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ST. I.OUIS KNTK1ES. Probabilities : Weather cloudy ; track fast. •Apprentice allowance. ©Huns well in mud. Flist Race— 3-4 Wile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, lad. Horses, color, sex and pedigree Wt. Hdcp. 391133Kings Pet ► •• 7..109 ....700 39G51 One More 5.. 109 ....710 39579 Wiedemann «£.. 6.. 109 ....715 1G559 May Tavis 6.. 107 ....705 3S5S93Ben Hullum 4.. 107 ....720 396492George Fabb 4. .104 ....700 396543Clinton B G..104 ....700 39550 Herodes 4.. 102 ....705 3SS94 Landseer ./,. 4.. 102 ....715 39579 Intent 6..102 ....710 S95S23Dr. Kammerer i .. 3.. 101 ....705 Harplithe, b. f, by Aero-lithe — Kate Harper 3.. 94 3SSS9 Goudy 3.. 91 ....725 39649*Sabinal 3.. 86 ....705 3S745*Hook Se Oka 3.. 84 ....700 Second Race— 5 1-3 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Bel Coer, b. c, by Carlsbad— Semper dOr 10S 39G272Mafalda 105 ....715 39G02 Check Morgan »f ..105 ....710 39650Miss Crawford .- 105 ....725 39G023Don Alvaro 103 ....720 39G02 Old Stone *..103 ....715 39G02 Loniana 100 ....700 39G50 St. Agnes II 100 ....710 39G022Matt Wadleigh ►fr.-lOO ....705 39G25 Folies Bergeres 100 ....710 39578 Don OHigh 100 ....700 Third Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward, Soiling. Cnd, Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 393G7 Pierce J. ►£ .. 4.. 108 ....715 39582*Pharoah ►£«.. G..107 ....720 3960G Dawson ►£ .. 4.. 105 ....710 3S633 The Fiddler 5.. 104 ....690 39649 Socapa ►*«.. 5.. 104 ....695 39552 Eocrys : 5.. 104 ....700 39C0GsTammany Chief * .. 5..104 ....705 39G512Venus Victrix 4. .103 ....710 39G053Sardian 3. .103 ..k.695 39365 Second to None 6.. 102 ....690 390S9Kisme 9.. 102 ....725 39582 Eugenia S 7. .101 ....705 39278 Tony Lepping 4.. 99 ....715 39577 Kubelik 3.. 93 ....C95 39G54 Mrs. Wiggs 3.. 89 ....700 Fourth Race— 1 1-3 Miles. The St. Louis Derby. ,000 added. 395SG Claude ..125 ....735 396172Au Revoir 119 ....750 39553 Jack Young »fi..ll9 730 39G52fMonsieur Beaucaire 119 ....740 39534 Lendin 115 ....705 395803Deutschland ►£..115 ....730 39G53Bas dOr r --112 ....735 39G173Manru 110 ....720 39G532tSioux Chief ..110 ....730 |W. W. Darden and Co. entry. Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 30 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 39G043Lady Strathmore 5. .115 ....750 39G29 Maud Gonne 5.. 112 ....735 39G29Taby Tosa 4..103 ....740 39G78 W. B. Gates 7.. 99 ....725 395533Edgardo ►£ .. 6.. 99 ....730 39629 Macy 9.. 90 ....725 39337 Petti john 3.. 90 ....730 39G29 Prince Richard 6.. 88 ....735 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, 39G03 Hilee 7. .111 ....725 39340s Jake Weber 6.. 107 ....715 36357 Kings Court 4.. 107 ....700 39630 Aules 4.. 105 ....710 39556 Sweet Dream 5.. 103 ....720 39630 Vestry 3.. 96 ....715 390S8 Bear Creek 3.. 92 ....705 3960G2*Chickasha 3.. 85 ....700 Seventh Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 39551 Joe Goss 6. .117 ....705 39G03 Lynch 4. .107 ....690 39552 Broodier 4.. 107 ....695 39432*Dr. Scharff 4.. 106 ....710 39G30 Dr. Burns 4.. 104 ....710 39492*Tempt ►£«.. 5.. 104 ....715 39579-Dr. Clark 6.. 104 ....715 39G7G2*Orleans ►!«.. 5.. 102 ....715 39340 Style 3. .102 ....705 39628*Flckle Saint 5. .102 ....700 39577Sceptre 3.. 99 ....725 39243Lady Vashti 3.. 96 ....700 395772Flash of Night 3.. 96 ....700 395773*Maverick 3.. 95 ....720 39523 Dotty Shute 3.. 94 ....705