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ir i " LOUISVILLE FORM CHART. LOUISYIIiIiE, KY., November 14. Eleventh day. Douglas Park Seeing Association. FalUMeeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, John Morrow. Starter, William Bruen. Racing starts at 2:30 d. m. OOftTSft FIE ST HACK 6 1-3 furlongs. Purse 50. 3-year-olds and up ward. jltJi:jlO Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt M X ?i BtrFin Jockeys Owners - O E O P 293782DYNABTY 3 92 3 32 21 2 1H ONeil WTWashamJr 2 2i 2i -5 293432M198 QUIDO 8 97 ?. 31 12 12 22 ,T Daly Colo and Co 2-5 2-5, 2-5 out 29283 GB ATI A 4 101 5 4i 42 32 31 L Taly M G Devlin 10 10 10 4 29404 BOUDANA 4 104 4 51 51 41 43 Collins H D Monroe 15 20 20 8 29104 ROSY MORN 5 99 1 2 ?h 51 51 Irvin R J Perry 5 6 6 2 29402 MANDAMUS 4 101 6 63 61 61 6 W Woods J B Horstman 10 10 10 4 293SV ARRIBA 4 104 9 9 7 7 7I May P Gorren 10 10 6 2 29371 CtfPA 3 92 8 8 8 8 83 M JohnEon M 8tow 10 10 JO 4 29345 XilZETTA. B. S 1001 7 7 9 9 9 Lynch H Dodgaon 40 50 50 15 Time, 24, 441, 1:151, 1:221. Winner Br. or blk. f, by Piince of Monaco Nellie Whittrker. Went to poEt at 2:14. At poBt 5 minutes. Start straggling. Won fpsily; eecond the same. Dynasty rcn to bar best form, was ncder restraint for tbe first half and wben called on ran away from her field with ease. Miss Gnido showed her utnel earlj speed, but when challenged weakened worse than she ueually does. Gratia ran in much improved foim. Arribas bridle camo off Boon after tbe start. Scratched 29402 Quaver, 99. Overweights Gratia, 2 Bounds; Mandamus, 2; Lizotta S., 51. Dynasty, show, 1 to 3. Gratia, show. 2 to 1. CJfj SECOND HACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind Borsea A Wt Bt M K BtrFin Joeknyn OwnTB O K O P 29344 DUBIOUS 101 8 11 13 12 11 T rosier A Brown 8-5 21 11-56-5 293813 BATTIE DAVIS 105 4 51 42 21 25 Powell B Moore and Co 2 2 2 7-10 29286 THIBTBAM 104 9 3h 21 31 Si ONeil H J GorhnrdyandCo6 10 10 4 29S173KEQEL 101 S ? 4 51 41 4 J Daly P M r.ivill 4- 6 R 2 2P403 COEINNEO, 101 7 7 61 61 5 Wallace F Gering 10 10 10 4 293443TOUT 101 6 8 8 7 C3 W Woods WABinehart 3 3 3 6-5 2938t HABBISOtf F. 104 5 61 7 8 7 L Daly W G Fox 15 20 20 8 29284 OTON CLAY 106 1 9 9 9 82 Finnerty FJEicb?cbngandCo?0 30 SO 12 29381 OLD HUBB 107 2 2h 3" 5h 920 BeauchampE A Cornwall 6 10 10 4 29844 MI8EA 101 10 10 10 10 10 Bcpbca J B Evero 20 40 40 12 Time, 51, E01, 1:161. Winner B. f, by Dprwentwater Pibroch. Went to post at 2:15. At post 4 minutes. Ftart good. Won ridden out; second easily. Dubious, under a good ride, was tbe bast She bad to bo hustled along in the last sixteenth, however, as she wbb inclined to loaf. Battie,Dfv"a ran in much improvnd form and but for meot-irg wih inUrferencp at the balf-milo ground mifibt have vton. Tristram ran impressively, but weakenrd in the run bomf. Tont can 00 much better. Bcretchcd 29S81 Artl ur Moll, 107. Overweights Hattio Davie, 4pounde ; Oton Clay, 1: Old Euse, 3. Dnhifus. Bbrw, 3 to 5. Hattie Davis, show, out. Tristram, show, 3 to 2. Tout, show, 3 to 5. THIRD EACE 1 Mile. Purse ?300. AUAgos. Owners Handicap. gQfJ Ind Horeae A Wt Bt M Yt and BtrFin Jockeyt Owners O E O "P 2938228ALVE 3 88 2 3 21 12 13 In J Daly 8 P Barlan 6-5 3-2 3-2 out 29S452JAKE WEBER 4 921 S 23 11 26 28 Z8 ONeil P M Civill 6-5 6-5 4-5 out 29315TREMAB S 85 1 H 8 3 3 3 M Jobnscn E L Johasoa 21 18-518-53-5 Time, 24, 48, 1 :l!i, 1 :41i. Winner Ch. g, by Lord Esterling Welcome. Went to pest at 3:12. