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LOCAL FORM BOOKS. Sheets and oovers for local form are on sale by 8 :80 p.m. of eaoh raelng day at the following newsstands : Auditorium Annex. Victoria Hotel. Great Northern Hotel. Wellington Hotel. Palmer House. Lexington Hotel. P. V. Fitzpatriok, 22nd street. McCanns, 44th and Cottage Grove avenue. J. J. BaBtlan, 989 W. Madison street Henry Fash, 516 W. Madison street " NOW READY. 20TH YEAR ..the.. Goodwins annual Official of 1900. Turf Guide A work of 2,000 pages containing reportB of 7,200 races in the U. S. and Canada with a "FORM TABLE" to all principal meetings. Also many miscellaneous data absolutely invaluable to all turf followers. DrlPPG In Cloth, .20. rl 1UUO in Half Morocco, .20. In English Half Calf, .80. Circulars mailed upon application, Goodwin Bros., 1440 Broadway, New York. All the Turt INews All TracKS arc Perfectly Edited. Fully Reported 1 Daily I Racing Form Form Sheets and Entries I Telegraphic, Correct, Expertly Indexed. Concise, Comely. Training News a Specialty. Official Organ of the American Turf Congress, OFF OUR OWN PRESSES BEFORE THE CHICAGO DAILIES. Subscription g0! $ H - Six Months 7.50 , rnce s A xv in plain One Year 1 4.00 envelop. 124-126 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL