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SAN FRANCISCO STAKES. Next Monday entries to the richest stakes that will be decided at San Francisco during the course of tho approaching winter campaign will close. The list includes tho famous 0,-CC0 Burns Bandicap, the leading fixture of the coaBt, and a number of others of great value and importance. The conditions of all are sot forth in tho advertising department of this issue and Daily Bacing Foem is ready to supply entry blanks to all who may require them. Turfmen who intend campaigning over tho splendid and well conducted tracks in the vicinity of tho Golden Gate city should not fail to at once enter their lioraos liberally in these tompting stakes. Tho time for closing iB right at hand and delay is dangerous. Tho preliminary list of stakoB that closed October 5 filled surprisingly well and this more important list should bo awarded even moro generous patronage,