Brighton Beach Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-02


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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track drying dryingout out outFirst First Race Full Course CourseAbout About 2 12 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase Steeplechase4yearolds 4yearolds and npward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 22588 Decameron 8163 700 70026896Mystic 26896Mystic Bhriner 6 163 690 27141 Musician 7 163 680 680270462Ison 270462Ison 6 161 685 685Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp26895Lady 26895Lady Badnor 109 710 710271172Cast 271172Cast Iron 107 713 27117 Lemoyne 105 695 24316 Sedition 105 700 Batyah 700Batyah ch f by Falsetto Bassinette 105 27137 Montana Pioneer 105 710 270472Oclawaha 710270472Oclawaha 105 720 27047 Halberdier 104 705 27137 Locket 103 700 27117 Chief 102 683 25305 Equalize 102 690 268272Fonsolnca 690268272Fonsolnca 101 715 270158chwalbe 715270158chwalbe 99 725 725Third Third Race 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds Allowances Allowances27138Arden 27138Arden Ill 730 730269883Vitellius 269883Vitellius Ill 735 735271382Monarka 271382Monarka Ill 750 750268222Lncent 268222Lncent 101 740 Westerner 740Westerner b c by Himyar Sly Wink 98 26623 Agues D 96 720 27020 Anecdote 98 725 24847 Candle 96 720 720Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and npward Handicap HandicapInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp271392Intrusive 271392Intrusive 8 126 735 271712Bcnrry 735271712Bcnrry 3 114 720 720269883Vitellius 269883Vitellius 3113 725 26957 Prince Bichard 4 108 730 271388Tom 730271388Tom Kenny 3 101 715 27138 Ethics S 97 735 27168381 Finnan 4 97 750 27116 The Amazon 4 96 730 27140 Fonsolee 4 88 725 27113 Himself 3 86 740 740Fifth Fifth Race34 Mile 3yearolds and npward Maidens Belling 26959 Brahmin 5 112 710 27091 Kalif 4 109 690 26960 Dr Korber 5 109 685 26706 Hop Brook 4 109 700 27140 Shiftless 5 107 685 27045 The Outcast 5 107 675 26960 DoraF 5 107 680 268842Qoldilia 680268842Qoldilia 3105 725 26884 Historian 3 105 705 270922James 705270922James J Corbett 3 105 720 27045 Thicket 3 105 695 27140 Twillghter 3 105 690 27091 George Simons 5 104 700 27045 East Kelston 3 102 695 27020 Himyarite 3 102 715 27045 Lightning 3 100 690 26798 Argananta 8 100 700 26846 Aminte 3 100 710 27045 Oyezpa 3 100 705 27045 Hardshell 3 95 715 Sizt Haesl 13 ItXllaa Sy r olds sad turarard Balling Balling271S9Introiilva 271S9Introiilva 8 121 27186 Diitnrber 511S 270l7FataliBt 4 104 271143Harry HcCoua 4 103 27050 Alsike 5 102 271S6 Island Prince 6101 27f908McGrathiana Prince 4 101 2709l2Elsie Skip 4 100 25860 Frosnal 3 91 27167 Balloon 3 86

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Local Identifier: drf1901080201_4_6
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