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PEDIGREE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colon, ruled and arranged for six generation! of lirei and dams of individuals and their ancestor!, Tan cents each, .00 per dozen, .5 par hun Sred. No ownor of a itallion should be without a inpply. DAILY B AGING FOBIi, 1I4-1S3 Fifth Avuu, Chit ago, 111 I LOCAL FORM BOOKS. Sheets and covers for local form are on sale by 8 :30 p.m. of each racing day at the following newsstands : Auditorium Annex. Victoria Hotel. Great Northern Hotel. Wellington Hotel. Palmer House. Lexington Hotel. P. V. Fitzpatrick, 22nd street. McCanns, 44th and Cottage Grove avenue, J. J. BaBtian, 989 W. MadiBon street Henry Fash, 516 W. Madiion street