untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1903-02-08


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Tin Wor,h Jockey Club MENTR,ES ?f , 4 c 1 4 , 0 a 0 a 0 WORTH, ILLINOIS I ICCll O, added. Spring Meeting 1903. 1903. Spring Meeting April 29 to May 22. Fall Meeting Oct. 5 to Oct. 31 . THE WORTH HANDICAP, ,000 Added. THE EVERGREEN STAKES, ,500 Added. stakes, 5 lbs. extra; maidens allowed 7 lbs. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- A sweepstakes for two-year-olds; 0 to ac- Four and a Half Furlongs, ward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 company the nomination, 0 additional to start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the sec- additional to start; ,000 added, of which 00 THE QRLAND STAKES Selling 000 ond and 50 to the third horse. A winner of to the second and 00 to the third horse. Added. A selling semnS sweepstakes sweepstakes for for three-vear three-year- a stakes of the value of ,200 to 3 lbs.; Weights weignts to to be De announced announced, five nve days uaib before ueiure . . , ii. t. carry , , e olds and upward; 0 to accompany the nom- of two such stakes, 6 lbs., of three stakes of the race. A winner of any race after the ina Q additional tQ start 000 5 lbs. extra. any value 8 lbs. extra. Non-winners of a weights are posted to carry 6f which 00 to the second and 00 to the One Mile and a Sixteenth. - stakes that have not won three races allowed xne lmier to oe sold sola at at auc- auc- Tse- 3 lbs.; two races, 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 lbs. Five Jrira THE POWERS HANDICAP, ,000 Added. Furlongs Those entered to be sold for ,500 to A sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- carry weight for age; if for less, 3 lbs. allow- ed for each ?500 to ?2,000 then 1 lb for each ward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 THE ADMIRAL STAKES 000 Added additional to start; ,000 added, of which 00 A sweepStakes for two-year-old colts and ?100 to 5fL StaT i be named through the box at the usual to the second and 00 to the htird horse. geldings; 0 to accompany the nomination, - entry Weights to be announced three days before 0 additional to start; ,000 added, of which ur of closin; etoy thf race and the A winner of race after the those so named to be liable for the starting race. any 00 to the second and m to the third horse. weights are posted to carry 5 lbs. extra. A winner Qf a stakes to carry 3 lbs."; of two One Mile and a Furlong. stakes, 5 lbs. extra; maidens allowed 7 THE CALUMET STAKES, ,500 Added. lbs. Four and a Half Furlongs. THE FLYING HANDICAP, ,000 Added. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds; 0 to ac- A sweepstakes for three-year-bids and up- company the nomination, 0 additional to THE MAY BLOSSOM STAKES, ,000 ward; 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 start; ,500 added, of which 00 to the sec- Added. A sweepstakes for two-year-old fillies; additional to start; ,000 added, of which 00 ond and 00 to the third horse. Allowances: 0 to accompany the nomination, 0 addi- to second and 00 to the third horse. "Weights Non-winners of a three-year-old stakes of tional to start; ,000 added, of which 00 to to be announced three days before the race. ,500 value, 7 lbs.; maidens, 15 lbs. One Mile the second and 00 to the third horse. A win- A winner of any race after the weights are and a Sixteenth. ner of a stakes to carry 3 lbs. ; of two posted to carry 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. j ADDED MONEY AND FULL VALUES IN CASH. HANDICAPS WITH 00 TO ,000 ADDED. SPECIAL NOTICE No entry yill bo received for any of these stakes except upon this condition: cnUADH IACDCD c: -.t-c --. T ITSai" ail dlspukeS, claims and oojections arising out of the racing, or with reapecc to the interpretation V J- r LJ frtlr E,rX, secretary, a. r- of the conditions of any stakes, shall be decided by a majority of the Racing Stewards present, or those ... -n-n T . . T11 whom they may appoint, and their decision upon all points shall bo final. Koom dU, 