untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-14


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RAGE COURSE OFFICES SHEEPSHEAD BAY NEW YORK WINDSOR ARCADE NEW YORK CITY AUGUST 31SEPTEMBER 14 FOR TWOYEAROLDS TWOYEAROLDSTHE of 50 each for starters or 20 forfeit With 1250 added of which 300 to the second THE GREAT EASTERN S7500 A handicap for two yoarolds foals of 1899 By eubscrip tho third Weights to ba announced three days before the race Winners after announcement ana 150 to tion of 75 each for starters 25 forfeit for horses entered by January 2 or of 150 each for of weight trackTHE 5 bs extra Hix furlongs on main track starters 50 forfeit for those entered by JnJy 15 when the event shall bo closed Guarantetd THE DOLPHIN 1500 ADDED For threeyeorolde By subscription of 50 each for cash value 7500 of which 6000 to the winner 1OCO to the second and 5CO to the third starters or 20 forfeit With 1500 add d of which 300 to the second and 150 to the third Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after announcement of weights Winners in 1901 of 52000 8 lb two of 2000 or one of 5000 5 los extra Nonwinners in M01 of 4 Iba eztra Biz furlongs 1500 allowed 5 Iba of 1000 8 Ibf TI r mirror Ti i ds foals of 1899 By subscription of 75 each for forlary THE REAPERS 1500 ADD lary 2 or of 150 each for starters M forfeit foe starters or 20 forfeit With 1500 add arnnteod cash value 5000 of which Winners in 1901 of races amounting in tb 4000 to the winn rS7CO to the 6cond and S300 to the third To carry 115 Ibs winners after Other horses if nonwinners of any race in 1901 of 1500 uuunuu August furlongsTHE 15 of 3000 120 Ibs maidens 103 Jbp fillies and geldings allowed 3lbs Sevan furlongs 20 Ibs One mile and threesixteenths Vi vU iuo u uu r rFOR THE ALTUMN MAIDEN 1250 ADDED For twoyearolds maidens at tima of closing FOR Colts to carry 115 Ibs flllies and Reldinx 112 Ibs By subscription of 50 each for starters or UPWARDTHE THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD 20 forfeit With 1250 added of which 300 to the second and 1EO to the third Winners after THE TWIN CITY HANDICAP 3500 A July 15 once 4 Ibs twice 7 Ibs extra Last five furlongs of New Futurity Course By subscription of f50 each for starteri 50 1 1added THE CourseTHE SaPPHIRE 1250 ADDED For twoyearelds which have not won a race of tho value added of which 700 to the second ncd 3CO to ino tuira weignts to De auuwuuuau i uiu9ua of 600 up to timeof closing Colts to carry 118 Ib fillies nnd geldings 115 Ihs By subscrip ¬ before the race Winners after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra Onn milo and a quarter tion of 50 each for starters or 20 forfeit With 12JO added of ofwhich which 300 to the sacond and THE TURF HANDICAP 1250 ADDED Handicap for three year olds and upward By SISOto the third Winners after July 15 of 1000 3 Ibs two of 1000 or one of SJOOO 7 Ibs of subscription of 50 each for starters or 20 forfeit W ith 1250 added of which 300 to the second 5000 10 Ibs extra M aid ns allowed 10 Ibs Letnve and a half furJongsof New Futurity Course and 150 to the third Weights to be announced threo days before the race Winners after THE CourseTHE DASH 1230 ADDED For twoyearolds Colts to carry 122 Ibs fillies and galdiuBS announcement turfTHE of weights 5 Ibs extra On s mile and a quarter on turf 119 Ibs By subscription of 50 ach for starters or S0 forfeit With 1250 added of which 300 THE RUSSET HANDICAP 1500 ADDED flandicnp for threeyearolds and upward By to the eecccd and 150 to the third Winners of 3000 or two of Sl250 5 Ibs extra Non winners subscription of JO each for starters or 20 forfeit Vith 15CO added of which 300 to the second of 12TO allowed 7 Ibs of JSOO 12 Ibs of 300 18 Ibs Last five furlongs of New Futurity Course and 150 to tne third Weights to be announced throe days before the race VVinners after THE CourseTHE BELLES 1250 ADDED For fillies twoyearolds To carry 115 Jbs By subscription announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra One mile and a half on turf turffftp of 50 each fr starters or 20 forfeit With 1250 added of which 300 to tb second and 150 to fftp the third Winners after July 15 of 1400 3 bs two of 1400 or one of 2500 5 Ibs or of one HID HUlUllill Rllllirnn HnnfffRflriQ fldUUIIjdJJi R D Rflfl DUU By subscription of 50 each which subscription at time of 50CO 10 Ibs Ehall entitle the entry to start in all any extra Nonwieners at any time of 1250 allowed 5 Ibs of 87008 viz The Fall three handi ¬ The Ocean caps and The Omnium Ibs Maidens llowtd 15 Ibs Last five and a half furlongs of New Futurity Course free if without additional coat and also to bo handi ¬ capped declared for all CourseTHE THE PARTRIDGE 1250 ADDED To be run on tb Turf Track For twoyearolds By usual declaration fee The overnight handicaps at tbo Autnmn AJeetirg thereby saving the subscription of 550 each for dates of these races will be published in book of the starters or 20 forfeit vvjth 1250 added of which 300 to tho second mastingTHE program masting and 150 to the third Winners of S3000 or two of 1400 7 Jbs extra Nonwinners of 1400 THE FALL HANDICAP 2000 A handicap for threeyearolds and upward The winner allowed turfTHE 5 Jbs of 700 10 Ibs Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Six furlongs on turf to receive 1EOO tho second S350 and the third 150 Weights to be announced threo days before THE GOLDEN BOD 1250 ADDED To be run on the Turf Truck For twoyear olds tho race ft ini ers after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra Horses entered five days before Colts 115 Ibs fillies and geldings 112 Ibs By subscription of 50 each for starters or 20 forfeit the trackTHE race to pay 60 to start or 30 forfeit Six furlongs on main track With 1250 added of which 300 to the second and 150 to the third Winners of 3000 or twice THE O BAN HANDICAP 2OCO A handicap for tbreeyearolfls and upward The winner of 1400 or of the Partridge Stakes 7 Ibs extra Nonwinners of 1000 allowed 5 Ibs of 500 to receive 1500 tho second 350 and the third 150 Weights to ba announced three days before 10 Ibs Maidens allowed 15 Ibs Six and a half furlongs on turf turfFOR the race VN inoprs after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra Horses entered five days before tho race to pay 60 to start or 30 forfeit One mile UPWARDTHE FOR TWOYEAROLDS AND UPWARD THE mileTHE OMNIUM HANDICAP 25CO A handicap for threeyearolds and upward The win ¬ THE FLIGHT 1500 ADDED For twoyearolds and upward By subscription of 0 each ner 10 receive 2COO the second 1350 and the third 150 Weights to bo announced threo days be ¬ for starters 25 forfeit fnr horses entered by January 2 1901 or of S100 each for starters 50 for ¬ fore the race Winner after announcement of weights 5 Ibs extra Horaes entered five dayc feit for thoee entered by Jnlj 15 1901 when the event shall b closed With 31500 added of before the race to pay 60 to start or 30 forfeit One mile and a furlong furlongSTEEPLECHASE which 400 to the second nnd 2CO to the third Twoyearolds 95 Ibs threeyearolds 118 Ibs fouryearolds nnd upward 125 Ibe sex allowances Winners in 1901 of races amounting in the EVENTSTHE STEEPLECHASE AND HURDLE EVENTS aggregate to 8000 or more if threeyearolds or under 10 Ibe if four years or over 7 Ibs THE WE3TBURY STEEPLECHASE 1200 extra Other hoiees never having won 5000 if nonwintmrs in ADDED Handicap for thrneyearolds and J901 of 2CCO allowed if three up ¬ yearolds or under 5 Ibe if fouryearolds or upward 10 Ibs of 1000 if ward By subscription of 50 each for starters or 15 forfeit With 1200 added of which 250 to threeyearolds or the e cond and 150 to tha third under 10 Ibs if four or upward 15 loe Seven fnrlorga Steeplechase Course CourseTHE Weights to be announced three days before the race Fall FOR THREEYEAROLDS THE INAUGURAL STEEPLECHASE 800 ADDED Handicap for fouryear olds and THREEYEAROLDSTHE up ¬ THE SEPTEMBER 1500 ADDED For ward By subscription of 20 each half forfeit or 5 if declared With SX added of which 2CO threeyearolds foals of 1898 50 each for By subscription of to the second and 100 to the third Weights to ba announced at 1 and starters 25 forfeit pm declarations to be or only 10 if struck out by July 15 1901 for horses entered by made by 2 Friday August 30 with the January 2 1901 or rf 100 each for starters 50 forfeit for horses entered by July 15 1901 when N Y Hhort pm Steeplechase Course CourseTHE Clerk of the Course Race Track Sheepshoad Bay the event shall be closed With 1500 added of which 400 to the second and 200 thn to third THE MINEOLA HURDLE RACE 800 ADDED Horses which hav never won 5000 allowed if non winners in 1901 of 2500 5 Ibs Handicap for threeyearolds and upward of 1500 Ibs of JlOCO 15 Iba of 6CO 20 Ibs One mile and throe furlongs 10 By subscription of 30 each for starters or 10 forfeit With 800 addd of which 200 to the THE furlongsTHE FLUNG HANDICAP 1250 ADDED Handicap for threeyearolds By subscription over second eight and hurdles 100 to the on turf third Weights to be announced three days before the race Two miles the The Rules Rules of the of National Racing and Steeplechase subsequent and amendments Hunt Association thereto adopted Entries to by be The addressed Jockey Club to toThe govern all races and racing of the Coney Island Jockey Club Steaplechase and Hurdle Races under The Clerk of the Course Coney Island Jockey Club Windsor Arcade Fifth Ave and 46th St New York

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901071401/drf1901071401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901071401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800