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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO n L August 1 Twentyiecond day Chiuago Jookey Olnb Summer Heating Weather clear tract good Presiding Judge Cant J H Reea Starter J J Holtman Racing starts at 230 p m O T 1 fed FIRST RACE 6 1S Furlongs Parse 400 75 to second 25 6 LOw 2yearolds Colts and geldings Soiling Ind Horses A Wt t 8t J4 Vt X StrFin Jockeys O H O P 27100PARNA8SUS 93i 3 32G979 12 41 42i IH BirkenruthEzell Lazarus 10 15 15 6 6t07 2G979 HARGIB 107 1 22 23 22 20 JWiukHeldSK Hughes Co 2 1359545 27100 LAP1DU8 99 2 1 la 1 36 J Ranch W B JenningsCo8 9 9 2 26919 RED HOOK 109 09 G 82 71 71 411 C Mitchell J Mareton 85 1351351 25566 ARAN8A8 102 102 5 5259133M1 53 5n 5 6 5i Dominick G C Bennett Co6 8 6 115 115Oil 259133M1 HA8A 1011 Oil 7 7270S9RENGAW 6 6 51 6 R Sullivan W Gnm Co 12 35 35 10 270S9RENGAW 97 4 42511t3ilAKCO8 411 31 3 31 7 JMclnerny J T Stewart Co 30 30 15 7 2511t3ilAKCO8 91 8 7 8 8C 8 0 Arwin George J Long 8 20 20 8 26919 NAT GOODWIN 95 9 9999 Fields W T Mnir 100 150 150 60 60Apprentico Apprentico allowance Time 211 49 1 01i 1 08i 08iWinner Winner B g by Portland Dryad Went DryadWent to post at 230 At post 8 minutes Start good Won driving second easily Parnas ¬ sus came with a rush in the last eighth and just got up in time to nip Hargis on the post The latter tired perceptibly in the closing strides Lapidus was rinht ther for four and a half furlongs Red Hook was badly outrun all the way Rengaw showed spaed for about a half mile Nat Goodwin ran away a mile and a half while the horses were at the post postOverweights Overweights Heugaw 2 pounds Parnassus 2 MihasaH MihasaHParnassus Parnassus show 3 to 1 Hargis sho 2 to 5 Lapidus show evens Red Hook show 1 to 2 O T l 1 SECOND RACE 78 Mile Pureo 6100 75 to second 25 to third y i JL O 1 4yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt J4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27042 T CONQROR II 4 108 IH 42 31 32 11 11 T Knight B Vincent 35 35 12 16 1627103BEN 27103BEN BATTLE 4112 2 2H 21 2 22 2H J dicks WdfrdEvrman4 7 7i 85 27075 BEAUTY BOOK 4 103 52 31 41 41 42 32 J Ranch FBVanMeterBro20 3u 30 7 26813 BONEY BOY 5 105 3 li 1 U 31 42 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 12 15 15 3 264483 PRECURSOR 4108 7 i 5 51 52 51 BH J WinkfieldAG Blakaly 10 30 30 6 26746 ANTHRACITE 4 103 8 8 62 6 6 66 Dominick T vy Moore 9 11 11 2 26097 STRANGEST 5108 I 6 7 78 710 712 Sea C K Burdeau SO 40 40 12 27013 LANCEHIM 4 105 61 7 8 8 8 8 Bowman Bowman Bros 100 400 400 80 80Time Time 25 49 1 02 1 15 1 28h 28hWinner Winner Blk c by Six Dixon Repeat RepeatWont Wont to post at 305 At post 9 minutes Start fair Won in a canter second handily The Conqueror 11 always well up came away as his rider pleased in the last eighth Ben Battle ran a goud race and was easily the beet of the others Beauty Book was tired when a furlong out but hung on gamely Boney Boy had enough after five and a half furlongs had been run Anthracite was ontrnn through the whole journey Scratched 268 0 Whisper Low 103 103The t The Conqueror II show out Ben Battle show 7 to 10 Beauty Book show 2 to 1 Qm S THIRD RACE fchort Course Steeplechase Purse 400 75 to second 25 J I JLJ to third 4yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Horses A Wt St 3 6 9 12 StrFm Jockeys Owners O H C P 258153FHOND 5 149 2n 1 11 1 1 Lloyd 4 4 32 238062 DONATION 8 146 41 48 36 315 315 2 28 W Hughes Mrs J T Stewart 3 3 13 51 26981K5RE9T 4138 5 21021221 22 35 315 Slater Ezll Lazarus 2 2 957 95710 260633 VIKING 7133 31 3 41 41041040 4 Bartloy AMLinnell Co 8 993 993259152D 259152D FDRBER 4 135 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 P Clay B S Tracey Co 6 10 10 3 3Time Time 255 255Winner Winner B m by Norwood Fern Leaf LeafWent Went to post at 340 At post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Frond fenced cleanly throughout and stalled off Donations bid in the stretch with ease The latter utidar punishment closed on the winner but she showed the most speed all the way through the stretch Crest was right