New Orleans Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-12-25

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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. TSBW ORLEANS, LA., December 34. Twenty-third day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, H. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Bacing starts at 2 :C0 p. m. FIBBT BACK 7-8 Mile. Purse 5800. 2 and 3-year-olds. Allowances. 20008 Inrf Horsaa AWtBtM H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P "29874 8IPHON 2 95 5 12 11 12 12 11 B Steele J J Marklein 7 8 8 35 -29788 PIRATES QUEENS 109 7 21 Si SH 56 2a Coburn James Arthur 4 7 7 11-5 -298272PYBBHO 2 96 1 53 4" 4k 3ii 31 Meade S G Morton 8-5 2 9-5 7-10 29822 AN. THOMPSON S 106 2 7 7 52 4 43 Lyne A C McCafferty S 4 4 6-5 28941 FICKLE 8AINT 3 10O 8 41 2li 22 2a 5 Cochran By an and Co 12 15 12 5 29861 MATEBFUL 3 100 4 3k 51 62 62 65 Gormley W Newman and Co 7 8 8 2 297193 AAEON S 108 8 6" 6 7 7 7 Landry B 8 Bender 20 20 20 6 29254 BED SIGNAL 3 100 6 8 8 8 8 8J Waldo G H Marlmann 20 60 60 15 T2me,24, 481, 1 :14i, 1 :27i. Winner B. g, by Pontiac Sieve. . Went to poBt at 2:01. At post 2 minutes. 8tart good. Won ridden out; second driving. Siphon showed the most Bpaed throughout and was never in trouble. Pirates Queen came very -fast in the laBt sixteenth, when her rider went to work on her. Pyrrho was cut off when rounding the firss turn, but finished strongly. Masterful ran a poor race and can do bettor. Fickle Saint ran well to the stretch. Annie Thompson ran a fairly good race. Overweights Siphon, 5 pounds: Aaron, 2. 8iphon, show, evens. Pirates Queen, show, evenB. Pyrrho, show, out. Annie Thompson, -show, 3 to 5. SECOND BACK I Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. 20909 In Horsaa A Wt St M H 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H U P 29789 BEN HULLUM 9S 5 32 12 14 U H W Waldo G W Inoes and Co 10 10 4 -9740 HWAED HUNTEB 95 9 9 9 7 7 21 B Bice H T Griffin 30 60 60 20 298562GOLDAGA 100 3 61 6a 8 81 31 Lyne A C McCafferty 5 5 4 8-5 29874 THE WAY 96 7 8 " 7 51 1 41 4" Dade J J Ogles 10 10 10 4 29754 ERNE3T PABHAM 102 10 53 51 3 23 E6 Hsbberger K J Murphy 6 8 8 21 29823THK WIDOW 88 6 7 8 9 8 6" Helgeson W H May and Son 15 40 40 12 29856 KING TATIUS 99 8 10 10 10 9 73 Nutt WaltringandYeagor 12 20 20 10 29860 LEENJA 105 2 2 2 21 3a 83 B Steele J J Marklein and Co2 2 8-5 1-2 2982S 8ANTA TERESA 97 1 la 31 4h 6" 92 Gormley J F Davis 8 15 15 6 29728 BHOODLEB 97 4 42 4" 6a 10 10 Cochran Laeswell and Co 12 40 40 12 Apprentice allowance. Time, 241, 49, 1:15, 1:42. Winner B. g, by Ben Stroma Aine. . . Went to post at 2:32. At post 1 minute. Start poor. Won ridden out; second driving. Ben Hullem got off with the loaders and well in motion went to the front quickly and opened up a .gap but wbb tiring at the end and had all he could do to stall off Hay ward Hunter. The latter was off tangled up but closed a big gap and was coming strongly at the end. He was cut off at the first turn and almost went down and would have won bat for this. Goldaga ran his race. It -was a weak finish on Ernest Parham. Harshberger quit, before the horse did. Leenja tired in the stretch. 8cratchod-298232Lingo, 102 ; 298i62Lady Like, 88. Ben Hullum, show, 2 to 1. Hayward Hunter, show, 12 to 1. Goldaga, show, 7 to 10. Leenja, -show, out. Oi"idT f THIED BACE 3 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. 2yL 1U Allowancea. Ind Horses AWt St Yt m 11 li StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 4298771L1T. BLK1N 8 101 1 U 111 12 11 13 13 Dade J J Ogles 7-107-103-5 out 29605 WABBANTEDS 104 2 2a 311 3 3 310 23 Hayden TEMannixandCo 2 2 9-5 2-5 298773DELORAINE 3 191 8 31 2a 2H 23 21 325 Cochran Mrs M Goldblatt 6 9 9 1 29593 WALDECK 4 100 4444444 Lyne E J Arnold and Co 10 30 30 5 Time, 261, f4i, 1 :23, 1 : J9i, 2 :17, 2 :4S, S :10, 3 :34i. Winner Ch. g, bv Lamplighter Emma iMckwick. Went to post at 2:59. