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ISSUED EVERY DAY, DAILY RACING FORM PUB, CO, PUBLISHERS OF WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB BULLETIN. EDITOB AMD PHOPBIETOR, F. H. BBUNBLIi, ASBOOIATK SDITOH. OLIKTOS 0. HlIjlJT, Bkoeetabt, Maa. F. H. Bsdhbll, Satared In tho Poit Offict at Chicago at second slasi mattar, Si-128 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS X Dally BofUetlon of tho American Tnrf by Talegraph. COPYRIGHTED Entered acc6rding to Act of Congress, in the year 1903, b7 Frans H. Brnntll, In tho offlca of tha librarian of Congress at "Washington, D. O., The Wart and indaz nnmboro and track form of 34.ILT Eaoikg Fobh must not ba used. Thoy Ut copyrightod daily and will ba keanly pro-aatad. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. Sdbsoeiptiohb Mdbt bk Paid ih Adyahoe. TERMS: Par Month 3 Half Year OneYaar - M-00 abova rates ara for singlo copies as sealed letters first-class mail, Gaily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send singla copies as first-class mail in all cases. Lsoal subscriptions outside the down town district will be declined at other than first-class vail matter rates, to ba considered and answered all queries to Dailt Raging Foem mnst be sent over tho full nams and with the address of tho writer. Those nams and addresses are subject to n local and foreign directory test. . St. IiOuis, Ido., ujtiob 19 N. Beoadwat, Babh- WENT. 31. MUBPHT, AGENT. On Balk at 8 :S0 a.m. Gaily Racing Form can ba dalivored to any address in Bt. Louis. Back nnmbors can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can bo left a. tho BV. Louis office for telegraphic transmission. Detroit Omens 139 Geiswold Stbskt, Frank E. McDonald, Ao.en-. On SALE at 9 :00 a.m. Cincinnati, O. W. 8. Manns. General Agent. It Memphis, Tenn.j R, M. Mansfobd Co, , H. Clabke and BbOi At Hot Springs, Ark. : F. C. Boving, 418 Centbal Avenue. At New Orleans, La. : H. J. Holle, 641 Commercial Place. Thomas F. Gessnkb, 108;Bt. Charles Steeet At Buffalo, N. Y. : New Tifft House. It Butte, Mont. : Keefe Bros., Post Office News Btand. At Milwaukee, Wis. : Plankinton Hotel News Stand. Frank Mulkern, 3rd and Grand Avenue. At Toronto, Ont. : George McSweenet, Iroquois Hotel. G. T. Pendebgabt. Palmes House. Chicago, Illinois, February 20. 1903.