there to the last jump and then tired Dick Furber had a hard time getting over every jump Clay who rode him appeared to be afraid to approach the obstacles on a run runScratched Scratched 269813Miss Ransom 136 136Frond Frond show 1 to 2 Donation show 1 to 2 Crest show out O T C Q FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards Purse 500 75 to second 25 to A f 1 J third 3yearolds Allowances Ind Horses AWt Bt ii K J BtrFin Jockeys Ownori O H C P 26792281X SHOOTER 107 4 43 41 32 2 16 T Knight J B Hespass 35 1 45 310 26893 ARGRKGOR 102 3 3 32 21 3 22 Dominic C T Boots 30 30 16 5 52710DFLY 2710DFLY TORPEDO 105 6 61 53 41 40 31 JWinkfleldP Dunne 2 11511512 26920 AMUR 102 2 U 12 Hi IK 47 J Ranch George J Long 15 20 20 5 5270403CONUNDRUM 270403CONUNDRUM 104 1 51 61 6 6 53 S Porter S C bryant 60 60 60 12 27072 EOM1R 102 5 7 7 7 7 6 J Hicks Thompson Bros 60 60 60 20 2027C09HAHT 27C09HAHT D 107 7 22 21 5 5 7 R Sullivan T F Sellers 10 12 12 3 3Time Time 24149 1141 1401142 1401142Winner Winner Br c by Sir Dixon Kentucky Belle II IIWent Went to post at 415 At post 5 minutes Start good Won in a canter second easily Six Shooter was never called upon until well into the etretch where Knight swung his whip and the colt came away from his field with a rush Argregor was right there all the way and stood a drive from the last sixteenth post home Flying Torpedo finished strongly but came too late to be of any avail Amur died away in the final quarter after showing quite a burst of speed for six fur ¬ longs Hart D showed early speed speedOverweights Overweights Flying Torpedo 1 pound poundSix Six Shooter show out Argregor show 8 to 5 Flying Torpedo show out L rT 1 i FIFTH BACE 34 JWils Purse 5700 75 to second S25 to third i JLOrt 2y arolds Free Handicap lad Horses AWtBt J4 Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27039J VK1RBY 107 31 31 4 4 H JWinkfleldP Dunne 758585920 27073 ttOSEWAR 103 1 4 3 3 21 J Ranch BurnBWaterhse 22212 270733JAUBEBT 110 4 12 11 IK IKK 31 Dnpee H J Scoggan 85165165 45 27133 MIRACLE II 91 2 Z 2a 2n 4 Beaton Mrs R Bradley 8 15 15 4 4Time Time 24 481 101 115 115Winner Winner B g by Bassetlaw Teatro TeatroWent Went to post at 445 At poet 4 minutes Start good Won easily second driving J V Kirby came fast on the outside in the final eighth and was going away at the end Rosewar moved up fast when entering the stretch but was tiring slightly at the end Jaubert had enough by the time the last sixteenth had been reached after showing easily in front up to that point Miracle II made a strong bid a furlong out but tired in the closing strides stridesJ J V Kirby show out Rosewar show 1 to 5 Janbart show 1 to 4 SIXTH RACE 1 116 miles Purse 400 S75 to second 25 to third I 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St K K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 270443QAWAINE 3 94 2 12 11 12 12 IH J Ranch W E Cotton 55485 26984 NETTIE HEGENT4 102 IB 2n 42 2f 23 25 T Knight P J Nolan 7752 7752271012ODNOK 271012ODNOK 3 93 4 = 41 S 3 32 32 Birkenruth F Cook 2 3 1451 145127071OUR 27071OUR NELLIE 5 91 6 7 7 7K 6 41 D Mitchell T J McHale 12 13 13 5 26821 GOLD SCEPIER4 96 5 51 6 6 76 5H J Hicks T Licalzi 8873 887327105PRAIH1E 27105PRAIH1E DOG 4 97 SB 32 2 42 4 66 J MclnernyW W Clark 3 5 5 2 27013 EL GHOR 5 101 8 62 5n 53 5 75 R Bullivan G W Curtis 6883 688326919OLLIE 26919OLLIE J 5 91 71 8 8 8 8 8 Munro J Call Co 60 100 100 50 50Apprentice Apprentice allowance Time 25i 50 116 142 149 149Winner Winner Bg by Florist Glenda J Went to post at 510 At post 2 minutes Start good Won in a hard dri Gawaine ran easily in front to the last eighth but had all ho could do to stall off Nettie Regents Regentsi i nnnina V i 1 in tha loan Imnrlrorl v rra Tha Inttnr run R nrirtint onnd rflnn find wnnld hnvn won in a stride or two more Odnor tired a furlong out Our Nellie made up ground and finished stoutly Prairia Dog ran well for seven furlongs and the same may be said of El Ghor GhorOverweights Overweights Nettie Regent 2 pounds Odnor 1 1Gawaine Gawaine show 4 to 5 Nettie Regent show 6 to 5 Odnor 3 to 5