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Little "Elkin set Mb own pace under restraint and came away in the last furlong when Warranted challenged him. The latter did his beet throughout. Deloraine ran well, but tired at the end. Wal-deck broke down. No Bhow betting. ETH BACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 209 H Ind Horses A Wt St X. H StrFin JockeyB Owners O H C P 9875 tiEVOY 6 116 5 42 2 11 12 EBobertsonJohn Call 3 3 11-51 29875 SEMICOLON 5 102 S 2k SH 3" 21 Dade Daniels and Co 6 6 6 2 29845 MAST. MARINER 6 98 1 3a 41 42 33 Lyne C A Johnson 10 12 12 5 298453L1T. J. HORNEE 5 97 2 li la 2a 4 Cochran W H Richardson 7 8 8 3 298752 JOHN GBIQSBY 4 96 6 6 62 5a 5a T Dean J J Murray and Co 4 7 7 21 29592 MAGGIE DAVIS 5 102 4 51 5a 63 62 J Waldo W M Sloan 5 8 8 3 298273IF YOU DABE 3 98 7 7 7 7 7 Creamer Bolich and Sweet 3 5 5 2 Time, 1H, 231, 47i, 1:121. Winner Ch. g, by St. Saviour Kas3ie. Went to post at 3:30. At poet 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Savoy displayed a high order of speed, went around his field to get to the front and was going away at the finish. Semicolon ran to his best form and saved ground at the homo turn. Master Mariner was under a hard drive all through the last furlong after coming wide at the stretch turn. Little Jack Horner was tiring at the end. John Grigsby was never a contender. It was a new track record. Scratched 29875St. Cuthbert, 110; 29873 Choice, 90. Savoy, show, 1 to 2. Bemicolon, Bhow. evens. Master Mariner,show, 2 to 1. FIFTH BACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse . 3-y oar-olds and upward. Selling. 200.1.2 Ind Horsea A Wt 8t M M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P -2987SDE4TH 6 107 1 2 la la it la Coburn Oden Bowie 3-5 3-5 1-2 out 298782A.RAK 3 98 5 1 21 22 21 23 Creamer B J Hutchinson 4 6 51 6-5 298092FAEM. BENNETT 4 94 6 41 S 41 4" 3 Cochran James Arthur 12 15 15 3 29873 MAPLE 4 100 2 3 5" 3" 31 4a TDean Lamasney Bros 30 50 50 8 29861 DONNA 9EAY 3 97 3 7 7 61 63 52 R 8teele E W Baxter 8 16 16 8 29849 JOE DOUGHTY 5 103 7 61 611 7 51 63 Gormley Hirth and Moran 20 50 -50 15 294652FBEEADMISS10N3 93 4 51 41 El 7 7 Thompson W H Sayre 15 15 15 4 Time, 25, 501, 1 :16, 1 :42, 1 :48. Winner 3. g, by Charaxna The Alarm Boll. Went to post at 4:06. At poBt 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Death -was well ridden. Coburn took him the short routs and hugged the rail at all turnB and was driving to the limit to stall off Arak and just managed to last long enough. Arak- loBt a conplo of lengths by making a wide turn into the homestretch. He came again in the last fifty yards and was wearing the winner down. Farmer Bennett got third money in the laBt stride. Maple was cut off at the turn into the backstretch. She was poorly handled and might have been a contender with a good ride. Scratched 29876 Trebor, 112; 29857 Jena, 105; 29741 Azaa, 100; 29781 Lady Chorister, 95; 29730Saragamp, 91. Arak. show, 1 to 2. Farmer Bennett, show, evens. T1 BACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 2 9 0 1 S nd Horses A Wt St X K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2987S2SIB KLOB1AN 5 1051 3 5" 21 11 1 18 Dominick F Beagan 2-5 2-5 7-20 out 29780 MORONI 6 99 2 51 43 41 22 23 A Weber James Arthur 20 30 30 10 29268 CAMPUS 5 99 6 7 7 5a 41 32 Dado J J Ogles 10 20 20 6 29878 DANDY H. 5 108 8 8 8 61 51 41 Dale D P Rodgers and Co 15 20 20 4 29780 LILLIAN SEED 5 96 1 41 5a 7 7 51 T Mead WMBernhrdtandColS 15 IS 21 29741 JIM W. 5 99 10 61 61 8 6" 6" Boyd E L Talley 10 20 20 6 29693 TATAB 4 97 4 13 12 23 si 71 Lindsay J W Pangle 6 8 8 21 29896 BOBT. BONNES 7 96 9 9 9 9 9 82 Thompson W A Peoples 6 20 20 4 29765 LADY EZELL 5 93 7 21 32 8a 8 96 Creamer J Maddox 10 60 60 20 29656 SALLIE J. 5 96 5 10 10 10 10 10 Earle U Z Do Arman 20 60 60 20 Time, 241, 481, 1:151,1:41. Winner Ch. g, by 8t. Florian Prosperity. Went to post at 4:39. At post 3 minutes. Start poor. Won easily; second the same. Sir Florian outclassed his field, went to the front with hardly an effort and came away easily at the and Moroni was as easily the best of the others. Campus outgamed Dandy H. in the run home. The litter was cut off a couple of times. There was e jam at the first turn, Bobert Bonner and Sallio J. being the principal sufferers, Earle had to pull Sallie J. up to keop from going down. Scratched 296123Lon Bey. 108; 29768 Dr. 8. C. AyreB, 99. Overweights Sir Florian, 1 pound; Tatar, 1. Moroni, show, 3 to 1. Campus, show, 3 to 1.

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