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HAWrHORNE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolda Maidens Allowances AllowancesColts Colts and Geldings Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp269792Hanv 269792Hanv Wilson 112 690 27100 W F Mohr 10 675 Gold 675Gold Inspactor Medal ch c by Inspac tor B Bonnie Meade 107 Burnett Wallace ch c by In Ingoldsby goldsby Agnes Morancy 107 27070 ElPilar 107 625 26890 Hermis 107 600 27039 Bavensbury 107 650 27133 Huzzah 107 700 27100 Pnryear 107 675 675236053Fnlfen 236053Fnlfen 104 670 22050 Aaron Pond lot 600 Digley 600Digley Bell b gbyAlFar gbyAlFarrow row Mary Roberts lot J W Schorr entry Second Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Selling Selling26S92 26S92 Silurian 108 75 27132 Whitfleld 108 720 27010 Jim SVinn 107 660 27131 Emma C L 101 720 720271323Jlonoa 271323Jlonoa 103 710 27132 Searcher 102 715 25263 Littlefeppar 101 625 26923 Little Elkin 99 Q 26923 Iljilouon 98 695 Little 695Little Lois b f by Deceiver Enola 95 26889 Milt Campbsll 96 625 27102 Queen Victoria 9t 690 27009 Princess Strathmore 94 660 27101 Uncle Torn 91 660 27072 StBluff 91 650 650Third Third liace t Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp Hdcp2704l3Dagmar 2704l3Dagmar 6 104 690 26821 Banish 5 104 685 20866 Sir Kenneth 5 104 600 28869 Hosl 6 101 675 27044 Chauncay Fisher 6 104 660 26482 Maryland Reserve 5 104 650 26984 Papa Harry 6 104 715 25601 Little Singer 6 102 675 25706 Sam Howard 4 102 600 27013 Little Boy Blue 4 102 665 27044 Hermancia 4 102 725 26980 Mattie Bazar 4 100 670 27041 Baird 4 100 710 27132 Gaorgo Arab 3 91 695 25675 Deloraine 3 91 625 625Fourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolda and upward Handicap Handicap27103Robart 27103Robart Waddell 3 113 745 27l6lTha 74527l6lTha Conqusror II 4 112 750 27010Malay 75027010Malay 5 103 735 27103 Obia 3 91 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 270393 Rossfame IIS 675 27039 Lord Qnsx 113 650 27070 Commissioner Forster 113 655 270113 South Trimble 107 700 27070 Hoodwink 104 650 27070 Kentucky Muddle 104 625 270702April 625270702April 104 680 27073 Doreen 104 695 26S90 69526S90 Magi 104 690 27130 Arigato 100 670 26950 Hosie Mac 100 650 27070 The Cedars 100 600 27070 Emathion 100 675 675Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 7O Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling271352Harry 271352Harry Preston 5 109 660 27165 El Ghor 5 109 610 27012 Captain Gaines 4 104 700 27105 Josephine B a 102 670 27135 Constallator 4 102 625 62527l353Anchor 27l353Anchor 4 102 650 27101 Rasselas 3 101 640 270713G 640270713G W W 3 100 675 271013Tammany 675271013Tammany Chief 3 100 675 675283802Myth 283802Myth 7 99 725 72527l65Gawaine 27l65Gawaine 3 95 660 27043 Pirates Queen 3 84 705