17U Ji.. Madison bt., Chicago, III. SPRING MEETING tTQDT T7TTT TflPlTPV PT TTD SUMMER MEETING JUNE 6 TO JUNE i 9 !HJjJJjUi.l UUUIYJU I UJJUjJ BEGINS AUGUST 3 CHICAGO v Stakes for Spring and Summer Meetings 1903. Entries Close Wednesday, February 18. Added Money and Full Values in Cash. Handicaps with 00 to ,000 Added. Tho Uarlom Hafinnal Handicap. Value 0,- five races of any value or of one race of the value of races of the value of 30 each in 19DI allowed 3 winners of a race of the valno of 00 that have not IIIC nailCIII nailUliai 00o. A handicap for three- ,500 allowed 5 lbs.; of , 8 lbs. ; of 00, 12 lbs. ; lbs. ; of one such, 5 lbs. ; of any race of the valus.of won three races allowed 3 lb3.; two races, albs.- year-olds and upward. Entrance 5 each, and 50 of 00, 15 lbs. One mile. 00 in 1933, 8 lbs. Maidens allowed 12 lbs. To be maidens, 10 lbs ; maidens that have ran in a stakes each for starters, 0 forfeit, or only 0 if declared Tl Aii-lii, Selling, ,500 Added. Value run Saturday, June 13. One and one-eighth miles, and not bean placsd ia such, 13 lbs. Five furloags. out by April 6, 1903. Guaranteed value, 0,000, of MIC MU5UII Est. ,400. For thres-year-olds and Thp RjuproHp Selling, ,500 Added. Value Tha Yniinacrar ,500 dded Value est S3 - which ,400 to second and 00 to third horse. Pall npward. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional to "13 HlVBlSMB Edt m For thrae-year-olds in8 iQUlUSlSI 2;0. For two-yaar-olds foals of values to be paid in cash by the Harlem Jockey starti 50o added, of which 00 to second and foals of 19D0. Entrance 0 oach; 0 additional 1931. Entrance 0 each; S5J additional to start. Club. Weights to be announced March lb, ,1903. A 150 to third horse. The winner, unless otherwise to start. ,503 added, of which 30 to second and ,503 adied, of which 03 to second and 50 to winner after the announcement of weights or two stipulated when named to start, to be sold at aac- 50 to third horse. The winner to ba sold at auc- third horse. A winner of stakes of the valus of races of the value of ,n00 each or one of U to tioa- Horses entered not to be sold to carry 5 lbs. tion. Horses entered to be sold for ,000 to carry ,203 to carry 3 lbs.; of two sach stakes or of ouo of carry 4 lbs.; of two of 000 each or one of ,000,7 above the scale. Those entered to bo sold for ,500 scale weight; 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,030; the value of ,000, 5 lbs.; of three or more stakas of lbs. ; of three of 2,C0O each or two of 0,CO0 or one of to carry weight for age; 3 lbs. allowed for each then 1 lb for each 00 to ,030; thin 2 lbs. for each the value of 33 each or of one of the vaiu? of ,000, 12 lbs. extra. For horses handicapped at 115 00 to ,C00; then 1 lb. for each 00 to 00. A 00 to 00. A winner, after March 31, of a race of ,033, 8 lbs. extra. Noa-winnors of a race of the to 121 lbs., these penalties shall apply to the extent wiuner after March 1, 1903, of a race of the value of the value of ,930 to be entered for not less than value of 0 that hava not won five races allowed 12 of one-half only; for those handicapped at 1-2 to ,20C to be entered for not less than ,500. Start- ,200. Starters, with selling prices, mast be named lbs.; three races, 5 lbs.; two races, 8 lbs maiiens 127 lbs., to the extent of one-quarter only, ana erS with seniug pricss, mast be named through through entry box at the usual hoar of closing the 13 lbs.; maidens beaten four or more times, 13 lbs! horses handicapped at 1-8 ids. or over snail incur entry box at the usual hour of closing tho day pre- day preceding the race, and thosa so named will ba Five f arlongs. no penalties. For 3-year-oldE 1 the penalties shall ceding the race, and those so named will ba liable liable for starting fee. Oae mile, -i,, n,..;. 3m,, 41 r.nn n 1 v 1 aSrttoTSiZZSriZf Sd fr BtartiDg fe- ne and Qe-sifcf ath mileS- l500 Adllea- t.VK. For andB PfOVISO IS1? pJr ?w-Sold. Sals One Una and tta three six The 1118 Pfitite BIllC SStSlS jl. g.