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NO VACANT STALLS AT BALTIMORE. Maryland Jockey Club Anticipates Its Banner Meeting at the Old Pimlico Track. Baltimore. Md., April 12. The spring meeting of the Mankind Jockey Cluh, which will begin al the famous old Iimlico race course a week from tomorrow, promises to excel any of the several nicelings that have been held under the auspices of the present management. In former years the opening al Baltimore cants immiNliately after Unclose, of Benning. but this year there is an Interval of one week for the purpose of giving Aimuduet. with its new steeplechase field, a chance to get of the tempers and thus give the metropolitan racegoers Interesting erooo-canntry racing at the very beginning of the season. In this particular branch of Ihe sport Iimlico can compare favorably with any track in the country. Had the opening been set for Monday next, he stables containing junipers would have journeyed from Benning to Iimlico. leaving a dearth of material for the New York track. Secretary Biggs and his associates did the eraeefnl thing and consented to postpone their opening to the end of the following week. Applications for stable room far exceed all record*. Every available stall at the track and within a mile of the track has been engaged for some time back. Iu this sggrcgathm of material will be found representatives from stables that heretofore confined their operations solely to the big tracks. This means encooragentenl for those in charge of the meeting and guarantees to the nubile a chUS of racing far better than one usually finds off the regular circuit, of the staUes that have been racing at Benning. mole than 73 per cent, will conic over to Iimlico. To this material a score or more of stables that ue son on their way from California, New Orleans, Kentucky. Hot Springs and oilier points will be added. Anions the latter division will be the string of Dick Watkins. including flavigny. Belle BtrOOSC and six others; Dan T. Morris, with twelve: Tiirnec Bio-.. of Paris. Ky.. who developed the Suburban winner. Tillo. and the crack steeplechaser. Dr. Catlett; W. H. Short, whom colors have been to the fore repeatedly during the pant winter at New Or Irons, I. L. Barthe, whose filly. Dew of Dawn, many rated next behind Moilie Montrose and Nota -nu.i among the two-year-oeas at New Orleans: J. f. Newman, who is bringing on Don Domo. the gray sprinter, which ran to his liest form at Aseoi Bark: C. B. Mahone. who prepared Thistle Do and others of his string at lbu Springs; Allen Mehlc. with Llfall. a castoff of the Brown stable, which was a stake winner at New Orleans, and a number o| oilier- new in these parts Ihe management has made extensive improve menls for he convenience of ils patrons. A spaciou-ncw betting iuclo-iMe ha- been built just back of the grandstand. It i- l 00 fed oqaare, open on all sides and i- well lighted and will give the public and Ihe la.xcrs more chance to get around in coin foil. During the winter Special attention was given to the Steeplechase coarse and expert- have -taled thai ii i- now one of Ihe In—I ill the entire country. Sib - Veitch recently declared that he would rather ride over the Iimlico course than any other he had seen. The main track, too, is greatly impiovcd. Superintendent Brennaa declares that then is no track in ihe country that i- safer or iii better condl lion. A brown tilly in the Stable of K. Madi-on Mitchell worked a ipiartcr in 0:2;; on the track when it was far from being in its best condition. A schooling ground has been provided iu the held beyond the paddock, which means that the traiiicr-ean regularly work their hones at all boon Heretofore thej have been compelled, as they are al others track-, to restrict their use of the temps to certain days and mwilfled boms. Bd 1 roller, who has never raced east, has a-ked for stable room for tilleeii hor-cs. It was inipo- -ii.le to promise him aeommodatioaa, but n snTJims is he t come that he ha- Inulitlcd a represents live to secure, if possible, a barn within any reasonable distance of the Iimlico course. Kliner WiL-on. Starter Dades assistant, arrived Wednesday and has a gate iu operalion every morn ing to school horses. mt Bade i- at Henderson Ky., resting alter a long winter sessiou. He will arrive Ihe middle of next week. fOCkey Joe Johnaon will ride the horses of Woods Garth during the Iimlico meeting. Johnson, who is under contract to T. L. Msill. will go to A.pieduct to ride Malacca ill the Carter Handicap anil will 01 mm- to Baltimore after filling that engagement. I fee will al-o be at Iimlico under the manage ment of Mr. Mannix.