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MAY BE STAR SOME DAY. Washington. D. C. April 11. — lusti.e Gould, of the District Supreme Court, has made it possible for Raymond T. Bligh. thirteen aud a half years! old. lo be a jockey. The lad is an orphan and has n properly, and his sisler, Catharine Hartnett, asked that she be appointed his guardian so that he might be apprenticed lo Henry McCarthy, an owner and trainer of horses, who wanted lo hire him. The court appointed her guardian and authorized her lo make a contract with Mr. McCarthy by which her ward is apprenticed to him for five vears. Fnder the proposed contract the boy is to receive $."" per month the first year. 0 the second, fU the third. 5 the fourth, and KM the filth year. iu addiliou lo his board, clothing, tuition and fees for riding haraeaa other than those of his employer.