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DAILY RACING FORM issit:d every day. Olillt RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Publishers of THE AMERICAN TURF ASSOCIATION CALENDAR Official organ of TUB AMERICAN TUB* ASSOCIATION. A Dally Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Iroprletor, F. H. P.runell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. 1. II. Brunell. 124 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. Entered In the Post Office at Chicago a* second class matter. SINGLE COPIES I CENTS. TERMS. Per Month $ 1.50 Halt Year 9 00 one Year 17.00 ill.- above ratal Bie for single copies as sealed let tcrs--lirst class mail. Dally Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as in t class ■ail In all cases. Local subscript ions outside the down town district- Will be declined at other tiiaa lirst class mall mailer rales. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. To be considered and answered, all queries to Daily H:tciiig Form must Ik* sent over the full name and with address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory teat ST. LOUIS. MO., OFFICE, 19 NORTH BROADWAY. If. T. Murphy, General Agent. Local and Long Distance Olive 1188. Rack numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI, O.. OFFICE, 7 EAST SEVENTH ST. W. S. Manns. General Agent. Telephone Canal 1:527-Y. Ra-k tinmbers and monthlies supplied. BUFFALO. N. Y.: K. .1. Sciilotihcrg, Elllcott Square. BDTTB, MONT.: Keefe Pros., Post Office News-Btand. 0LKVELAND, OHIO: N Bcj ier. BBS J-oiiii Street. DAYTON, OHIO: Algonquin Hotel Newsstand. DENVER COLO.: Kendiick Rook Co., 906112 Seventeenth Street. DETROIT. MICH.: 1.. Grosscnp, 72 V. Congress Street, T?l. hialn, 3392. Cop Ira delivered within mile circle. HOT BPBINGS, AUK.: !•. c. Bovine, 4ls Central Avenue. Jl. c Weaver .V: Co., opp. Arlington Hotel. INDIAN IND.: L. Deadlier, 11 North Illinois Street. .1. 1. Steinberg;, Terminal Station. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Itlckaecker Cigar and News Company, Ninth and Walnut Streets. LOl ISVII LP. KY.: lias. T. Bearing, 3BB Fourth Avenne. MEMPHIS, TBNN.: R. M. Manaford * Co. K. II Clarke 6 Pro. Peabody Hotel Newsstand. MILWAUKEE, WIS.: Prank Mulkern, Third and Grand Avenne. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.: M. J. Kavanagh, BO South Third Street. NASHVILLE, TBNN.: Duncan Mote. Zib.irt Broa . 218 North Cherry Street. NEW old. PANS. LA.: o. R. Hill. Kis st. Charles Street. Tims. McOormlck, 1H» Raronne Street. c. B. si. mil. Exchange Place. John Oonnlff, St. Charles Hotel Newsstand. Nl Br YOBK CITY: Astor House, 223 Broadway. POBTLAND, ORE.: Oregon News Company. BAN EBANCISCO, CAL.: etaater iV Orear, Market Street Ferry Newsstand. BRATTLE, WASH.: Wilson McVej cv Co., MM Occidental Avenne. SPOKANE, WASH.: Shaw -Gordon Company. TOLEDO, OHIO: The Turf. 142 North St. Clair Street. TORONTO. INT.: Joseph McLacblln, Iroquois Hotel. C. It. Partner. Palmer House. P.. McRntee, 2S Queen Street, East. F. J. Roy. 127 Ray Street. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. APBIL V2. HOT.