Oakland Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-25

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OAKLAND ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. First Race 5 1-3 Farlonjjs. 2-year-olds. Selling, nd. Horias. Aga. Wt, Hdoo 29226 Parlzade 109 700 29880 Porous 108 715 29380 Flourish 107 710 29880 Dandy 106 695 2970 Los Angeleno 105 700 2948 Dulcimer 105 720 29723 Legal Maxim 105 705 29747 Tyranus ....105 725 29795 Boyal Bogue 103 715 29840 Anna B 103 710 ; 29840 Matin Bell 103 705 I 296 Sir Clans 103 710 Second Bace C 1-S Farlonjce. 3-yaar-olda and upward. Belling. 29900 Gibraltar 6.. ..112 715 29775 King Oellis 4 112 705 29917 Hungarian 5 .. 109 710 29331 Wyoming 7 109 725 29759 Mi-sion 4 ...109 710 29863 Midnight Chimes 4 109 720 24246 Osmond 5 . 109 .700 29832 Lon Clieved en 4 109 715 29917 Orleans , 3 104 705 29739 Nellie Forest 3 .... 104 700 Third Bano 1 3-8 Miles. Over 6 Hurdles. 3-year-olda and npwara. Allowances. 25978 Bio Chico 5.. ..140 7C0 287152Lord Chesterfield 7.. ..133 691 29841Phil Archibald 3.... 133 685 29841 Bainiar 5.... 129 680 29841 Sam Green 4.. ..126 670 29488 Distance 5....125 675 298853Bomany 5.... 125 685 Fourth Race 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. The Christmas Handicap. Value ,C00. 29797Water Cure 4.. ..129 740 29785Autolight 3 ...122 730 297972Vesuvlan 4 ...119 730 28231fNones 3 ...115 750 299023Qreyfeld 5.. ..112 720 299013Janice 3 ...105 735 293S2fIcicle . 3... .100 725 298153Rosormonde 6.... 97 735 299012E1 Bio Shannon 4.... 95 730 29701Imperious 6.... 95 ......725 29773 Brutal 3.... 95 720 29762 Goal Runner .... 5 ... 95 700 G. B Morris entry. fP. Byan entry. Fifth Kace 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Handicap. 29S8S Escalanta 116 735 29883 Bodan 112 730 29772Sister Jeanie 110 740 294103 Magi 108 735 2988033hollmount 108 720 29772 Landseer 102 710 2989S3Ishtar 98 750 Slxtn Race I me. All Ages. Selling. 29S16 Free Lance 7 ...122 700 29758 Caetake . .. 6 119 710 ;2tt9C0 Cougar 3... .113 725 !293. Mithridates. 4. ...113 705 ?079? Belario 3.. ..110 700 "99U Courtier 3.. ..110 705 2980 Larry Wilt 2.... 87 685 29747 Bragg 2.... 87 715 29897 Bt. Chester ... 2 ... 87 690 295S Marelio 2 ... 86 710 98V.J Baldo 2 ... 84 715 295 Prostano . . 2 .. 84 695 29770JDawBon , 2.... 84 720

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901122501/drf1901122501_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1901122501_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800