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STAKES CLOSE TODAY. At midnight of this day entries to two big lists of rich and important stakes will close, and owners who have neglected to forward their nominations have little time to lose. These stakes am offered by the Brooklyn Jockey Club and the Weitchester Racing Association. The stakes offered by the Brooklyn Jockey Club are all guaranteed stakes, with added money generously arranged for. Thus, while the guarantee shows the minimum value of the stakes, if thonom-inations ara sufficiently strong the actual value may possibly exceed the guaranteed gross value printed. This is more than likely in view of the steadily increasing popularity of this clubs fixtures. These are all stakes which will be run in years to come. The two-year-olds, now yearlings, will meet at the spring meeting of 1903 at the Brooklyn Jockey Club in the Great American, ,500 added, five furlongs, at a guaranteed gross value 2,500 ; the Tre-mont. ,500 added, six furlongs, guaranteed grots value 0,000; the Expectation, ,500 added, five furlongs, guaranteed gross value ,000; the Hudson, ,500 added, five furlongs, guaranteed gross value ,000; the Criterion for fillies, ,500 added, five furlongs, guaranteed gross value ,0C0. On the first day of the autumn meeting of 1903 will be run the Junior Champion of ,500 added, at six furlongs, guaranteed gross valme 5,CO0. These all close August 15. . For. three-year-olds in 1904, now yearlings, to be run at the spring meeting of 1904, is the Brooklyn Derby, ,500 added, a mile and a half, guaranteed gross value 0,000 ; the Carlton, ,500 added, at a mile, guaranteed gross value, ,000; the Gazelle for fillies, ,100 added, a mile and a sixteenth, guaranteed gross value, ,000, and at the autumn meeting?of 1904, the Hindoo, ,500 added, a mile andfsix furlongs, with a guaranteed gross valuo of 5,000. The Westchester offering is more extensive, embracing many stakes to be run off this fall, as well as of famous fixtures to be decided in other years to come. The autumn meeting of 1902 has the following two-year-old events to close: The Hnrricana, ,500 added, five furlongs; the Rancho del Paso, ,500 added, Eclipse course; the Silver Brook, ,500 added, five and a half furlongs, and the Castleton, ,500 added, five furlongs. Forthree-year-olds is the Hunter, ,500 added, the Withers mile; the Belle Meade, ,500 added, seven furlongs ; the Fairviaw, ,500 added, mile and a sixteenth over the hill; the McGrathiana, ,500 added, seven furlongs; the Dixiana, ,500 added, over the Withers mile, and the Ramapo Handicap, ,000 added, afmile and? a furlong. For two-year-olds and upwarditwill be provided two new events, the Mamoroneck Handicap, ,000 added, at a mile and a quarter, and the.i Casanova, ,500 added, for two-year-old fillies and upward, seven furlongs; there will also closed the.: usual events of the; Manhattan Handicap, ,800jadded, over; the Eclipse course and the Autumn High-weightiSerial Handicaps ofi,000,;which comprise the Bronx, ,500 added, six furlongs; ttho4West-Chester High weight Handicap, ,700 added, six and a half furlongs and; the Fordham Highweight Handicap. ,800 added, seven furlongs. All of these for two-year-olds and upward. For three-year-olds and upward will close the new events of the Fort Schuyler slightly changed from last year, ,500 added, six and a half fur longs ;Jthe Williamsbridge, ,500 added, mile and a furlongand thelProtecfory, ,500 added, Eclipse Course ; the New Rochelle completes the list, ,500 added, at the Withflrs.mile. On the same date will close the supplementary entries for the autumn meeting of 1902, of the Nursery Handicap, ,500 added; the Champagne, ,000 added, and the White Plains Handicap, ,500 addod, all for two-year-olds. Also the Jerome Handicap, ,000 added, for three-year-olds, and for three-year-olds and upward the Municipal Handicap, of ,500 added, and the Morris Park weight for age race, ,000 added. The present owner of the Woodlawu Vase, which goes with this race, is F. C. McLewee and Co., won by Gold Heels last year. A new feature in the steeplechase program is the Corinthian Open Steeplechase Handicap, with ,000 added, gentlemen riders, under the usual conditions, and it is expected that many well known gentlemen will appear in silk. There also closes the fourth Champion Steeplechase, 0,000 added; the Autumn Hurdle Handicap, ,000 added, and the OctoberSteeplechaseHandicap,,500 added, promise being made of a number of other hurdle and steeplechases to close later. For 1903 will close the following two-year-old stakes to be run at the spriDg meeting, the Juve-vile, ,000 added, five furlongs; The Fashion, ,500 added, four and a half fnrlongs, and the Eclipse, ,000 added, at five and a half furlongs on the Eclipse course. For 1904 closes the then three-year-old stakes of the Withers, ,000 added, over the Withers mile;" the Ladies, ,000 added, the Withers mile, and the thirty-eighth Belmont, ,000 added. For 1905 is the closing of the thirty-ninth Belmont stakes, with the magnificent added purse of 0,000.