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MONTHLY FORM BOOK. The Form Book for April Is ready for saler and includes the racing of May 2. Paper cover, ?L00; leather cover. JL50. has just cosed for the players of the INFALLIBLE! SYSTEM copyrighteo, Eech week thoy get the money, and they hav« hoen winnicgeach week since the opening at BENNINGS. Have you done the same? If not you should at once become interested in the only system ever invented that will win on.* a small capital. Skeptics can eaeily be convinced when once they see winning results week after week. If you play the eystsm you are bound to make MONEY. The percentage of chance is in. your favor, therefore you are bound to WIN. This is a gold mine for players that are satisfied with ONE or TWO plays a day. Some days there are no-plays If you are a loser get your money back, which you can do by playing the INFALLIBLE SYSTEM. No system ever invented can show-as good result* on so small a capital as this, system do»s. This wonderful system has received; nothing but favorable comments from those, who have operated it with great success. Dc* you know that losing is impossible, because the-capital is surrounded with so many safeguards, and: gives only an average of nine plays a week, and produces winners at remunerative odds3 It guards tigainst persons overbetting themselves, atd the selections are not baEed on jockeys, weights, odds., trpek conditions, distances, favorites, etc., and no-doubling, handicapping or "doping" is required. It can be operated with a small capital eitner at the. track, pool room or with a handbook. We will lay $.! 00 against av«ry S500 that you put up that this; eystem will end the fall Bonnings meeting a big winner. It will cost you nothing to investigate this system, and we refund your purchase money afier-30 dajs trial if a loss can ba *hown. Send for our "NEW BOOKLET," which is mailed free, and the, system will be explained to you, and what it does, showing past results. Address INFALLIBLE SYSTEM GmmrY. 4183 S. Halsted St,, - Chicago, HF-r FUTURE BOOKS ON Suburban, and th* Tho Harlem NationaS. Handicap! WBIT2! FOB QUOTATIONS, tone DUtvincA Phones* VntvJfc 02X and IK*. | LEXINGTON I 88NDST.AND MICHIGAN BLVD. 5 C H I C A G O I High Class European. Absolutely Fireproof. Bates: .00 Per Day and Up. With Bath : .00 Per Day and Up. Special rates during racing ssason, convenient to transportation to all tracks. GEO. B. BOSS, Proprietor.