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1 flew Hlempliis Jockey Clufi 1 I MOHTGOMERY PARK. : : : : : : MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. 1 1 TEN STAKES iTO CLOSE JANUARY 7. 1 902. FOR SPRING MEETING 1 902. The Gaston Hotel Stakes. , 000 Add- to start. The club to add ,000. of which C0 Tlie Montgomery Handicap. ,000 Ad- Tennessee Brewing Co. Stakes. ,000- ed. Subscribed to by Gastons Hotel. A to second and 00 to third, the fourth to save ded. Ahandicnp Bweepsiakas f ir 3-year-olds Added. Subscribed to by Tennessee Brewing Bweepstakes for 2-year-olds, colts and geld- starting money. A winner of a 3 yoar-old stake and upward. 50 each, half forfeit, or S10 if Go. A selling sweepstakes for 3-year-olds and ings. 0 to accompany nomination, and 0 race, when carrying their weight colts 122, daclared. ,000 added, of which 50 to second upward. 0 to accompany nomination, and 550 additional to start. ,000 added, of which geldings 119, Allies 117, 3 lbs. penalty ; of two or and S200 to third, the fourth to save his stake, additional to start. ,000 addad, of which 00 00 to recond and 00 to third, fourth to save more, 5 lbs. Allowances: Beaten non-winners Weights to be announced before 9 a.m.. Febrn- to second and C0 to tnird, fourth to savo start- Btarting money. Four furlongs. in 1902 allowed 5 lbs.j if unplaced, 8 lbs. ; ary 8. and declarations to be made on or before ing money. The winner to be Bold at auction others never having woo a 2 or 3-year-old stake February 22, 1902. All declarations void unlpss for ,500; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 m. me ArdeJie n ii MtaKes. o i ,oou f nnn Aaaea. a r a a race selliog stakes excepted, allowad 7 lbs. ; accompanied by tho money. The winer of a to ,000; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00. sweepstakes for 2-year-oldB, Allies. to ac- if such have never won a race of the value of race, after the weights are announced, of the Starters and selling price to be named through company nomination, and 0 additional to to tn8 winner selling stakes and purse value of ?500 to the winner, or two races of any the entry-box by the usual time of closing for Vinn aiT-8i wh.1Pn fm to be socqua race8 excopted, allowed 12 lbs. ; beaten maid- value selling pnrse races excepted ,5 lba. pen- this days racing, and those so named are liable and 00 to third, t fourth to save starting en8i 20 lbs. Allowances not cumulative. One alty; such penalty not to exceed scale weight if for starting fee. Seven furlongs, money. Four furlongs. mile. handicapped at le3s; those weighted at The, Memphis Srakes. ,000 Added. A scale or more thau scaU waight by the handi- The Cotton Steeplechase Stakes.l.OOO- srALE SCALE op Of this this eaoe eaoe. Colts uoub. Geld ueia. Fill will not b The Added. sweBDstakesfor 2-vear-olds S10 to accomoanv capper Bubject to a penalty. A steeplechase handicap sweepstakes nommation and SO addUional to Btart SI Those entitled to no allowance 122 119 117 scale to be the Western Jockey Club scale. This for S-year-olds and upward. 0 each, half for- addtd, of which 00 to second and SIOO to Winner with weight up of one race to be run the opening day. One and one- fait, or 0 if declared on or before April 5. All third fnnrth to save starting monev 3 lbn 3-yearold stake 125 122 120 sixteenth Miles. declarations void unless accompanied by the below the ?scale i pJ2 Jtr A wlmnof ? ran Winner with weight up of two The Pfabody Hotel Handicap.-,000 money. ,000 add.d, of which 00 to Becond of th value of 000 to "the winner 8 lbBll- 3-year-old stakes 127 124 122 Addd. Subscribed to by Poabody Hotel. A and 00 to third, the fourth to save stake. ino-BTfRntPirn AllnwanrnH Nnn.winnara nf a Bsaten non-winners placed in handicap sweepstakes for 3-year-olds and up- Weights to be announced two, days before the 5.3 th. 1902 v:1" 114 112 TrT ffarril0Hif df9CW ir ol ! a steeplechase, and stake, allowed 5 lbs.; maidens 10 Beaten p non-winners unplaced in on ior before April 10. 