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JttONTHIiY FOM noKH. Tho Form Bo6k for October is ready for sale, rnd includes the racing of November 1. Pnpr covr. SI : laathnr cnvir, 1.50. B 2 f II II I! i j . 1 . f IlaUyBaDlDgForD;! I rm 1 r MgEia j L or the official organ ot thjb 3 r ucurc pciccpT g ij atSSz 1 WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB! j I Form Sheets and Entries Ex-I I ALL TRACKS pertly Indexed I ARE FULLY RE- Telegraphic, Correct, Con-1 1 i PtRTEl . , a a j cisef Comely, j j n J Training News a Specialty jj ! i I Oft Our Own Presses Be- I 2 4. g 2 M j fore the Chicago Dailies. I g RfTi AftNUE - -J I 6RI6A6S , R f , frwn-" i bvm g J J g SUBSCRIPTION PKIOS j f 1 ONE MONTH, SU5 I SIX MONTHS, 7,50 h I ONE YEAR, 1400 1 S I S SENS AS FIRST-CLASS XAXand 1 m PT,ATW ENVELOPS. . . 0 P WESTCHESTER RAGING ASSOCIATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OP THE JOCKEY CLUB. Race Course, Morris Park, Westchester, N. Y. Office, No. 571 Fifth Avenue, New York, N, Y., The Windsor Arcade. The Seventh National Stallion Race The Seventh Matron WITH ,000 ADDED. WITH 0,000 ADDED. To be run for by then two-year-olds during the SPRING MEETING OF 1904. To be run for by then two-year-old9, during the Autumn Meeting of 1905. TO Close and Name for Both Events at Midnight of Tuesday, December 9, 1902. CONDITIONS: THE NATIONAL STALLION 1904. THE MATRON OF 1905. tSS!ZtoSXXi Cnayv:.:::::: i g Th0 seventh matron, with woo added, f conditions op the race for meeting in 1904, tho progeny of stallions nominated. George Kessler 50 Albert 50 mares covered ln 19Q2 foals of 193, to be run for by COLTS AND GELDINGS. Nominations of stallions to close and name by Conditions for the entry of foals of 1903, then two-year-olds at the autumn meeting in 1905.- midnight of Tuesday, September -9. 1932, by sub- to close and name at midnight, Tuesday, The event to be run in two races, one for colts and Colts and geldings, the produce of mares nomi- scription of 0 each, or only 5 each for stallions December 9, 1903 : geldings, the other for fillies. , nated for the Seventh Matron, to run by them- ISand WtiS n.toWnn?W fandlS Subscriptions for mares to close at 0 each, or selves, the money for which shall include all sub- natoraof tho sires of tho first, second and third Tnesday Decembers 190 only 0 each, if the money accompany the entry, scriptions of mares producing colts, all declaration nth?rtiySl? PfheC remanPng remaining oo SOo per r cent. cent" Colts and geldings at o each, flllfcs at each, Foala tho V f maros 80 nominated to bo fees paid for colts and geldings at 0, 5 and 0 to the winnl?. .f declard by Deccmber j eligible, at 0 each, tho only forfeit if declared on each, and of those left in after August 15th, 1905, at wiALlION ENTRIES FOR 1904. If left in after Decembor 1. 1903, and declarodby or before September 1, 1901. 5 each, with ,0C0 of the added money, of which Henryof Navarre.... 0 Juvenal 0 fiftS S iSh CltS and eeldinBs to pay 0 each, If left in after September 1, 1901, to pay 5 each. ,000 to the second and 00 to the third. The Hastings 50 Order 50 nl. If left in after January 1, 19D5. to pay 0 each. nominator of the dam of the winner to rjceive Tf H i-ff a,:i on mm CltS and j J Octagon 25 Kapallo. 25 p jgfSandfiSftfigJ4 geldlDgS to If left in after August 15, 1905, to pay 5 each. 50 per cent, of the starting money for the race, of DonBdeOro 25 Shapfell..V.V.. 25 Starters-Colts, geldings and fillies to pay 00 Starters to pay 50 each. , the second 30 per cent., of the third 20 per cent. Magian 50 Ornament. 50 each additional. , " Eclipse Course. Handsome 25 Kingston 50 The Westchester Racing Association to add ,000 "WEIGHTS, PENALTIES AND Ben Strome.... 50 Ben Brush 50 and the remaining 50 per cent, of the stallion CONDITIONS OF THE RACE FOR Faverdale 50 St. Leonards. 50 entrances, of which ,200 to the second and 00 to ALLOW ANCES Sir Dixon. 50 Himyar 50 the third. Tho nominator of the winner to receive " FILLIES. Handspring 50 Mastto 50 S1.0CO out of the subscriptions and starting money. ,. , , ,, . , , ,. AthUvig 50 Sandringham 25 Of the subscriptions for stallions, the nominators Lolta to carry 122 Ibs! fllhe9 and geldings, 119 Fillies the Droduce of mares nominated for the His Hhness 50 Plaudit 25 of the sires of the first, second and third horsos lbs- Winners of ,000 or twice of ,500, to carry Seventh Matron to run by themselves the mnnnv SSSW"""-:::::: !8 Sfci :::::::::::::: is SS5oi"centM 15per cent-and 10 por 3ibS.tra;0f,coo,ortwiceof ,ooo,5ib3.e.tra; for which Shaii include aU subscription; te . Del Paso II 25 Sir Wlalter 50 Colts to carry 122 lbs., geldings and fillies 119 lbs. of 5,000, or twice of 0,020, 7 lbs. extra; of 0,000, producing fillies, all declaration fees paid for fillies Golden Garter 50 Knight of the Thistle. 25 Tho produce of stallions which havo not produced or twice of 5,000, 10 lbs. extra. at 0, 5 and 0 oach, and of those left in nW 50 Emin Bey 2a a winner to December 1, 1902. allowed 5 lbs. Goldfinch prior Nnn-winners winners ot of ? -.000 000 allnnc! allowed 3 Hi- lb3., nf of ,000,5 !i nnn s August nn,M; 15, ton; 190d, at n.n: u with -..i - ... ,V , 5 each, of ,000 the added Indio 50 Moncreith 25 if claimed at time of entry. In case of a stallion Montana 50 Isidor 25 nominated by other persons, ai well as his owner, lu lDS-; maldens 10 lbs. Produce of horsos or out of money, of which ,000 to the second, and 00 to St. Andrew 50 Kantaka. 50 the owner shall have prior Tight. Should a stallion mares that have never produced a winner previous the third. The nominator of the dam of tho winner curbey83:::::::::: io andtb?f.p?.v::v. : SsX00 cTXZ to Jrr 1903- alld 3,lb3-5 f bothi5 lbs- - to 50 p the starting money JSK Meddler 50 which allowance must be claimed at time of of the St. Gatien 50 engagement. race, second, 30 per cent., of tho third 20 per Arlcyle - 50 Lissak 50 Last five furlongs of the Eclipse Course, entrance. Allowances cumulative. cent. Eclipse Course, Hoth the National Station and the Matron above are to bo run under the Rules of The Jockey Club and tho Westchester RaciDg Association applicable to the conditions of each and both of them viz-Bule 5, Rule 38, Rule 54, Part IT.. Bule 63 and Rule 5, Par. III., Rule 72, For entry blanks address Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 184-136 Fifth Avenue. Chicago, I1L