-j-. p-.iy Handicap 000 Alded. two-year-old fillies foala of 1931. Ea- of 1931. Eitranca each;0 Mti aal to sVar teentns miles. a.! i UOIUBII UllJ Value Est, ,70. A handicap trance 0 each; 0 additional to start. ,503 ,503 added, of wnich to sac jnd an 1153 to The 20th GeiltlirV iV , ? for th"o-rear-olds and upward. Entranae 0 each; added, of which 00 to second and 53: ta third third horsa. Horses entered to be sold for,003to iUC ZUUI U6HIUIJ Valae est. 7,700. A handicap $;o additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 horse. A winner of a stakes of the value of ,030 carry scale wait; 2 lbs. allow3d for eac-i 3 to for throq-year-olds and upward. Jintrancaalooacri, to sec0nd and 03 to third horse. Weights to ba to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or of one of the ,0U0; then 1 lb. for each 03 to 03. A winuer of 25 additional tp start. S-iadded, of which ?7UU announced three days before the day appointed for value of ,703, a lbs. ; of three or more stakes of the a race of the value of ,133 to be entered for not to second and 00 to third horso. Weights to be the race. A winner of other than a selling parse value of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non-wiuners of a less than ,633. Starters, witii selling prices mast announced three days before the aay appointed ior race after tho announcement of weights to carry 5 race of the value of 30 that have not won throo be made through entry box at theusuil hour if the race. A winner of other than a selling pnrsa lbs. extra. Six furlongs. races allowed 3 lbs.; two rases, 5 lbs.; maidens, 10 closing the day pracading the race, aui thiseso race after the announcement L"SJ8A-car -t fca U I ouic thrlr ,003Added. Valuaost. I03-? maidens that have run in a stakes and not namid will ba liable fjr starting fee. Fivoaudone- uuUUUO lbs. extra. .To be run Monday, September . One B Ni, LBWIS UlaIKj3M For three-year-olds b"a Placed in such, 13 lbs. Four and one-half half furlongs. and three-sixteenths miles.. foals of 1900. Entrance 0 each; 5 additional furlongs. f. . Handicap, ,500 Added. Value Thn PhinQfrr. ,000 Added. Value Est. ,5C0. to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and Thp firaHliafP .50D Added. Value est. ,033. "jJUiUUi ost. ,2KJ. A handicap f ir two-vear- llib ullSbdgu, por three-year-olds and upward. 00 to third horse. Weights 5 lba. below the scalo. 1 110 olauualci For two-year-old colts and geldings olds foals of 1931. Entrance 0 each- $ addi- EntraDce0each; 0 additional to start. ,000 A winner of a three-year-old stakes of the value of foals of 1901. Entrance 0 each; 0 additional tional to start. ,500 added, of which 00 to added, of vhirh ?T0 to sccord rvd to third ,0C0 after March 15 to carry 3 lbB. ; of two such to start. ,500 added, of which 00 to second and second and 50 to third horse. Weights to be horse. A winner after March 1, 1903, of a stakes of stakes or of one of ,500 after March 15, 5 lbs. ; of 50 to third horse. A winner of a stakos of the announced three days before the day appointed for the valuo of ,C00, or of throe stakes of tho value of three or more three-yoar-old stakes of the value of value of ,000 to carry 3 lbs.; of two such stakes or the race. A winner of other than a selling purse ,CC0 each to carry 5 lbs. extra selling stakes not ,C00 each selling stakes accepted after March 15, of one of the value of ,700, 5 lbs.! of threo or more race after the announcement of the weights to carry considered. Non-winners after March 1, 1903, of 8 lbs. extra. A non-winner of two three-year-old stakes of the value of ,000 each, 8 lbs. extra. Non- 5 lbs. extra. Six furlongs. 3 Entrance fees muBt accompany nominations. Entry blanks may be had upon application to the Secretary, or to the office of Daily Racing Form. Address nominations and all communications to , f M. Nathanson, Secy, 815 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg., Chicago.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1903020801/drf1903020801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1903020801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800