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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHARTJFORTJJSRI15 JFORTJJSRI15 ONT July 13 Ninth day Fort Erin Racing Association AssociationSummer Summer tueetin Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidy Racine starts at 230 P m Cf r7 K FIRST iiACK 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling 26725 Ind Horses A Wt St V4 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26686 YOUNG HENRY 3 100 2 Hi 13 11 12 M Jackson A Brown Co 5652 5652SH 26586 NONA B 6 1C9 7 7266S8 SH 31 SH 2 K fcherrer E Logan 60 ICO 8 3 266S8 MIHS BHANLEY 4 109 3 23 21 4 3i Dugan A Willis 3 4 185 75 26686 LAKE V BELLE 3 98 4 7 7 51 4n W Watson M C Moore 10 12 12 5 26588 OCONEE 4 107 8 8 51 6 5K J Daly L flmitha Co a 8 7 21 26686 FILIBUSTER 7 111 12 9 9 8 61 Aker R F Myers 4 5 4s 85 265202 ROYAL SALUTE 5 111 9 6 4xs 211 7 Lpndrum M Gorman 4662 26651 DOMINICK 3 ICO 5 42 61 7 8 LThompsnB Hums 15 40 40 15 26686 RE M PI RE 3 103 1 51 8 9 9 Alarie F Reagan 12 12 8 4 26525 Z5EQFELD 3 100 6 12 10 10 10 J Moaney G D Wilson 15 20 20 8 26647 BROMINE 3 9S 10 10 11 11 11 C Murphy W K Cleveland 100 ICO 60 20 26683 INNOMINATUM 410911 11 12 12 12 W Morris K Tilt 60 60 60 20 20Time Time 23i47i 1141 1141Winner Winner B g by Henry Young Vclaudora VclaudoraWent Went to post at 248 At post 12 minute Start poor Won ridden out second dri 0 YonnK Henry outbroke his compan but had to do his best in tho laet eighth Nona B appeared like the wiener iu the stretch but faltered in the last seventy yards and had to do bar best to save second place Miss Shauley was in a prominent position throughout hut tired in tho run hoiro Ccouea made up ground from a bad beginning Royal Salute was interfered with soon utter t e f tart and but for this might have been a contender He was put on the fence and Len drum hal to pull up upHcratchflrt Hcratchflrt 26688 Little Sallie 109 26583 Prince of Bong 103 26683 Easter Lily 102 102Corrected Corrected weignts Innominatum 109 109YOULE YOULE H nry bhow evens Nona B show 3 to 2 Miss Shmloy show 7 to 10 fc fj i r tiECOND HACK 4 l Furlongs Purse S2aO 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M V A StrFm Jockeys Owners O H C P DOYLEeiCOMNERlOO 7 52 IH Hi J Daly L Smitlia Co 5 26585211 K CORD 105 2 23 2 21 Akor K P tihipo 31 4 4 85 853i 26612 VIVIANI 97 5 5261893EA8TER 3i 43 SH W Watson Baker Gibson 5883 58834x1 261893EA8TER BOY 115 1 1265603KHITAI 4x1 52 4sr May Robinson Leach6 12 12 4 265603KHITAI 107 8 8MARATRI8A 91 71 53 J Meaney H H Loud Co 3 31 3 65 MARATRI8A 97 10 81 6 61 Hayden M Byrnes 44365 26612 6612 KATHERINE R 97 4 H 3 7 Adams F A Bart Co 20 20 15 6 26612 SILVER CHIMES 97 6 10 10 8 Gannon W Oliver 10 30 30 12 26191 LARACOR 107 3 799 Pryce WFPresgraveAgtlO 15 15 6 26812 BLAZEBAND 97 9 63 8 10 Theilen Mikel Bros 10 20 20 8 8Time Time 231 481 54i 54iWinner Winner B c by The Commoner Thistle ThistleWent Went to post at 325 At post 18 minutes Start good Won cleverly second easily Doyles Commoner went to the front on the stretch turn and won with plenty in reserve He is a grand looker and ran as if he can beat bettor company Silk Cord was prominent in all breakaways This considered she ran a good race Viviani