000 added, , of which after weights are announced, 5 lbs. extra. Four lbs purse Five furlongs 1902 114 111 109 00 to aacond and 5100 to third, fourth to save or more horses of ntirely different interest to Non-winners of a 2 or 3-year-old hie stake. Weights to ba announced two days start, or the race may be declared off. Starters The Hotel Gayoso Stakes. ,000 Ad- stake selling excepted .115 112 110 before tha race Winners of a race after the to ba named through the entry box at UBual ded. Subscribed to by Hotel Gayoso. A Non-winners of a race of the announcement of weights selling race ex- time of closing the day before the race, and sweepstakes for 3-year-olds foals of 1899. 0 value of 00 sell. excepted110 107 105 cepted, to carry 5 lbs. penalty. One and one- those bo named are liable for starting fea. to accompany nomination, and 0 additional Beaten maidens 102 99 97 eighth miles. About two miles. Stakes to be Run at Spring Meeting 1903. NOTICE. The Tennessee Derby for 1903. ,000 added. Subscribed to by Q. C. Bennett and Co. Enter foals 1900. coining two-year-olds in the Tennessee Derby,,OOOadded,and A BweepBtakes for3 year-olds foals of 1900. 50 each, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or before Ten"see ks 8i? addedifo: ,903- N c ,s re1ulr,f andtl1 e entry , .,, , , , , , . . , , ,. -j , Alio noti.e c ndttlons Montgom-ry Handicap, ,000 added, and the Cotton May 1, 1902. 5 if declared on or before January 2, 1903. All declarations void unless accompan- steeplechase Handicap, In which no cash is required with the ntry. ied by the money. ,000 added, of which 00 to second, 00 to third and fourth to save stake. All stakes are added money stakes and the majorliy of purses will be 00, 00 Weights-Colts, 122 lbfl. ; geldingB, 119 lbB. ; fillies, 117 lbs. One and one-eighth mileB. and 00. No purses will he less tban 00. SPECIAL NOTICE. No entry will be received for any of these stakes except upon this The Tennessee Oaks for 1903. ,500 added A sweepstakes for fillies, 3-year-olds condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the racing, or with respect to foals of 1900-. 00 each, 0 forfeit, or 0 if declared on or before May 1, 1902; 0 if declared on he interpretation of th conditions of any stake, shall be decided by a majority of the Executive. , . , Committee present, or those whom they may appoint, and their decisions all points shall x rul j i... -j i j j v ii. upon or before January 2, 1903. All declarations void unless accompanied by the money. ,E00 added, be flnaL Tho clnb also reB9rvB8 the right to ref nse .the entries of any person, or the transfer of- of which 00 to stcohd, 00 to third, and fourth to save Btake. Weights, 117 lbs. One mile. any entry, and without notice. Intry blanks or any Information on application will be promptly furnished by the Secretary. V MCFRN Secretary S. R. MONTGOMERY, President. OFFICE: NO. 3 COITON EXCHANGE BIDG, MEMPHIS, TENN- Brooklyn Jockey Club. The Following Stakes, to be Run at the Spring Meeting , of 1902, will Close on Thursday, January 2nd, 1902.. Q q YFAB CM HQ AMD IIPAAI3n auction for ,000. If for ,000, allowed 7 lbs. ; then 1 lb. allowed for each S100 down to 00. Half TWO 0"I LMn-ULUO MIMUJ UrVVMnu. of selling surplus to go to the owner of the second horse and the other half to the Race Fund. TUP RrnnHn HanHiran rvf Ifi finn Fr S-yar-olds and upward. 00 Selling price to ba stated through the entry-box when entries close on the day preceding the I I IC DlUUKIyll I ICMIUIL-Clp J 4J,JJJ. each, half forfeit, or onl 5 if de- race. The winner of any stake race at the meeting not to bo entered for less than ,000. About clared by February 20. To the winner J8.O0O, to the second ,500, and to the third 00. Weights Six Furlongs. to be -announced February 1. One Mile and a Quarter. CT4 S3 O VCAD HI HC ThA Qianrlarrl talAc For 3-year-olds and upward. 