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LOCAL FORM BOOKS. Sheets for pocket form books of local racing can be found at the following Hotels and Newsstands at 9 oclock nightly: Auditorium Hotel, Victoria Hotel, Wellington Hotel, Gt. Northern Hotel, Saratoga Hotel, Palmer House, Grand Pacific Hotel, Sherman House, Windsor-Clifton Hotel, Majestic Hotel, 22 Quincy Street, R. M. Guthru, 853 Van Buren Street, Gores, 365 W. Madison Street, H. Fash, 516 W. Madison Street. J. J. Bastain. 989 W. Madison Street, Fitzpatrick, 154* E. 22nd Street, Dusenbery, 105 E. 18th Street. AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL" " The American Sporting Manual of 1902 contains all the racing at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1902; five handicapping systems with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmaking percentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the ZwSIS. e™- s,caIe of weights, tablea showing the comparative speed of tracks thS racing statistics of 1902, giving S wSn by owners and horses and jockey record, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1902 of on£i?°i?s+equence tpttln* and pacing records tl«U«fI«2 nCT?,and a llst °,f the new 2:15 teoS and,of 1902-J.AJso a complete record of performances at all styles of billiards.