ran well under bad handling Katherine R showed early speed But tired badly in the run home Khitai mada up a lot of ground from a bad begin ¬ ning He was on the outside all the way and bis boy could not rida him capably Maratrisa ran as if green but eh was off too badly to cut any figure figureScratched Scratched 266502Dunsbro 100 26612 Artificial 97 97Doyles Doyles Commoner show 6 to 5 Silk Cord show 4 to 5 Viviani show 3 fco 2 Khitai show 3 to 5 Marntriea show 1 to 2 t ± l 7 r7 THIRD RACK 34 Mile Pnrso 2oO 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St X Vt 5 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2668S331LBNT FRIEND 4 109 2 33 2 13 Hi Pryce T Hayers Co 5 10 10 3 266472LADY HAYMAN 3 98 6 6 53 21 22 J JDaly Daly Daly265862EDINBOROUGH J E Lane 4552 265862EDINBOROUGH 4 112 4 4 41 31 32 Ducran Charles Ray 85 8565 35 26611 IDLE CHAT 3 98 8 8 7 5 41 W Watsi Watson F H assler 30 60 60 20 26695 ALZORA 3 100 3 11 IH 41 5 LThmpE LThmpsonF Midglsy 5 10 10 3 266112 MAUG A 3 98 7 7 8 6 61 Gannon Miss fa Oliver 8 15 15 5 52a 26561 YORKSHIRE BOYS 103 1 2 2a 31 7 7 Forehaui266S72CHEBISHED Forehand J H Carr 10 10 10 4 266S72CHEBISHED 3 98 9 9988 8 Fitzgera Fitzgerald O L Richards 6 6772 7 7 21 26561 DROGHEDA 3 100 5 51 61 9 9 J Meane Meaney R H Loud Co 8 20 20 8 8Time Time 23149 115 115Winner Winner Br c by Bassetlaw Inquisitive InquisitiveWent Went to post at 407 At post 4 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Silent Friend saved a lot of ground when turning into the stretch but was hard ridden through the last eighth Lady Hayman met with slight interference on the backstretch but finished strongly Edinborough lost many lengths by a wide turn and was generally badly handled He can do better This was not his race Alzora ehowed early speed but quit badly in the run home Idle Chat ran impressively impressivelyScratched Scratched 26688 Kittle Court lit 266313By George 111 26651 Favornette103 26647 Annu99 Annu99Overweuhts Overweuhts Alzora 2 pounds poundsSilent Silent Friend ehow 6 to 5 Lady Hayman show 4 to 5 Edmborough show out D FOURTH KAClt 1 mile 3jearolds Allowances Ind HorsBB AWtStfc Vt K BtrFin Jockeys Own9rs O H C P 26559 PETKA II 117 1 52 4n 31 1 13 H Lewis R H Loud Co 3 4 3 65 65265842GUESB 265842GUESB WORK 107 6 41 31 21 2 21 Hayden J Gardner 23235 23235266133L1ZZIE 266133L1ZZIE A 107 2 31 2 li 33 33 J Daly E Whalen 3762 26615 MONTREAL 107 3 7 7 7 4 4 Dngah H Alexander 8 15 15 5 526007DONNA 26007DONNA SEAY 107 7 65 66 61 53 55 W Watson E W Baxter 6652 665226695LELIA 26695LELIA BARR 107 4 21151152 68 615 Blake H L Johnson 5 10 10 4 26276 LADY BERKELEY 107 5 13 11 4 7 7 LThompsnN Dyment 7762 7762Time Time 24 481 114 1401 x Winner Blk f by Pontiac Poncho PonchoWent Went to post at 434 At post 17 minutes Start good Won easily second ridden oat Petra IIs race was a startling improvement Lewis handling of her was entirely different from the tactics employed by Daly in her previous start on which occasion she was disgracefully beaten Guess Work ran a good race and had no mischances Lizzie A ran her usual honest race but she does not like to go a longdistsnce Montreal was sharply cut off on the first turn forcing her rider to pull her up She lost considerable