Charleston Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-25

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CHARLESTON FORM CHART. . CHARLESTON, S. C, December 3 4.-Eighth day. Charleston Bacing Association. Winter Meeting. Weather clear ; track heavy. Presiding Judge, J. B. Morrow. Starter, W. Fi Bruen. Bacing starts at 2 :S0 p.m. 20020 F1BST BACB 3"4 MUe Pnrso 00. 2 and S-yaar-olds. Allowances. lad Horses AWt St Mj ! StrFin Jockeya Ownars O H C P ELLISON 3 104 1 6 la Hi 1H Alarie E 8 Marshall 4 41 4 7-5 S5!andiTJ5andB.32WBB 2 96 4 881 31 22 26 David Barker and Bratton 4 4 4 6-5 29887 EMIGRANT 2 80 3 4a 4 4 Si Bonner D Murphy 10 12 12 4 2K.SKKandSLAIB 3 106 6 25 22 31 Castro A H Boykin 8 10 10 3 29S052OBICIU8 5 99 2 H Fell. Mosier Crysler and Co 4-5 4-5 4-5 1-4 29905 MOLLIS BBOOKB2 93 5 5a Fell. Wnwright 8 T Gaines and Co 4 4i 41 7-5 . Time, 27, 561, 1:25. ro. Winner Ch. c, by Elkton Lela Bears. Went to post at 2:33. At post 3 minutes. 8tart good. Won driving; second easily. Ellison avoided ell interference by lying on the outside of the field. He began slowly, but was mowing the leaders down when Oricius fell. Little Tower was hard ridden all the way. Emigrant caught Agnea Clair when she began to tire in the last twenty yards. Oricius stumbled and, fell while leading going around the turn. Mollie Brooks could not pull out of the way aad fell over him. Overweights Ellison, 2 pounds; Agnes Clair. 4. Ellison, Bhow, 1 to 2. Little Towor, show, 2 to 5. Emigrant, S to 2. Oricius, show, out. 2002 X 8KC0ND BjlCB6"8 Mlle Parse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. ad EorBca A Wt St M Vz A StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P 29854 D. NIGHTSHADE 106 2 8a 31 11 la w White Barker and Bratton 21 31 31 3-5 29854LATCH STBING 103 4 4 4 4 2a W Woods A J Stafford 2 3i 31 7-10 29S36TBI8TBAM 112 3 11 1 33 33 Enos Mrs E Knoa 2-5 1-2 2-5 out 28367 UOTINA 101 1 21 U 2 4 David J Case ,8 20 15 4 Time 261 53 1 :09 Winner Ch. c, by 8t. Charles Belladonna. . Went to post at 3:04. At post 4 minutoa. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Deadly Night Shade went to the front at the half mile ground, but had to do his best at the and. Latch String began slowly, saved mnch ground on the stretch turn, finished strongly and would have won in a few more strides. Tristram was raced into submission by Botina. He also swung wide into the stretch. This cost him second place. Botina ran impressively. Scratched-29887Me, 101. No show betting. 20022 THIRD BAGifi1 M11 PurE0 200.3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ind Horses A Wt St M H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 298898 LA.ZABU3E3Q.5 110 1 23 13 is 15 110 vf Woods Dglassand Williamsl I 4-5 out 29886 JESiUK Y. S 95 3 1H 21 23 2 23 Bonner H Black: 6 15 15 4 71583 PEANK B. 8 107 4 410 3" 410 3" 35 Alarie C Hawk 3 4 3 4-5 29888 DOMINIS 6 104 S 32 420 31 48 42 Kuhn F Boversmith 8-5 31 31 9-10 29853 BOSE BIBD 3 92 6 51 52 52 510 520 fc Johnson H L Johnson 6 10 10 4 298893L1ZZIE TELLO 5 104 5 6 6 6 6 6 Kannody WEtVestmorelndB 15 15 4 First s sries. Time, 27, 54, 1:22, 1 :52. Winner B. h, by Donald A. Dudu. Went to post as 3:33. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second alL out. Sam Lazarus Esq liked the going and won as his rider pleased. Jesaie Y. repeatedly fouled Frank B. The latter would have been second but for this. Dominia quit badly after going six furlongs. Lizzie Tello could not extend herself in the going. Scratched 29380 The Brother, 98. Jessie Y show, 3 to 2. Frank B., show, 2 to 5. Dominia, show, out. 20023 F0UBaH RACB5 1-8 IarlonS8 Parse 00. All Ages. Selling. atf , Horses A Wt St H J4 X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 26201 JULIETTA B. S 108 4 2a Hi 13 12 Alarie K S Marshall 856 6 J! 298693RATTIE DAVIS 2 91i 1 11 21 21 21 David W A Binehart 21 4 4 8-5 29S682TOBTUGAS 5 106 5 65 .31 31 Sa Castro E F Smith 8-5 21 21 5 29872 FBED GBAFT 7 108 8 4 4s 42 45 May A H Boykin 15 20 20 8 29886 O IDEAL 5 115 7 7 52 53 510 Neary J McCann 10 10 10 4 29870 PETBONIUS 5 113 6 3 62 63 63 Patton G Kelly 3 S 3-- s-5 LUCY 7 111 2 5" 7 7 7 Shaw B L Shaw 10 20 20 8 Time, 27, 51, 1:151. Winner B. f, by Lamplighter Tampette. Went to poat at 4:08. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Julietta B. was much tho boat in the going and won as her rider ploasd. Hattie Davis hung on gamely under punishment. Tortngas made a bid on the stretch turn but his bad kneoa went back on. him and ho had all he could do to save thir i place from Fred Graft. Patroniua was caught in a jam on the first turn which ruined his chancea. Scratched 29906 Glad Hand, 108; 29886-! Ventoro, 108; 298873Swan Dance, 90. Overweights Hattie Davia, 31 pounds. Julietta B., show, evens. Hattie Davis, show, 1 to 2. Tortngas, show, 2 to 5. PeironiuB show, out. , . 20024: FIFBeUing4CB6 1"8lrlonSs- Puree 00. 4-year-olds and upward. ;nd Horaes A Wt St X StrFin Jockey Owners O H O P 29906 LAKE FONSO 5 105 2 12 12 13 12 Oastro E F Smith and Co 1-4 1-3 1-3 ont 29890 tJOUDANA 4 105 6 4 3H 22 25 Hosier H D Monroe 10 10 5 M 299C63CEETAIN 4 110 3 3 41 41 32 May B Haaae 3 5 4 7-4 29i90 8TUTTGVBT 5 105 1 52 5a bK 41 Euhn M C KeUey 4 6 6 19160 LOYALTY 8 105 4 22 22 31 53 W White J M Mays 6 8 8 $ 29853 HACO 7 105 5 6 6 6 6 Alarie H L C Moore 10 0 0 8 Time, 26i, 54, 1:221, 1:30. Winner B. m, by Fonso Lake Breeze. Went to poat at 4:56. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Lake Fonso only had to cantr all the way. 8he outclassed her company and made a show of her field Boudana was easily tho best of the others and ran a fair race. Certain was under reatraint during the first part but when May called on her she did not respond. Loyalty showad early spied but stopped at tho ond. Tho race should improve him bb he was undoubtedly short. The winner waB bid up S160 kver her entered selling pric8 but waa retained by her owner. Overweights Certain, 2 pounds. Boudana, show, 1 to 2. Certain, show, oat.

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Local Identifier: drf1901122501_3_2
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