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MAY REACH AMICABLE AGREEMENT. Hot Springs, Ark., January 8. It is expected that the trouble over racing date for Oaklawn and Essex Iark will lie adjusted some time this week. Dan Stuart, who is interested with John Condon Iu the ownership of Oaklawn is due here in a day or two for a meeting with Sheriff Williams aud the owners of Essex Park. The Essex -Park people want an equal division of dates about twenty days at each track beginning from February 17. This is the date on which Oaklawn Park has declared, under the Western Jockey Club allotment, to open for thirty-one days or more. The citizens do not want a clash of dates here and it is expected that Sheriff Williams, who is supreme in these parts, will be asked to prevent such a thing. The sheriff, however, recently announced that he would not interfere In the racetrack troubles unless there sjiould be a violation of the state, county or city laws.