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ST. LOUIS ENTRIES. Probabilities : Weather clear; traok faBt. First Bace 3-4 Mile.. 2- year-oldB. Belling, Ind. Horses. Age, Wt. Hdcp. 28953 Oglo Ill 725 28939 Bister Sarah 106 720 28997 Leflare 105 715 29046 Lillian M 104 710 290212dting 104 715 28997 Chandoo ..I 103 705 29021 Clarena 100 695 28997 Corinne C 100 700 29021 Florrie B .100 690 Second Bace S 1-3 Furlongs, All Ages. Selling. 28819Harry Duke...., 9. ...114 725 28746 Judge Magee 5. ...109 685 28936 Tenny Belle 3.... 109 710 28922 Winnebojonr 4.. ..109 700 29000 Judge Pettua 6. ...109 720 2S0C0 W. J. Baker 7.... 109 715 28998 Free Gold 6 ... 109 685 28937 Laura G. G 4....109 690 28920 Samivel 6.. ..109 715 28821 MonaB 5.... 109 705 29000 Miss Golightly 3....104 700 28974 Lady Hartington 3.... 104 695 29020 Jnanett 3....104 710 28744 Bonnicoosa 2.... 90 690 28878 Kegel 2.... 90 695 Third Bace 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward, Belling, 289722Eda Biley 4.. ..112 710 28998 Eleven Bells 4.... 109 725 289552 Wall About 3.... 109 710 28977 Ben OFaUon 6....109 705 29045 Don Luis 6.. ..106 700 28881 Tempse 6.... 106 685 29022 Sylvian 4.... 106 690 28937 Innendo 6.. ..106 685 29018 Ladas 5. ...106 700 289413Lady Curzon 4.... 106 715 28839 Harry Pulliam 3.... 100 695 29045Nannie Nolan 3. ...100 720 29001 Flying Eagle 3.. ..100 ......695 290223Loone. 3.... 97 715 28711 Burnetts Walkaway ... 3.... 97 705 Fourth Bace 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling, 289992Peaceful 4....109 725 28999 Found 6.... 103 705 28955Beana 5... .103 720 290473 Wine Press 5.. ..103 715 290472Albert F. Dewey.. 3.... 103 710 28710 Prosper La Gai 3.... 97 715 Fifth Bace 1 1-8 Miles. 5-year-olds and upward. Belling. 28998 8worasman 7.. ..120 715 290012Banquo II 7.. ..112 725 28816 Ellis 6.... 109 700 28816 Fucino 6.... 109 695 29001 Birdie May 7.. ..109 705 29001 ASeTi 4.. ..109 700 29045 Hendricks 6....109 690 29001 Lady of the WeBt 6.. ..109 720 28957 Irving May or...... 3.... 106 710 29045 Marcy 3.. ..103 715 28998 Pirates Daughter 3. ...100 705 28877 Eocrys 3 .... 100 690 28711 John Bull 3.... 100 695 Sixth Bace 5 1-2 Furlongs 3- year-olds. Selling. 28996 MiBS Guido 105 710 289962 Aline 8 .-.105 705 29000 Little Chico 105 710 28996 Accolade 103 695 289563Blneblaza 103 715 289183Lola Home 100 700 29022 Kink 100 705 29022 Battns 100 725 28819 Velasquez 100 695 29025 One More 100 700 290452Babnnta 100 720 28902 Lady Bramblo 100 715