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GOSSIP OF THE TURF There is a tencent stand outside the Brigh ¬ ton Beach race track right across opposite the grandstand Ou Friday there was quite a sen sation occasioned by its being raided and one alleged bookmaker arrested Ho said he was Malcolm Robertson of Third avenue Brooklyn He had 176 in his pocket all in onedollar bills and these were taken care of by the police Every year when tha Brighton Beach meeting opens the squatters of Duck Hill erect tenfoot stands bahind the shanties on Neptune avenue Only 10 cents admission is charged and is well patronized Several young men hit upon a scheme of giving the patrons of the place the samo privilege of betting that the track patrons have only on a cheaper scale They made books and accept bats from 10 cents to a dollar Most of tho bsts were of the 10cent variety When a man made a dollar bet he was known as a plunger Soon the place became known as the twocant gambling house That was when craps red and black and sweat games were introduced While it is not believed that the Metropolitan Turf Association made any complaint it is said that Bob Pinkerton who looks after tho interest of the race track people spoke to the police about the heavy betting go ¬ ing on in the Squatters Stand When the raid was made the tencent stand was filled The occupants flod on the approach of the po ¬ lice Spirit of the Times