untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-09-14


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Harlem Glub - Jockey - HARLEM PARK, CHICAGO. Mid-Summer Meeting Begins September 2. SIX OR MORE RACES DAILY, BEGINNING AT 2:15 P. M. Steeplechase Music by p.rpR STAKE AND SPECIAL1 LVENTS; Banks Monday SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, Mav wood Handicap. 3-j ear-olds and upward. v-act m Wednesday 1 mile 100 yards. 81,000 added. wrir Friday Orchestra.. ADMISSION .00. Special Illinois Central trains leave Bandolph street at 12:15,12:40. 1:C0 and 1:30 p.m., stop- Metropolitan "L" leaves Pacific avenue and Van Bnren street at 12:19, 12:59 and 1:09 p.m. Ving at "Van Bnren street, Park Bow, E alBted street and Ashland avenue. Returning, first train stopping at all Loop stations, Balsted street and Marahfield avenue. t 4 dO : other trains directly after the races. Lake Street Elevated leave Clark and Lake streets at 12 30, 12 -44, 12:51, 12:58, 1:05,1:12 and 1:26 12th Street Electric from Van Bnren and Btate streets direct to track without change trem yjB., stopping at all Loop stations, leaving Bandolph Bt. and Fifth avenne 14 minutes later, 12:80 to 1:15 p.m. at short intervals. Mireet to track without stop. Betnrnicg, first train after fifth race stopB at all stations; ether trains after races, stopping at Ashland avenne and Habited street. Madison Street Cable connecting with surf ace electric at 4th street direct to track. ACpFplAI pvpppcc TP AIM on the Lake St. "L" will leave Lake and Clark Sts. daily at 2:08 p.m. stopping at ell Loop stations, leaving Fifth Ave. 4 Ol. I.VIL. lLJj I and Bandclph Bt. 14 micnteB later,for the acccmmcdaticn of patrens who are unable to meet the earlier race trains. Fare on Specials, Round Trip, 25c. H. Natbanson, Secy, 815 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg. IVWMiiiiiiiiMMMWw HOW READY THE NOW READY American Sportmg piaaual For 1901 COPYRIGHTED. A Handbook of Figures Beyond Comparison. An Official Compendium of Records. Running, trotting and pacing, the pugilistic record of 1900, Handicapping and bookmaking tables. FOUB HANDICAP TABLES WITH KKYS. lummarlGS du Experts on trie Past Years Doings, ...EDITED BY F. H. BRUNELL... so. Cents in Paper. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 80 Cents in Soft Morocco. , ...124-126 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901091401/drf1901091401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901091401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800