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Reynolds and Co. 119 DEARBORN ST. Our Sheets are Filed Daily at the Dally Racinjr Form Office. Hayward Hunter, 7-1, Won Elsie L, 6-1 , Won Bonnibert, 15-1, Won Judicious, 6-5, Won Our straight winners yesterday. Those that profited on the above will be enabled to double their bank rolls many tiroes on two good things today. TERMS DAILY; ANY SIX DATS. Delivered to any city address before 12 oclock. Wired at 10 a.m. For sale at news stands southeast and northwest corners Clark and Madison Sts. RaceTrack Information Bureau SUITE 500, 263-269 DEARRORN ST. PHONE HARRISON 3689. TERMS: .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. The Feature of Thursdays Three Horse Wire will be a 20 TO I SHOT. We shall instruct all our clients to plunge for the limit on this good thing. Friday and Saturday two getaway day good things; odds 15 to 40 to 1 each. Our three horse wire has proven an enormous success. It has made a great hit, because 1st. It gives only three good things daily. 2nd. You are not trying to beat the card you play your horses, pocket your winnings and quit for the day. 3rd. It requires lees capital and there is no chance of getting a string of losers. 4th. Cashing on two and sometimes three races a day is an easy ; matter on this plan. Think this over. It will appeal to your good judgment. Also sold at news stands Sherman and Grand Pacific Hotels ; cigar stand, 185 Dearborn st. ; cigar store, 267 Dearborn Bt.; nowB man northwest corner Clark and Madison sts., and news stand southeast corner Clark and Madison sts. The Racing Calendar OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE JOCKEY CLUB. Invaluable to Turfmen interested in Racing in the East and to Breeders Throughout the Country. As all registrations must be made direct to The Jockey Club, the Racing Calendar aa its official organ publishes earliest all Buch registrations of foals and names, and all announcements in regard to registration and naming, as well as the rulings and proceedings of The Jockey Club, entries to stakes of Eastern Racing Associations, official summaries, stake announcements, declarations, dates, etc., and matters of interests to breeders and owners. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE , - .00 PER ANNUM .50 FOR SIX MONTHS. ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Address: H. A. BUCK, Publisher, Windsor Arcade, New York City.