0 each, 5 forfeit; with ,500 "Un C." LAn-ULUO. ?d,0f Which S1C t0 th6 86Cnd Bnd t0 th6 third For fillieB 0 forfeit. The rinVPr Slakes nf ROD Syear-olds. each, 5 w o w-i , TIC Weight for age. One Mile and a Half. I lOVCI OldKcS OT 4.,3UU. To the winner ,900, to the second 00, and to The Rrnnk"H?le HanHirn For S-yaar-olds and upward; 0 each, or only 5 if the third 00. Non-winners of 50 allowed 7 lbs. Five Furlongs. , iftiijSSd. The Manhanset Stakes of ,500. SA1 two days before the race. One Mile and a Furlong. and to tn9 third S200 Non-winners of 50 allowed 7 lbs. Five Furlongs. , The ParkwaV HandlCaD a0 s-S"-JdB and Rpw?rd- m S?B1 The Hnnver tkc For2.year.o1dB. 0 each, 5 forfeit; with ,250 added, of ,Veln , - teVn Ik d30n d 5 mSIl-t d V PJ Bcedln1 thIRl AJt "G nanOVer CHdKeS. vhich 50 to the sscond and 50 to th- third. The winner which i 0 to the second and 50 to third. Weights to be announced two dajB J1.E00 adoed.of to D8 B0id at ancti0n forXa.000. If for ,010, allowed 5 lbs.; if for ,000, 10 lbs.; than 1 lb. allow-before the race. One Mile and a Sixteenth. ed for each C0 down to ,500. Half of selling surplus to go to the owner of tha second horse Thp Mvril StlVe? For 3-year-olds and upward. 0 each, 5 forfeit; with ,250 and the other half to tho Race Fund. Helling price to be stated through tho entry box whan en-I I IC I lyiUC; OiaKCO. added, of which 50 to the second and 150 to the third. The tries clone on the day preceding tbo rnce. The winner of any Btake race at the mooting not to b -winner to be Bold at auction for ,000. If for ,000, allowed 5 lb3. ; if for 3,CG0, 10 lbs ; then 1 lb. entered for lees than 4,000. Five Furlongs. allowed fpr each 00 down to 51,500. Half of Belling surplus to go to the owner of the second j. DfrkrH talc For 2-year-olds. 0 each, 5 forfeit; with ,250 added, of horse, and the other half to tho Kace Fund. Sellipg pneo to be stated through the entry box I IC DCaiOra OlrtKeS. which to the second aid 50 to the third. The winner t when entries close on the day preceding thn race. Tbe winner of any stake race at the meeting b, Bold at auctinn for ,000. If for ,C00, allowed 7 lbs.: then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to not to be entered for lees than ,000. One Mile and Seventy ards. J50o Haf of Bauinr 8urplus to go to the owner of the second horse, and the other half to the. TUa P?tr"hnOI le Stakes or three-year-olds and nnward. 0 each, 5 forfoit; Race Fund. Balling price to be stated throngh the entry box when entries close on the day pre IMG I CHllHJsUC JlONCo. with 81,250 added, of which 50 to the second and 50 to ceding tb rac. Thn winner of any stake race at. the meeting not to be entered for less than, the third. The winner to be Eold at auction for ,000. If for 0,00, allowed 7 lbs.; then 1 lb. ,000. Five Furlongs, allowed for each 00 down to 00. Half of selling surplus to go to llie owner of the second horse and the other half to the Race Fnnd. Selling price to be stated through the entry-box when en- OT CCDl PPH AP AMD W I 1 53? D I P" QTAIfETQ tries close on the day preceding the race. The winner of any stake race at the meeting not to be OlCtnl twnwand U nUrJULu O I ArVuOi .,. ,.,.., ..,.. A,ot s., r The Epjre SWe s1eepleohase Handicap of ,500. a,tansa. W n T rwn O- I tftn-WLUO clared by June 1. To the winner ,750, to the seenr-d 00, and to the third 50. Wnfhts to be J Thf RrnaHwaV tkes For 3-jear-oldB. 0 each, 5 forfeit; with ,000 added, announced four days before the race. Full Course, about Two Miles and a Half. wipers of S"Sff fSf 4819l5g,t2oDes.tborne and The Greater New York Steeplechase Handicap of $ 1 ,500. arS vSSk and a Sixteenth. 2 p. m. on the day preceding the race. To the winner ,200. to tnn seend 00 and to the third tuv Prodlnocc Qtabc For 3-year-olds which have not won a race of the value of 00 Weights to be announced two days bifore the race. Full Course, about Two Miles and I llG rrcalS.llC55 OiarvCi. 52,500 up to the date of qlosing entries; 0 each, 5 for- a Half. fficli The Kensington Hurdle Handicap of ,200 yJSandiZS8l tl. Max ttlc For 3-year-olds. 0 each, 5 forfeit, with ,250 addad, of which the race. To tho winner 00, to the second 00, and to the third 00. Weights to bo announced IMC I lay sJlarvCo, 50 to the eecond and 50 to the third. The winner to be sold at two days before the race. One Mile and Tliree-Quarters, over Seven Hurdles. NOMINATIONS SHOJJLD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY, 399 FULTON ST,. BROOKLYN, N. Y. H. D. McINTYRE, Secretary. PHILIP J. DWYER, President. . v