untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-15


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BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO - Jacqueminot, 8-i First start this year; good thing. Today one at Oakland and this one certain starter and winner. Odds 4 to 12 to 1. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL BACES .00. Qiv Qnppiak fnr 0 fir ?9 fnr RnP Wired to any part of the world. May require two weeka CIA OUtUldlb IUI IU Ul IUI U1IC. todelivor, as only wire horses of odds, not hot favorites E. T. AUard always at office to explain any matter. Office 176 B. CI art St. in tickst offics. Telephone 2149 Central. On sale at 11 :S0 a.m. at newfstand, southeast corner Clark and Madipon Bta. COL. J. C. WOOTEKS, MGR., 94 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1007. SCALLYWAG, 3 to 1, WON. We told you tbnt. it was a cinch and adviFed all our clients to plunge to the limit. 4 TO 3 2 TO X CINCH AT B2KKIKGS IFKIDAY. Our sdvice to our patrons rnthis extra special is to again plungo tolhe limit. 10 lO 1 EXTBA SPECIAL AT OAKLAND FEIDAY. W e again advise to pjurge to tbo limit. Prmrmber this is inside information and comes from sources that stldcm.if ever, faihs. Sand1 UtD Y AT OAKLAND 15 to 40 to 1 GOOD TBING. .00 PER DAY. Race Track Information Bureau, S,E 263-269 Dearborn St. REYNOLDS and GO. BEGINNING HOYEMBER 16 We will get direct information by special wire from the California tracks daily. TODAY AT LATONIA we have two royal good things ; also a 6 to 1 shot special at Bennings. .00 "Weekly. Wired at 10 a.m. REYNOLDS .ft CO., iKS All the Turf News fli Tractcs tiro Perfectly Edited. Fully Reported cr i ii niMMBE3aaKjamacm I Daily Racing Forn Form Sheets and Entries Telegraphic, Correct Expertly Indexed. Concise, Corneiy. Training News a Specialty. Official Organ of tbe Western Jockey Clnb. OFF OUR OWN PRESSES BEFORE THE CHICAGO DAILIES. Subscription g0 $ Six Months 7.50 rnce One x Year 4 1 4.00 A inpiain v 124426 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901111501/drf1901111501_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1901111501_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800