ground by this and would have bsen a smart contender but for this accident Donna Seays race was a good oue considering the poor start sho received and that it was her first start in a long time Lady Berkeley was prominent in all breakaways and was badly cut off when laying in a contending position at the stretch turn Tho route was too far for hnr howevar howevarScratched26613 Scratched26613 Algie M 110 26647Lillie Hammerton 107 107Petra Petra II show 1 to 2 Guess Work show ont Lizzie A show evens Or7OQ FIFTH BACE58 Mile Purse 5250 2yearoldu Selling Ind Horses AWt8tj K StrFin Jockeis Owners O H C P P266483BRONZE 266483BRONZE MEDAL 105 1 6 66 4 H LThompsnW R Baker Co 3 3 21 45 26650 LAURETTA BURKE102 3 32 32 615 21 J Daly L Smitba Co 6 8 7 21 26684 LADY HANDY 104 5 4 SH SH 31 Pryce WFPresgraveAgtlO 15 15 5 26524 LADY PATRONESS 110 6 51 41 3 4 Flint JE Seagram 4 5 4 85 26558 MAY QUICK 107 4 Hi 13 IH 51 Aker D Cramer 5883 36582 ST LAZARUS 105 2 2 21 22 620 Fitgerald J H Carr 45485 45485261603ANNIE 261603ANNIE A B 107 7 7777 Dugan R J Hiner 3552 3552Time Time 111231481 102 102Winner Winner B c by Eon Amy AmyWent Went to post at 513 At post 9 minutes Start good Won driving second all out Bronze Medal was slow in getting to going but came with a rush on the inside in the run home and was go ¬ ing away at tho end Lauretta Bnrkn lost ground by a wide turn into the stretch but came again at the end and finished strongly Lady Handy hung on gamely and ran an improved race May Quick was prominent in all the breakaways St Lazarus showed early speed but quit Lndy Patroness was bumped into and interfered with in the run horns Annie A B was prominent in all breakaways but was pulled up when the start was finally mada She showed but little spaed however and could not raise an ordinary gallop Throw her race out outScratched Scratched John P Roth 102 102Overweights Overweights Lady Handy 2 pounds Lady Patroness 3 3Bronze Bronze Medal show 1 to 2 Lauretta Burke show evens Lady Handy show 2 to 1 Lady Patroness show 7 to 10 St Lazarus show 7 to 10 O rTO SIXTH RACE Short Course Pnrso 300 3yearolds and upward J t OVJ Allowances Steeplechasa ad Horses A Wt St 3 6 9 12 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26683INTRFRNrES 146 1 1 1 12 12 13 16 Mozley K R Marshall 6 10 5 25811 HAB COR BY 5153 4 32 3 320 2 210 212 Gallagher Phelan Small 3 3 3 26562 A LANG 8YNE4 142 6 45 460 4 4 3 3 H 8 Wilson C F Verral 6 10 10 4 26385 HIGHBEE 8 148 3 21 22 2 312 Fell Ray C W Wadsworth 45326512 26616 THE LOAFER 3 127 5 5 5 Fell Gormloy R H Loud Co 15 20 20 6 624653COLEY 24653COLEY 4 139 7 Lost rider Moaahan T L Pierce 6 10 10 4 26525 L VERONICA 4 137 2 Fell E Flynn L Smitha Co 15 15 12 4 4Time Time 334 334Winner Winner B m by Montfort Claeh ClaehWent Went to post at 545 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second tha same Inter ¬ ference was never extended and cams away at the end under a pull Harry Corby was not perse ¬ vered with when Gallagher saw he was beaten Hicrhbee fell at the last jump Coley at the sec ¬ ond jump and Little Veronica at the third jump and Thn Loafer refused refusedInterference Interference show 3 to 5 Harry Corby show 1 to 2 Anld Lang Syne show 2 to 1 High bee show out