 31 Dale KDOrr 21 21 9535 26646 HARDLY 6 107 1 12 11 11 11 510 iilmore Brnmfleld Co 7 12 10 8 266092PETER DURYEA 4 114 5 6 6a 6U 6 610 Stockwoll p Goring 6 30 25 8 MISS COONEY 4103 7 7 7 7 7 7 Wilson L A Willis 20 20015060 Time 20015060Time 13 251 50 1 16 1 29 Winner KinneyWent B f by Esher Georgia Kinney Went to post at 510 At post 1 minute Start good Won ridden ont second easily La Desirous ran a very good race and was beautifully ridden Hungarian was interfered with on every turn and pincneo in on the rail at tha finish when be seamed to bo winning Grantor did hie best and was well handled Suo Johnson began slowly and ran a dull race Hardly showed speed but quit when pinched I La Desirous show out Hungarian show 4 to 5 Grantor show oat

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Local Identifier: drf1901071401_3_2
Library of Congress Record: