Fort Erie Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-07-14


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FORT EKIH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Horsee Age Wt 26695 VernaK 4 107 267252NonaB 6 107 26730 Little Veronica 4 107 26695 Matoaka 5 107 26683 Sauce Boat 4 107 26730Interference 5 103 26581 Immense 5 103 Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 25944 Fried Krupp 110 710 71026S502Dansbro 26S502Dansbro 110 715 267262 Silk Cord 110 715 26726 Doyles Commoner 110 720 25921 Appointee 107 705 26217 Weddicg March 107 725 25701 Naughty 107 700 25586 Natalie H 107 705 26696 Lucrnsta 107 710 710Third Third Race G 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 25808 M Murphy 4 112 700 7002665l3By 2665l3By George 5 111 705 26686 ake Weber 4 109 720 720266522Pharoah 266522Pharoah 4 105 725 26557 Cora Moree 3 104 700 26687 Sneaky 3 103 710 710255523Omnibus 255523Omnibus 3 103 705 70526700The 26700The Boer 3 100 715 7152668638t 2668638t David 3 93 710 26695 Great American 3 90 715 715Fourth Fourth Raco 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 26687 Maple 4115 720 26611 GludHand 5 107 715 26687 M ago 4107 705 705267253Miss 267253Miss Shanley 4 107 725 72526S83 26S83 Easter Lily 4 103 710 26687 Orange and Black 4 103 715 26695 Hunting 5 103 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yaarolds 3yaarolds and upward Soiling Soiling266833Kaslo 266833Kaslo 4 99 720 26688 Gatabont 6 98 700 700268S8 268S8 Kittle Court 6 95 725 25775 Tronct the Mere 3 91V 715 26583 Prince of Song 3 89 705 26647 Ida Qaickli me 3 86 710 710266153Little 266153Little Tommy Tucker 3 86 715 26687 Pando 3 84 710 710Sixth Sixth Race1 18 Miles 3yoarolda and upward Sailing 26697 Woodtrice 4 105 725 26697 Flag of Truce 5 101 720 72026687SJohn 26687SJohn McGurk 3 98 705 705266883Tyrba 266883Tyrba 5 98 715 26697 Toddy Ladle 5 96 710 267003 Cogs well 3 89 710 26700 Punctual 3 89 700 28584 Gray Dally 3 86 705

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Local Identifier: drf1901071401_5_5
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