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F Dobson STILL AT THE SAME PJCACE, 407 Carlisle Ave., Cincinnati, 0, For the sure ones at either or both New Orleans or San Francisco. Send 25c for telegraphs and put a $..C0 bet down for me. MY CLIENTS ALL WIN. C RACE6TRACK Information Bureau SUITE 500. 363-260 DEARBORN ST. PHONE HARRISON 3680. TERMS .00 DAILY. NEW ORLEANS Second Race 6 to I Plunge for the Limit Bet. Sixth Race 4 to 10 to I Extra Special Good Thing. Our information on the above two good things comes from sources that seldom, if ever, fail. Both are in grand form, will have good riders up and barring accident should win in a gallop. GUARANTEED 5 SPECIALS - - dO There are many people who desire to play but one or two .good things daily. For their benefit vie havci inaugurated a series of GUARANTEED SPECIALS. Subscribers to this series receive only STAR GOOD THINGS. The terms for this series are as follows: For .00 we will send you our SPECIALS until five of them have won Scratched, second or third horses wont count only horses .that actually finish first will ba charged. As soon as we have sent you five winning spcials your subscription expires. Write or call at main office. Reynolds and Co. 119 DEARBORN ST. Our Sheets are Filed Daily at the Daily Racing Form Office. DODIE S., 5 to 1, Special... Won SHOO FLY. 3 to 1 Won MONEY MUSS, 1 to 1 Won BUMMER, 3 to 1 Zna W TK t NS OVERTON, 2 to 1.17.7 3rd HARKY NEW Scratched AJ DES Scratched The above were our full selections yesterday. DODIE S., 5 to 1, was wired to clients all over the country for an extra good thing. , TODAY we have two specials at each track including an 8 to 20 to 1 shot. TERMS DAILYj ANY SIX DAYS. Delivered to any city address bafore 12 oclock. Wired at 10 a.m. For sale at news stands southeast and northwest corners Clark and Madison 8ts. INVESTORS TURFITES SPECULATORS Greatest Investment of the Day The D. F. Cox and Co, Co-operative Stables with bookmaking in connection will pay co-operators Weekly Dividends That s a big statement, but it is actually proven by tha facts. It has no superior in the investment field, and may never have. It is an opportunity unparalleled, and as profitable weekly as any legitimate business enterprise yearly. A.H are certain of their just proportion of profits under our system. The twenty dollar investor receives as much in percentage proportionately as the thousand dollar investor. By co-operating the funds of many and with years of experience in all lines of the business we expect to pay our customers a liberal dividend WEEKLY. We can do this because we absolutely know how. Here is a modern investment that will bear the investigation of themost skeptical. We solicit commissions in amounts from twenty dollars upwards. Write.for our "Booklet." All drafts, etc., payable to D. F. Cox, Mgr., 518-519 Gal iaghan Building, COR. MARKET AND JONES. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Richton Turf Exchange 4 SPECIAL TRAINS SATURDAYS ON I. C. R. R. Trains leave Randolph St. at 12:00, 12;3o, 1:15 and 1:35 p. m., stopping at 12th 22nd, 39th, 63rd Sts., Grand Grossing and Kensington. Returning at 4:45, 5:45, 6:10 p. m. and after last race. Saturday and holidays only.