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ROBERT WADDEU LEPr HERE. Almost all the horsemen that had stables at the Lakeside track were busy yesterday making preparations to take their horses away. In a few days the course will be almost deserted, ona of the few horses to remain behind being Robert Waddell whosa injured foreleg still gives him great pain. "Pa" Bradley shipped his entire string to Bennings yesterday morning, but the great gelding was in no condition to be removed and will bo left in charge of his faithful negro attendent "Possom" until tha injured leg heals sufficiently to warrant standing a trip on the cars. Last Monday the Derby winner was able to rest his weight on the strained leg but yesterday morning it became exceedingly tender so tender that he hobbled around in his stall on threa legs in groat pain. A special train composed of twenty-one cars loft for New Orleans this morning capable of carrying 272 horses. Almost all the animals that had been racing at the Indiana track left on this train. The horseman who took their strings away with them are as follows: E. D. Greenwood, Hedges ana Harvison, G. B. Havill, J. O. Eoeno, J. F. Holt, E. M. Jackson, Frank Lightfoot, Mrs. H. Morgan, E. Bodgers, T. Settle and Co., P. Stanton fe Co., E. L. Talley, F. F. Warner and Co., Wright and Co., M. T. Skiles, G. Bproul, G. B. Grimes, M. Kahn, Mrs. C Van Dueen, R. Rowa, W. R Rakor and Tr Glass-cock, P. J. Moss and Co., Bnrke and Ownbey, T. Kinney, W. Lister, Dave Waldo, C. DeWitt, BOBEBT WADDELL LEFT HEBE. Continued from First Page. Bolich and Sweet, S. S. Bender, G. W. Curtis, Mannion and Connell, Hermann and Casein, G. and M. Foster, Jamea Arthur, Thomas Carey. E. Trotter, "Texas" Smith, J. F. Nowman, B. M. Westerfield, Mrs, L. Griffin, Newman and Gibson, George Mule, J. Clerico, P. J. Garrigan, Gus Lanka, E. J. Gohlbach.T. J. McHale, V. Hughes, J. U. Strode, StevenB Brothers, G. W. Poole, M. H. Tichonor and Co., W. H. Williamson and Co., C. K. Burdeau, W. Cahill, George Gill, 8am Morton, A. McLaughlin and B. Kaufmann. ,