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Woodard and Shanklms Sale of 300 yearlings, horsos in training, stallions, broodmares and woanlingB at Lexington, Ky.y December 2-7, contains the best lot of stock ever offered in a combination sale. A few more head of horses in training or brood mares can ba accepted if 86at to Woodard and Shanklih at once. JEFFRIES -RUHLIN FIGHT BY ROUNDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT Lechleiters, 43rd and Indiana Ave. ALL SPORTING EVENTS DAILY. COMMISSIONS PLACED On your own selections on all races at all trackB. Highest prices obtained. Am in a position to handle large or small commissions. All business confidential. References furnished W. CURTIS, 413 WABASH AVENUE. A. FEW BOOKS OF LOCAL FORM FOR SALE. FROM JULY 1 . . . .00 " AUGUST I . . 2.00 i HENRY and GO. 1 6 1 THIRD ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. Will receive commissions by telegraph, mail or express upon all races and other sporting events, and will place them in Louisville according to directions of sender. Honesty, accuracy and dispatch in all transactions. All communications confidential . . . HENRY St CO.