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1 I CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. SHEEPSHEAD BAT, X. I., August 81. FirBt day. Coney Island Jockey Club. Fall Meet- ing. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. O rTQ Q rT FIRST RAGE Short Course. 4-year-olds and upward. J I J O I The Inaugural Steeplechase. 00 added. Handicap. tnd Horses A Wt St 3 6 9 12 StrFin JockeyB Owners O H C P 26750 OR MAN 4 182 7 41 42 21 21 22 In Barry IN Megargee 16 25 25 8 273202FULMINATE 5 140 3 31 31 43 48 12 22 Mara J E Widener f21 8 21 4-5 27816SBULLINGDON7 148 4 2" 2 311 31 48 32 Green T Hitchcock Jr 2 2 11-54-5 21246HHEESEMITE 5 138 1 11 H 12 12 Si 46 Finnegan J H McCormick 8 9 8 S 27565ZINZIBER 4 136 6 7 7 62 66 5 5 Veitch Mr Chamblett 3 3 3 1 27049 FABIUS 4 133 5 6 6 7 7 Fell. Roach W C Daly 30 60 50 K 27468 M.MITCHELL 5 132 2 52 5 5 53 Fell. Hefder J E Widener t 3 2 t-i Added starter. fConpled in betting. Time, 4:50. Winner Ch. g, by Norwood Norma. Went to post at 2 :30. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; Beeond eaBtly. Ormaa fenced cleanly and showed superior speed throughout. Fulminate was poorly handled and waa best. Bullingdon lacked bis usual speed and ran as if overdone. Cheeeemite jumped one of tbe wings at the liverpool in going the first time around and was probably Bhort. She appears in good shape and Bhould go in improved form in her next race. Zinzibers jockey trailed and never made a move at any stage of the journey. Soratched-267322Sacket, 155; 268963Magic Light,147 ; 18950 Judge Caldwell, 137; 19570 Wytfe, 135. Orman, show, 3 to 1. The entry, show, 1 to 3. Bullingdon, show, 1 to 3. Zinziber, show, 3toS. HEUONI KACE-1 MUe 51,000 added- 3-year-oldi and upward. AllowanSeZ Ind Horses A Wt St Hl V, HtrKw Jockeys Ownurt O H O P 27236OUDEN 7 126 3 2i 21 22 H Hi OConnor W Lakeland 8-5 11-52 2- WEALTH 3 56 4 1" H li 22 22 J Martin Albermarle StablelO 15 8 2 26268OUTLANDER Sill 1 45 45 3 32 Z- Spencer J B and F P Keene 3-5 7-103-5 27771 ALSIKE 5 108 5 5 5 5 5 45 Brennan W C Daly 20 150 100 12 27199ETHICS 3 111 2 Si 3 46 46 5 Thompson C F Dwyer 30 50 60 8 Timo, 12H, 24, 35and, 48, 1 :00. 1 :13X, 1 :26, 1 :89. Winner Br. h, by Kilwarlin Oriole. Went to post at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Ogdaa was easily beBt today. When called on he went to the front on the stretch turn and galloped home nnextended. He is a grand horse. Wealth ran fully up to her phenomenal trials ia private and must be close to a first-class filly. Oatlanler ran a remarkably dull race. He failed to show his former brilliant speed, but looks well bodily and may be in strong work for longdistance raceB in the near future. Ethics was evidently in for work only. Alaike was hopelessly outclassed. Scratched-278793Kinnikinnick,113; 27171Margraviate, 111; 26753 Belle of Troy, 106. Overweights Ontlander, 3 pounds. Ogdan, show, out. Wealth, show. 7 to 10. kr7nUO THIRD HACK- 3-4 Mile. On Main Track. 3-year-olds and upward. Zi laO The Fall Handicap. Valu ,000. . tnd Horses AWt Bt H. K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 278943COBURG 4 119 3 12 13 12 12 McCna J E Seagram 6 10 8 2i 26101VVOTER 7 140 1 43 2a 22 2a Spencer J R Keene 6-5 6-5 9-102-5 277352PAUL CLIFFORD3 100 2 21 32 3 31 Wonderly W C Whitney S 15 15 6 27016BEDECK 3 92 7 81 815 71 4 J Martin G B Morris 15 30 20 8 26208 MUSETTE 4 108 5 5U 5a 51 5li Odom J S Ferguson 8 10 8 5 273102REINA 3 108 6 61 62 41 62 OConnor A Featherstme 7 12 10 3 27S673KING PEPPER 3 118 4 3i 42 61 72 BeauchampPepper Stable 12 20 20 6 268982I81A 3 111 8 75 72 8 810 Bullman 8ullivan and Harris8 12 10 3 23768 H. CLAY RYE 3 95 9 9 9 9 9 Cochran W C Fessenden 30 80 60 Added starter. Time, 12, 23, 35, 47, 59, 1 :13. Winner B. ci by Himyar Grace Lee. Went to post at 3:30. At post 10 minutes. Start fair. Won easily ; second driving. Coburg, always a good horse on this track, showed brilliant form aa a sprinter and was best today at toe weights, although Voter had very little of his usual speed with him today. He broke slowly and may have sulked, and like his stable companion, Outlauder, he ran an inexplicably bad ra. Paul Clifford ran a surprisingly speedy and game race. He appeared to be badly baaten on the turn, but camo again very strongly in the last furlong. Badeck closed a tremendous gap and must be in great form. Musette ran a much improved race today and should be watched. Reina waa out of place, but ia good. Kinar Pepper ia still iu bad form. 8cratchod-279S8Ogden, 129; 262682Xen Candles, 127; 27713 The Muaketeer, 114; 28753 Belle of Troy, 110; 27713 Sly, 99. Overweighta iBia, 4 poundB. Coburg, show, 6 to 5. Voter, show, out. Paul Clifford, show, 9 to 5. 