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JLike j Saturdays Will be limited to three races in which wo are confident that our FOUR experts trainers and bandicappers can name the winners to a cer ¬ tainty These horses can win on a dry or muddy track On one of these we shall advise clients to stand a tap On the othor two we shall advise a plunge Wo havo tested all ways of tip ¬ ping hors s and find that the only kind which can BRING SUCCESS to our followers is to give them TWO or THREE best bets on the card daily and we do it itMonday Monday Three Good Ones and One at 201 201DAILY DAILY FORM MSFTEIl HANDICAP HANDICAPTerms Terms 100 Daily 100 Wcelcly WcelclyTURF TURF CORRESPONDENTS CORRESPONDENTSRace Race Track Information Bureau BureauSUITK SUITK 500 303 309 DEARBORN ST