untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-25


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TWO WINNERS GUARANTEED AT OAKLAND DAILY. DECOY, DANGEROUS MAID. Were onr winners yesterdny. Today will be an specially good one. No puessinn- in our nam p. The best of reliable information and expert handicapping: by wire from our experts at Oakland and New Orleans daily. HOT SPRINGS OFFICES, 8 COURT ST. .00 Weekly. Wired at 10 a.m. Reynolds and Co., 72. 119 Dearborn St, OLnlUnMA and will pay any subscrib-l.nRIIRnSR nr KOthftt prove my UIIUIIU1IQU TURF GUIDE BOOK will not win lb to 90 per cent, of ill horens played through it. Two years GUARANTEE and no one has claimed it yet. Copyrighted 1898. Th usands of testimonials. Also indorsed jy the CHICAGO DAILY RACING FORM nnd NEW YORK MORNIN G TELEGRAPH. Price .00. D. A. THURSTON, Publisher, 7-8 Bennett Bldg., Detroit. Mich. I Beference, any mercantile agency. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO Sir Florian, Lake Fonso, Decoy, Dangerous Maid. Easily Best. Any Price a Good One. Specials. No Odds on My Long Shot. BE3IDE3 intermission pasB time place and show bats: Siphon, Pyrrho, Goldaga, Little Elkin, Warranted, Sevoy, Master Marinor, CampuB, Quadra, Jacqueminot, Cromwell, Matt Hogan, Saul of Tarsus. TODAY CHRISTMAS TODAV The winner of the handicaps at both Oakland and Now Orleans. F r thi past thrae years I have not miEBud naming tho winners of these two stakes. Also one at New Or-leaus, odds 6 to 15 to 1 and one at Oakland, ndds 3 to 5 to 1 Take my advioo and do not MISS MY SHEETS TODAY. GJ-an-S d-4 i . A Ions shot. I guarantee this one to run e9.fiBilaM OatUrOQy l-2-3 or will forfeit three special wiras. OatUruay SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. Six Specials for 0 or for One. Wired to any part of tha world. On sale at 11:30 a.m. at office. 176 S. Clark St., in tickot othco. Phone 2149 Central. Newsstand southeast corner Clark and MadiBon Hts. Col. J. " Wooters. Mgr., 91 Lincoln A.v.. tel. North 1007. RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU Turf Correspondents. Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite COO, 2G3-2G9 Dearborn St. Telephone Harrison 1580. Terms .00 Per Day; .00 Per Week. OUR 15 TO I EXTRA SPECIAL. Here is one of the best good things that wo havo ever had, not oxceptlng ORL4, 15 TO 1 WON, and FLEUBON. 15 TO 1 WON. Both eont out by ns to over three hundred patrons, and advised by ub to PLUNGE THE LIMIT. TIiobo who followed our advice mado 50 on each. OUR LONG SHOT TODAY Is without exception better and surer than was OBLa OR FLKURON. Bo coniident are wa that thlB ono will win that we will give THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS FORM LETTER HANDICAP AND SPECIALS FREZEI! FREE! FREE! FREE! I Our Advice on this Christmas Good Thing will be to Plunge the Limit. Also sold nt Kolmans cigar store, 267 Dearborn St., and at cigar stand Adams Exprosa Building, 1S5 Dearborn St., and at newsstand uorthoaBt cornor Van Burou and Dearborn Sts. r NOTICE Elevator in building runs until ono oclock.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901122501/drf1901122501_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1901122501_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800