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NOTICE. Persons transacting business with this newspaper are earnestly requested to make out all drafts, checks or money orders uniformly to the order of Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. Similarly correspondents and other persons who may have occasion to communicate with Daily Racing Form on matters pertaining to such topics as are treated in its columns should invariably address Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1902 contains all the racing at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1902; five handicapping systems with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmaking percentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the western and eastern scale of weights, tables showing the comparative speed of tracks, the racing statistics of 1902, giving amounts won by owners and horses and jockey record, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1902 of any consequence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2:15 trotters of 1902. Also a complete record of performances at all styles of billiards. L. E. SlossonandOo. EXPERT HANDICAPPERS Sheet on sale at Palmer House, Sherman House, Saratoga and Morrison Hotels. TERMS: .00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY. Yesterday we gave to our patrons : Lucy E. S., special, 7-5, won Beau Ormonde, 7-5, won The winner of The Metropolitan Handicap Gunfire, 2-1. Jerry Lynch, 7-2. Guaranteed Special. Established 1890 Before the public every day. We Never ftlis- represent LUCY E. S., 7-5, WON. ST LOUIS: 6US HEIDORN, 3-1, WON. P0URQU0I PAS, 4-i, 2ND. Our clients profited on the , above yesterday. TODAYS SPECIAL will be at least 4 to 1 and win galloping REYNOLDS and CO*. 119 Dearborn Street. DO MADGE 8 to I SENSATION THURSDAY AT WORTH. Go to the "limit, will deliver sure, our advice to hundreds of patrons. Gunfire, certainty; Sovereign, Beau Ormonde, Satire, Father Wentker, Blanco, Rapid Water, Palmbearer, Ascot, Mary Glenn, Lampoon* Sweetie, Lou Rey, Jerry Lynch, Maggie Leeber,. all heavy EXTRAS win and place. Watch Fridays Sensation at Worth 4 to 1 EXTR V, SECOND RACE. 10 to 1 ftXTRA, SIXTH RACE. and 3-HORSE 8AF15 SPECIALS. ~I wire EXTRAS aDywhoro in TJ. S. and Canada on receipt of WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION .50. Full sheets and specials on Worth and all tracks on sale at 11 sharp. PRICE 50c DAILY, .50 WEEKLY. On sale at Saratoga, Palmer House, Sherman, Kuntz-Remmlers both places, Berghoff, Grand Pacific and news stands Madison, Clark and Washington streets. R. L. Gibsons Pal5TirYeSaprerl 130 Dearborn St., Suite 316. Third Floor, Phone 183 State. Watches Diamonds R.J.TRUMBULL 806, 103 STATE ST., - - CHICAGO, j SOLE AGENTS Split, Stop and Repeating Watches We have experienced workmen. We fill orders promptly. Will Be at Track Two Mornings Each Week A FAIR DEAL is one which proves profitable to all parties concerned, and I know I can give you a "fair deal" if you are interested in the Louisville and later the Latonia races. Through the position I hold, and my connections with the racing people, I frequently hear of "good things." that are out to win. Ill send these to you if you will mail me yonr address and agree to bet for me. NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED. I trust to your honor to accept my telegrams which will reach you collect shortly after noon day of race. Treat me fair and you wont regret it. ADDRESS FRANK L WARING Care W. U. Telegraph Co., Louisville, Ky. Reliable Parties who are in a position to place a bet on something good— WHEN IT 18 GOOD— can secure some satisfactory information occaesionally on the Chicago races by communicating with DANIEL STOKER, 4.82.6 IcNHD/ui.A: