Oakland Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-15

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OAKLAND FORM CHART , OAKLAND, CAL.. November 14. Eleventh day. New California jockey Club. Fall Meeting Weather cloudy; track good. Presiding Judge. Joaeph A. Murphy. Btarter, J. J. Holtman. Bacing starts at 2:15 p. m. 294:30 FIHST BACB-5"8 Mil- emB0 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. lad Horae3 A Wt Bt K V X StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 25629 JACQUEMINOT 105 2 11 H 1 1" Birkenruth A J Stamler and Co 5 8 8 W 29372 CAT HELLO 1C0 3 2H 211 21 23 J Banch BurnsandWaterhselU 10 10 3 Z9J48 BOSABIO 100 4 4 61 51 32 Winslett P Eowley 10 12 12 4 29J22 BAMESE3 103 7 Sa 42 41 4 OConnor G B Morris 7-101-5 7-102-5 25367 WANDERING BOY 105 6 53 31 3 56 Howson La Siesta Banch 15 15 15 5 29068 CHANDOO 108 5 6 51 6 6 J R Woods T H 8tevens 5 6 6 2 29289 ABTflUB BAY 103 1 7 7 7 7 Fauntleroy J L Clayton and Co 15 30 20 7 Time, 121, 241, 495, 1 K2i. Winner B. f, by Darebin Bed Bose. Went to post at 2:15. At pot 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Jacqueminot showed the most speed throughout and finished strongly but Cathello would have beaten her in another stride and was best. Bosario finiehed with a great burst of speed and will do soon. Barneses doea not appear to be of much present account. Jacqueminot, show, evens. Cathello. show, 3 to 2. Bosario, show, 8jto 5. Barneses, show,font fciQf 91 BECOND BACK Futurity Course. 170 foet less than 3-i mile. Purse 00 j2W. 3-year-oldB. Selling. Ind HorseB A Wt Bt M H X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 29201 SCALLYWAG 103 1 HI 12 12 ! J Banch D 8 Fountain 2 2i 2i 1 29319 MRS. BBUNELL 103 S 21 22 2 22 J Woods F Mathews and Co 4 4 3 1 29288 PAB8IFAL 103 9 71 61 31 31 1 RirkenrnthJ D Fitzgerald 6 7 7 2 29290 PEGALONG 99 2 61 51 61 42 Hoar J D Dunn 4 6 6 2 25257 H1SENVINE 103 5 41 41 41 53 Winslett J C Nealon 4 6 6 2 29319 BONITABY 99 4 Sa 32 55 66 LA Jackson H E liowell 20 50 50 12 24114 LIBBIE ELKIN8 99 7 8 81 71 72 J T Woods W E Newth 15 50 E0 12 25667 APBBODIS 99 8 9 9 83 1 Ransom J H Bimpson 6 10 10 3 LITTLE GUN 111 6 51 71 9 9 8ee MissMCunngham 15 15 15 6 Time, 1:12, Winner Ch. g, by Himyar Lady Agnes. Went to post at 2:13. At post 3 minutss. S liar t fair. Won in a drive; second easily. Scallywag got the best of the send-off and had a clear course throughout, but was quitting almost to a walk at the finish. Mrs. Brunell finished very stroagly and would have won in another stride or two. Parsifal was outrun in the first part of the race, but finished etoutly. Bonitary quit badly BcaDy wag, show, 1 to 2. Mrs. Brunell, show, 1 to 2. Parsifal, ahow, evena. gQg bj TH1BD BACE 3-4 Mile. Purse S400. 2.year-ulds. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St K V X StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 293222GLENDENN1NG 106 1 13 18 18 no L.ogne J P Atkins 1-2 1-2 1-2 out 29348 COMMB FOB3TEB 105 4 5 4h 3a 23 J Woods J W Schnrr 4 4 31 3-5 29173 QUADRA 100 2 2 2S 2 3 J Banch GW Snider and Co 10 15 10 2 29173 DAW80N 1C0 3 43 3a 43 43 Ransom W B Sink Jr 12 25 25 6 2911 TUFTS 1C0 6 6 6 6 53 Stuart C A Johnson and Ce50 75 75 12 25937PBE3TENE 100 5 S 5 51 6 Birkenruth G Summers and Co 15 30 30 6 Time, 111, 231, 471,1:14. winner Ch. g, by St. Carlo Glenlivett. Went to post at 3:11. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won cintering; Bocond easily. Glen-danning outclassod bis field and won in a romp. Commissioner Forater was outrun in the first, part of the race, but finished fast and cot second place caBiiy after the others had tired. Qaadrc showed speed and will do in alower company, Prost9ne wes very short. Commissioner Forster, show, out, quadra, show. 1 to 2. H KACB1 1-4 Milet" PnrBe 00. 3-year-oldB and upward. ! 9 4. 3 3 FBRn a Horses A Wt 8t St M Vi M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2923C2LIZELLA 6 113 3 6 6 42 2H 12 HI OConnor J Wober and Co 21 3 3 3-5 r9J512JRN MGUBK3 98 4 31 SH li li 22 2 1 Birkenruth H E Bowell 1111-3 293243FBEE lANCE 7 108 5 , l2 111 21 32 811 3 J SVonds W H Ketchiman 41 41 4 .1 29377 C. ATTORNEY 4 97 2 51 51 6 4a 41 H J Mathows P Corrigan 20 100 100 25 29373 BUNTS LLO 4 104 1 4n a 31 54 55 510 Ransom M Storn 8 10 10 3 THAYNE 6 104 6 21 25 5 6 6 6 Ssa VHi6eIerandCnrlmnl5 100 1C0 25 Time, 251, 51, 1 :17, 1 :4Sl, 2 :09. Winner B. m, by Morello Lizzie Dunbar. Went to post at 3:37. At poet 1 minute. Start pood. Won easily; second the same. Lizella. capitally ridden ran a good race, finished strongly and was much the best. OConnor had her under restraint all the way. John McGnrk ran his race, but the distance waB a little too far to snit him. Frie Lance did hie best throughout under a good ride. Thayne showed early speed. . No show betting on first three. l"0d3dL gIFTH gACIi:1 Mile Bursa 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Boiling. ted HorseB A Wt Bt M and X StrFin Jockeya Owners O H 0 P 293732BILLY MOORE 4 1C9 2 41 3a 2H 211 13 OConnor T T Sector 21 21 11-51-2 29374THE SINGER 4 109 5 311 li HI Hi V Birkenruth W P Magrana 8-5 21 2 3-5 260C933ENATOB MATTB5 109 3 la 25 31 31 3i Winslett H L Haskell 30 60 60 12 260S32BOHENLOHE 6 112 4 5 5 4 43 4 J Mathews Elmwood Farm 6 15 15 3 29377 MORTGAGE 4 109 1 21 42 5 5 5 J Woods BnrnsandWaterhse 8-5 8-5 3-2 1-2 Time. 26, 501,1:161,1:43. Winner Br. g, by Dnncombe Atalanta II. Went to post at 3:57. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Billy-Moore sworvad badly under punishment in the stretch, lositig some ground, but rallied and finally won easily enough. The Binger showed the most early spaed, but was taken into the worst going in the Btretch and tired noar the finish. Senator Matts ran a fairly good race. Mortgage is of little account at present. Hohenlohe is very short. Scratched 29184 Grady, 112, Billy Moore, show, out. The Singer, show, out. Benator Matte, show, 3 to 1. Mortgage, sho w, out. 0 Q K SIXTH BACK Futurity Course. 170 feet Ibbb than 34 mile. PurBO 00. MV3:Otl 3-year-olds. Selling. tna Horses A Wt Bt jj 14 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 29252 PBNCEBS TITANIA103 4 H 12 H H Hoar Caesar Yonng 2 3 3 andT , 29129NARRA G. Ill 2 31 31 31 21 Howeon Miss C Gibson 6 6 4 2 29291COUBIN CABBIE 103 3 41 41 2 32 J T Woods G Burger 2 21 21 1 EL BEY 107 1 21 2" 41 41 OConnor P C Donaliche 5 7 7 2 29252 BOB PALMES 103 5 F.h 71 6 53 J Banch T E McLaughlin 6 15 15 6 1 25802 KATHBINE ENNIS 99 6 61 51 52 65 Bansom Mrs W J 8peirs 6 6 4 2 29373JNELLIE FOBE3T 103 7 8 8 76 710 BirkenruthW P Magrane 5 12 12 5 29350 ABBA L. 107 8 72 6a 8 8 Brodien B A ChilBon 10 60 60 20 1 Ban as Varra G. in previous race. Time, 1 :11. Winner Br. f, by Masetto Qneen Titania. Went to post at 4:27. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. PrincnEB Titania was much the bast, showed fine speed and ran her race toaay. Narra G. seemed badly beaten when a furlong from home but came again and finished stoutly. Cousin Carrie finished in the desp going next to the rail or she would have been closer up. El Bey showed early speed but quit baaly. Nellie Forest ran badly and is very inconsistent. Princess Titania, show, 2 to 5. Narra G., show, evens. Cousin Carrie, show. 2 to 5. Kath-eriae Ennis, show, ovene.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901111501/drf1901111501_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1901111501_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800