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Dallu Bacing Form IBSUKD SYBBY SAY. Smerlcan Turf Congress Record OFFIOUXt ORGAN OF 1HB AM2BIOAN TURF CONGBE88 AND Western Jockey Glut Bulletin OFFICIAL OEQAK OF THE WK8TKBN JOCKEY CLUB. Kditor amd Proprietor, F. H. Brunkll. Aabooiatb Editor, Clinton 0. Riley. Shorktaky, Mrs, F. H. Bbunkll. Buterad In the Post Office at Chicago aa second class matter. x A Daily Reflection of tha American Turf by Telegraph, AIIiT RACING FOBH PUBLISHING CO. t . - . . COPYRIGHTED. Vatarad according to Act of Congress, in tha year 1911. by Frank H. Brnnell, in tha office of tha Librarian of Congrau at Washing, ton, D. C, U. 8. A. Tba enart and index numbers and track form of Daily Raoinq Fokm most not be need. - Thar are copyrighted daily and will ba keenly .protected. 114-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. BOBSOBIPTIONB MUST BB PAID IN ADVANOB. TERMS: Per Month. 1 1.25 Half Year . 7.50 One Year 14.00 3fhe above ratsa are for single copies as aoaled letters flrstf-daBa mail. SeJly Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single conies aa first-class mail in all cases. 5oaal subscriptions oujsiob the down town district will be declined at other than first-alass mail matter rates. So be considered and answered all queries to Daily Racing Form must hs sent over the full name and with the name of the writer. Those names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory teat. ST. LOUIS, MO., OFFICE 19 N. BROADWAY, Basement. M. Murphy, Agent. On Sale at 8:30 a.m. Daily Racing Form can be delivered to any address in Bt. Louis. Sack numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the St. Louis office for telegraphic transmission, 88TR0IT OFFICE 139 Grlswold Street. Frank E. McDonald, Agent. On sale at 9 :00 a.m. CINCINNATI OFFICE 08-410 Vine Street, J. R. Hawley, Agent. On Bala at Noon. AT MEMPHIS, TENN.: R. M. Mansford Co. X. H. Clarke and Bro. AT TORONTO, ONT.: George McSweeney, Iroquois Hotel. AT DENVER. COL.: Hamilton and Eendrick, 908-912 17th Street. AX NEW ORLEANS. LA.: . I H. J. Holle, 6tl Commercial Place. J AT BUFFALO, N. Y. : 1 New Tiff t House. AT NASHVILLE, TENN. : Duncan Hotel. AT MILWAUKEE, WIS,: Plankinton Hotel News Stand. AT BUTTE, MONT.: Eeefe Bros., Post Office News Stand. , AT KANSAS CITY, MO.: Ricksecker Cigar and News Co., Ninth and t Walnut Streets. CHICAGO, ILL., SEPTEMBER 14, 1901.