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FORT ERIE FORM CHART. FOBt ERIE, ONT., August 31. Fifty-first day. Fort Brie Bacing Association. Hammer Meeting. Weather threatening; track heavy. Presiding Judge. Francis Nelson. Btarter, Mars Cassidy. Bacing starts at 2:30 p. m. FIBST RACK 5 1-S Furlongs. Parse 250. 3-year-olde and upward. 2rTtQf i tfoU Belling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 27503 BE MABK 3 102 4 5 52 1" lt A Weber J Brinkman 3 8 21 1 27959 CHEVAL DOB 5 112 3 41 41 4 .3 Hayden Nagle and Mannix 4 4 4 8-5 27903GLAD HAND 5 107 1 2" 1 2" 32 IiThompsnO O West and Co 5 7 7 3 f 2787DCHAIBMAN 3 102 7 7 6 5a 4" Bedfern M Kahn 4 5 5 8-5 27614 AHAMO 4 107 9 33 S 3 5 C Wilson K P Shipp 8 10 10 4 27682 ALZOBA 3 102 2 1 2i 62 61 Blake H Lewis 6 7 7 3 27785 NORTHUMBBIA 4 107 8 6" 7 7 7 Berman F A Pope 10 12 10 4 2774 COBALTS 6 107 6 8 8 8 8 L JackBon BEL Bice 2 3 3 1 27767 INCANDESCENT 5 107 5 9 9 9 9 Ellis Mrs M Luzader 15 15 12 5 Time, 241, 511, 1 :04, 1 :12. B3WinnerB.g, by Cheviot Beilly. Went to post at 2:55. At post 5 minutes. 8tartfair. Won easily; second the same. Bemark liked the going, came away in the last quarter and had plenty in reserve at the finish. Hayden -was too weak to do justice to Cheval dOr when it came to a finish. He ran a good race and had to go all around his field to get up. Glad Hand and Ahamn tired in the ran home. Scratched 27926 Laureatea, 107; 27336 Oar Lizzie, 107; 27665 Jim Nap, 105; 21470 Xerxes. 102; 27926 Frances Beis, 100; 21065 Chinchinooka, 100. Overweights Alzora, 2 pounds. Bemark, show, 1 to 2. Cheval dOr, show, 7 to 10. Glad Hand, show, 8 to 5. Coralis, show, lto2. SECOND BACE 5-8 MUe. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Selling. 27981 Ind Horses A Wt St 34 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 27922 B1LVEB CHIMES 100 2 3H 3 22 1 W Woods W Oliver 8 12 12 5 27924VIVIANI 102 1 11 H 1" 21 A Weber Baker and Gibson 8-5 2 2 7-10 27932ZMODEBATOB 112 4 2i 21 3 33 Minder Mrs M C Lyles 6 7 4 8-5 279l!LATHBOP 103 7 5i 5 6 4 W White Mrs M Luzader 10 12 12 5 27905BOUBBON KING 103 6 7 61 5 5 Adams Charles Bay 8 4 4 3-2 278992RLIZABETH JANE 100 7 42 4 42 620 Bedfern E J Bhipsey 21 3 3 1 27768 TETTA P. 99 5 61 7 7 7 Coakley Mrs M Goldblatt 20 40 40 15 2763T SILVEB OWL 105 8 8 8 8 8 Blake W B Baker and Co 4 5 5 2 Time, 25,52,1:051. Winner B. f , by Silver Fox Festival. Went to post at 3:26. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Silver Chimes was best in the going and easily came away iu the last eighth. Viviani showed the most arly speed, but quit when Silver Chimes challenged her. Moderator tired at the end. Lathrop was badly messed about. Silver Owl ran sluggishly. Scratched-279223Frank Becker, 110; 27899Cormac, 165. Overweights Yetta P., 1 pound. Silver Chimes, show, 2 to 1. Viviani, show, out. Moderator, show, 4 to 5. Bourbon King, ahow, 3 to 5. Elizabeth Jane, show, 1 to 2. OrrOCO THIBD BACK 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 3 I YjCjl The Iroquois Stakes. Value ,008. Ind HorseB A Wt Bt 34 K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 2780t LEMUEL 101 2 3 3 IU li Troxler Charles Bay 6-5 6-5 1 out 27848 APPOINTEE 101 3 2 2 3 2 Hayden J Wild and Co 8 12 12 4 278092 BED BOBE 98 5 4 41 4 3" A Weber G Hendrie 8-5 2 2 7-10 27809ME38INA 122 1 11 1 2" 412 Blake MrsFMossom 8-5 2 2 3-5 258092 PILABTEB 98 4 5 5 5 5 LJackBon G Hendrie 8-5 2 2 3 Coupled in straight betting. Time, 241, 51, 1 :05. Winner B. c, by Magian-Acclaim. Went to post at 3:52. At post 9 minutes. Start good. Won easily; Becond the same. Lemuel came away in the last quarter with a rush and could have won farther off. Appointee was easily the best of the others and liked the going. MesBina tired badly in the run home and. Bed .Robe got third place in tbe last few strides. Appointee, show, 3 to 2. Bed Bobe, show, 2 to 5. Messina, show, 1 to 8. Pilaster, show, vbms. f 0UBTH EACB 3-4 m,e Pur885300 All ages. Allowances. 