Six Shooters Big Stake, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-01


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SIX SHOOTERS BIO STAKE. Hawthornes cracking good card of yesterday was the means of drawing out one of the largest crowds that has visited the coarse this year. The track was in excellent condition and despite the cool and cloudy weather that prevailed all afternoon, fast time was made in all the races. The great feature of the days attractions was the Northern Stakes, a handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and npward, one and one-fourth miles with 000 added. The finish in this splendid contest was a surprise all around, two rank outsiders, Six Shooter and Jiminez finishing one, two. The talent was divided in its choice between Pink Coat and Hernando who wire held at about the same figures in the bettiDg, but the best the former could do was to run third, while Hernando finished outside of the money. To a beautiful start Jiminez darted at once into the lead, passing the stand for the first time a length in front of Vulcain, which was about the same distanco in front of Telamon, with the rest of the field well up, Fink Coat being last. JuBt as the contestants wheeled around the first bend Telamon was cut down badly and had to be pulled up. Bounding into the backstitch, Jiminez increased his lead to three lengths over Vulcain, which was two before George Arnold. Here Fink Coat moved up, and by the time the six furlongs had been run was cIobb up to sll but the leader. Hernando appeared to have no high speed and remained far back in the second division. Jiminez, still running well within himself, held his advantage easily as he swung for the run in, but there was a general closing up of those back of him. When the field had straightened away for home George Arnold was seen to be in distress, as was also Yulcain, while Pink Coat appeared to move up fast and Hernando soon followed suit. Passing the eighth post Jiminez still clung to his position and appeared to be the probable winner, but first Pink Coat closed on him and then Six Shooter, the last named coming like a rocket. Jiminez withstood Pink Coats determined bid in the last few strides", but nothing could stop the senBational rueh of Six Shooter along the inside rail, the last named crossing the line a neck in the lead, gradually going away, while Jiminez out gamed Pink Coat by a neck for second place. Hernando was an indifferent fourth. Jiminez Ehowed more gameness than he was thought to poEsesB and ran the best race of his career. The winners race was also by far the best he had ever shown. Vulcain quit when the pinch came. George Arnold about ran his race. Robert Waddell waB never a contender and wae nowhere near up to a good race Corrillo again proved the best in the steeplechase this time having things much his own way as Lord Farandole, his supposedly only dangerous competitor fell at trie eighth jump. He led all the way after taking the fourth jump and fencing cleanly won easily by one and a half lengths from Duty, which beat MacLaren four for second place. Chancery refused the sixth obstacle. Maggie Davis probably ran one of the best races in her life yesterday when she took such speedy horBes as Money Muss and Burnie Bun-ton intolcamp in the fifth race. The last named was supposed to have a mortgage on the affair but there waa smart backing for Money Muss, said to have worked in remarkably faBt time. Both had to succumb to Maggie Davis however in the cloEing strides, she coming with a rush on the inside rail that carried her easily over the line first. Money Mueb and Burnie Bunton ran head and head for the entire journey but v the latter faltered in the last few strides, losing second place by a head. I. Bamelson proved conclusively that his victory over Elsie L. a few days ago was not in the nature of a fluke, as he came right baok in the second race and beat her again by about the same margin. Off in front and well handled by Coburn he stayed in front all the way, but was tiring fast at the end and would have succumbed to McChesney in a few more strides. He won by a neck, while the latter beat Elsio L. a nose for second place. Baird took the days opener in a handy fashion, leading for the entire route and winning well in hand by five lengths. Precursor finished second, a neck in front of Ecome, which ran a good race considering the heavy impost he carried. After Tammany Chief had dodged the issue in the long distance race it left but three to contend for the purse, and Whitfield seemed to have it at his mercy, Such proved the case, as he lay back of Little Elkin for the first mile and a quarter, and when Knight called upon him came away, winning as his rider pleased by three and a half lengths, while Little Elkin beat Oxnard ten for second place. Admonition, after a spirited tilt with Toah in the last eighth, took the final race of the day quite handily by two lengths while Toah finished about as far in front of Triaditza for second place. Chancerys entry will be refused in future at Hawthorne until he has been properly Bchooled over the jumps.

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Local Identifier: drf1901090101_1_2
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