7QQri FOURTH RACE Futurity Course. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. ml i JJJ 2-year-olda Allowances The Futurity. ,750 added. Ind Horses A Wt St M Yt X StrFin Jockeys , Owners , O H O P 27442JYANKEE 119 3 31 4i 21 12 OConnor MaddenandWhity f4 41 4 6-S" 27589 LUX CASTA 109 7 6 31 12 22 Odom Albemarle Stable 15 20 15 a 27589 BABON 112 10 7 86 6h 3h J Woods John Daly 10 15 12 4 268232DE RESZKE 117 2 5a 5a 51 4i Shaw F Farrell 10 12 10 4 26818 PENTECOST 119 5 la In 3 52 BeauchampE Brown and Co 20 30 20 8 27715KING HANOVER 129 9 4a 6a 71 62 T Burns W C Whitney 8-5 8-5 7-5 1-2 276313GUNFIBE 114 12 10 9 9 71 Monace J E Madden f4 41 4 6-5 27814 CAUGHNAWAGA 112 6 2a 2a 4 81 McGinn W H Sealey 100 100 100 39 27115 FLYWHEEL 125 11 11 11 10 92 BuUman P Belmont 20 30 20 8 26037NA8TURTIUM 122 19 18 14 12 101 N Turner W C Whitney i8-5 8-5 7-5 1-3 272372HYPHEN 122 4 9 10 11 11 Cochran 8 8 Brown 15 15 15 6 2781423ATUBDAY 112 1 8 7 8 12 Wonderly A H and D H Morris 20 30 25 S 24737 THE TALISMAN 112 14 12 15 13 13 Bmith Oneck Stable 100 200 150 5.0 27715HOME3TEAD 112 16 14 12 14 14 Landry G B Morris 200 300 300 100 264403PORT ROYAL 122 8 13 13 15 15 Spencer J R and F P Keene 100 100 40 15 27934UTOPIAN 122 17 15 16 16 16 Sims F M Taylor 50 60 50 20 J 27810BBOADSTREET 112 13 16 17 17 17 Williama T Monahan 300 300 300 109, 23702SUN SHOWER 109 15 17 18 18 18 Flack J Dunn 200 300 300 100 HENO 112 18 19 19 19 19 McCue C H Mackay 10 12 10 4 Added starters, f Coupled in betting. Time, 1:09. Winner B. c, by Hanover Correction. Went to post at 4:10. At poet 12 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Yankee was beBt. He finished with a tremendous rush, haa both spaed and stamina and is probably the best colt of the year. Lux Casta found the straight course to tier liking and her race confirmed the first estimate as to her superior quality. Baron and De Reszke both finished stronnrly. They havo been doiog extra well in their work. Pentecost showed high speed and lasted a good j while as the pacemaker and muEt be a good one to hold that position so long, as the entire field waB driving from start to finish. King Hanover tired in the last furlong under the big w eigh ??Laafd b2 th.e contender on the stretch turn. Gunfire was closing fist but hid a sciut chance in the big fie d.bMng too slow a beginner to be able to hold a position in the first vxrt. oTSW Att t8rhunefflforamnd D Scratohed-277152Goldsmith, 181; 274102Blue Girl, 128; 26818 CarroU D.. 119. show aonten W 7 t0 10 LnX CHBta 8hW 2i Bar0Q 8nw, 2 to 1. Whitney entry, 27991 FIgoTi?s Ind HorseB A Wt Bt X K X BtrFin Jockeys OrTaTa O H C P 2642403BRDPPACK I? gtt"""" A Featherstone 5 10 8 3 Vil 1 5 ll D Gideon 8 271 973P A RTTRON 1 M? 10 8 3 " 27fisl2ROYAr V I ? La.?dry FBrindle 4 6 6 2 276S42BOYAL smc SUE 112 11 M S. 5 4 J Martin J B Haggln 3 4 4 8-5 BrFtlSiSB I1 I Setauket 8table 6 6 5 2 PwanKBTrnr? Ha1? ?, ,2 and fe48 Turney Bros 4 6 4 8-5 Ji1, J t1 l2 22 5 WilliamsJ Churchill 4 5 31 8-5 HMO 27840 BATYAH RVPYAFT 112 8 8 8 8 8 Brennen W C Daly 15 20 20 8 " SLs 1 8 ! ! I W J ? 5se 1 1 i, a 27089 HAPPY PRnifi 115U tt? J U ?" ,F J? 3LB?rnB A G Weston 10 15 12 5 9CoupPffi?betSg. ILlmt11 CLBail" 30 200 200 60 Winner Br. c, by Lissak Annie Chinn. Went to post at 4:50. At post 20 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second handily KnaD-sack ran in improved form, was perfectlyftandled and finished resolutely. Bruff ran ia surnris. iXZr rmpand, waB s,p8edy a.d am8 Ca8t Iron was badly bumped and interfa"9d th nnttafn tZV1 Bn and hi? g?p tlom and bad 8endKff, was poorly ridden and n 27, ii j tu0rf ?lpnton the turn, losing much ground. Setauket and Glen tVatsr were Srlllff - JtnCked abat 0a th tDm- BigotleyQwVaasndWerr0 Glenr? snotVs" .ffi.SEW Ca8t IrD 8hW 6 to 5" Bho w, evens tm 27992 SfrdSeUing.1"16 MUeS 0aTnrf- .000added. S-year-olds and up-Ind Horses A Wt Bt X X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P gandrBandw i -a 5T j. 1. 1 1 a .iter! s g ? Overweights Fatalist, 1 pound ; Autolight, 1. Louisville, show, out. ABtor, show, evens. Fatalist, show, 6 to 5. Autolight. show, out.