27983 Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 34 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 278742FLINTLOCK 2 71 3 4 21 1 15 Bedfern J J MaoKeeaey 2 2 7-5 1-2" 27744INVASION 4 110 2 1 12 23 28 LThompsnJ K Garnett 8-5 21 21 1 278732BPBY 3 102 4 31 4 4 31 May J E Lane and Co 3 4 4 1 27873EBEMA 3 102 1 22 31 32 4 L Jackson J W Hall 8-5 2 2 4-5 Time, 24, 491, 1:161. Winner Ch. g, by Knight of Ellerslie Flash in the Pan. Went to post at 4:24. At post 1 minute. Start sood. Won easily; second the same. Flintlock overhauled Invasion at the head of the stretch and passed her without much of an effort. Invasion was easily second best. Spry caught Erema tiring in the run home and got third place in a hard drive. No show batting, FIFTH BACB 1 Mlle ParBe50. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 27984: Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27959BUSH FIELDS 7 103 2 2" 2 12 11 U Troxler Charles Bay 7-5 7-5 7-5 7-10 279JSALL SAINTS 3 102 3 32 8 21 2 215 LThompsnJ E Lane and Co 8-5 2 2 7-10 279002TYBBA 5 104 1 12 11 38 38 81 McQuade B L Cole 6 6 6 2 279232DB. FANNIE 4 104 4 41 41 43 42 4 H Watson Mrs B Liddil 4 4 4 8-5 27700WATEBHOUSE 5 107 6 5 51 5 5 5 Minder B E L Bice 10 12 12 4 277332TOLUCA 5 104 5 6 6 6 6 6 Hart J Smith and Co 5 6 6 2 Time, 26, 52, 1:18, 1:461. Winner Ch. g, by Sanford Georgia M. Went to post at 4 :49. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second easily. Bush fields came away on the turn when Tyrba quit, and finished strongly. All Baints finished fast and made him do his best at the finish. Tyrba showed early speed bat tired badly. The others -were never contenders. Scratcbed-265833 Warranted, 95. Bash Fields, show, out. All Saints, show, out. Tyrba, Ehow, evens. Dr. Fannie, show, 4 to 5. 8IXTH BACK 1 flme Parse250- S-year-oldB and upward. BeUing. 27983 Ind Horses A Wt Bt 34 K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H Q P 27847 BAB AGAMP 3 88 3 52 41 31 12 Hi L Jackson J McNaught 21 3 2 7-10 26303 TEKLA 4 100 4 4 3h U 21121 C Wilson Stafford Co 5 6 6 21 27810PB1NCEOFBNG3 92 1 1 21 52 4" 3 Bedfern F 8 Nelson 7-5 7-5 7-5 3-5 27876 ZIEGFELD 3 97 6 21 ll 21 31 4S A Weber O O West and Co 5 5 5 2 278983FBANDOO 4 91 2 3 52 4" 55 58 Adams B J Laughlin 4 5 5 2 278473IDLE CHAT 3 93 7 7 7 7 6 6" W Woods F Haassler 20 20 20 8 27745 BANDY 4 102 5 63 6 65 7 7 May BF Myers 5 6 6 21 275932JENA 4 102 8 8 8 8 8 8 Coakley H Goldblatt 15 20 20 8 Time, 261, 521, 1:191, 1:481. Winner B. f , by Sir Dixon Saraband. Went to post at 5:12. At post 15 minutes. Start fair. Won easily ; second ridden out. Sara-gamp got to the front at the head of the stretch after a drive to get up and won aB her rider pleased from there on home. Tekla was nnder a hard drive all through the last quarter, bat hung in the final furlong. Prince of Bong was interfered with on the last turn. Jena was as sood as left at the post. Overweights Baragamp, 4 pounds; Idle Chat, 3; Bandy, 2. Baragamp, show, out. Tekla, show, 6 to 5. Prince of Bung, show, oat. 07ftQ SEVENTH BACE Short Course. Parse S0. 4-year-olda and upward. j tQU 8elling. Bteeplechase. . Ind Horses A Wt Bt 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 278U3COLEY 4 141 4 22 2 210 2i 2i 12 W JohnsonT L Pierce 7-5 8-5 8-5 4-5 278U2INTFERENCE5 1S9 2 li 111 VI V 12 2i Bay KB Marshall 1112-5 27811M.RRD9HVY10 144 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Lawless H L Johnson. 7-5 2 2 7-10 C5898 DCM41NE 7 141 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 A Johnson J Desha and Co 6 10 10 3 27846 DEWEY D. 4 128 1 Fell. Connelly Mrs G H Pierce- 7-5 8-5 8-5 4-5 Coupled in betting. Time, 3 :32. Winner B. c, by Donatello Maria Lewis. Went to post at 5 :49. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out ; Becond easily. Coley hooked up with Interference at the last jump and the pair fonght it out and Coley was going strongest at the finish. Interference and Mrs. Bradshaw did their best. Dumaines saddle slipped. Dewey D. fell at the second jamp when he was ten lengths in the lead. No Bhow betting on first three.