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won in a canter : second easily. Balve was under restraint in the first cart of the race and came away when his rider gave him his head. He could have won by ten lengths bad his jockey allowed him to do so. Jake Weber about ran hiB race and had no mishaps. Tremar wbb badly bandied. Johnson kept swinging her when going around the first two turne and this throw ber off her sttide completely. OvTwrtigbtp Salve. 3 pounds; Jakn Weber, 21. 2--2- FOyH1j;-H EACIr 8 1-2 S"nlong. Purse 250. 3-ysar-oIds and upward. Ind HorBoa A Wt Bt M Vx X BtrFin JockeyB Owners O H C P 29380 ALPA 3 103 6 53 31 2h H J Daly BPEnrlan 3 4 4 8-5 29318ELEVEN RELL84 1C9 1 3h 41 31 23 Troxlor T A Daviea 8-5 8-b 8-5 3-5 293823NETT1E REGENT4 104 4 4 51 52 3" May P J Nolan 7-5 2 2 7-10 29283BLON. GBAYEON3 102 3 21 1h 11 42 W Woods B Hums 8 10 10 4 29262CBEBRY HEAD 5 1C9 2 6 6 6 51 Alley J C Ferris Jr 10 15 15 S 29078 LADY BRAMBLE 3 102 5 U 21 4h 6 ONeil A P Gooding 3 3 21 1 Time, 241, 50,1:161,1:28. Winner B. f, by Sensation Alexina. Went to post at 3:33. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won drivirg and all out; second easily. Daly, on Alea, went to sleep the last sixteenth when be appeaitd to have the race well in baDd. Eleven Bells came with a rush and wonld bave won in another stride. 8be would have won easily anyhow had Troxler not swuDg wide into the stretch. Nettie Tt gent was badly messed about and should have been much closer up. Blonde GrayBon faltered whnnhar chanco of winning ser mad best. Cherry Head refused to extend herself. Lady Bramble showed early epeod. Scratched 294C4 Lady Cureon,104. Alea, show, 7 to 10. Eleven Bells, show, out. Nettis Regent, chow, out. Lady Bearable, show, 1 to 2. : 24:20 FIFTH 8ACK1 1-4 Miles. Purse S2E0. S-year-oldn and upward. Ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt and BtrFin Jockeys Ownora O H C P 293472L. OF T. EbT6 112 7 63 41 32 12 14 12 J Daly J C Ferris Jr 1-2 S-5 3-5 out 29347 KOBE BIBD 3 90 3 El 61 ft 53 32 21 M Johnson E Moore 4 5 5 6-5 29402 SAUCE BOAT 4 101 I H 22 21 22 21 31 W Woods A Brown and Co 10 15 15 C S91062FAKQUO U. 7 115 2 22 1h 1h 42 41 46 Tioxler VADavies 2 11-511-51-2 294C6 FR1ESLAND 5 1C61 6 7 7 42 3 53 5 Absher D Bill 20 40 40 10 59285 ELI A MABTIN41C3 4 ?i S2 6 6 6 65 McFeeley Goodhrtf andTorris40 1C0 100 30 294C6 BIRDIE MAY 7 102 5 41 51 7 7 1 1 Irvin J P Housley 15 20 20 8 Time, 251, 5C J, 1:171, 1:431, 2:10. Winner Ch. m, by Chorister Daphne. Went to post at 4:00. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Wen easily ; second handily. Lady of the West was in a soft spot and was at no time fully extended. Boea Bird camo from a long way behind and caught Sauce Boat tiring fast in tbe last sixteenth. The latter ran in much improved form over bis previous offort. Banquo II. ran poorly and can do much better. Scratched- 294063Honywood, 112. Overweights Sauce Boat, 2 pounds; FrieBland, 41; Ella Martin, 4. Bose Bird, sbow, out. Banco Boat, show. 21 to 1. Banquo II., show, out.